<<@mitchrichards1532 says : All the best jobs in Russia are in the military-industrial complex, the country is geared for wartime production, they are financing it and using up financial reserves. They aren't putting anything into civilian infrastructure, civilian industry, and foreign investment is gone. For oil and gas sales they lost their high paying European customers and replaced them with low paying Indian and Chinese buyers, so their making a lot less money. So what happens if peace breaks out??? Military equipment doesn't have a civilian application and there's no return on investment. If the war ends soon the Russian economy is totally F'd. Russia can't afford for this war to keep going, but also isn't prepared for it to end. I don't know how this ends for Ukraine, but the West is guaranteed a strategic victory on par with the end of the Cold War. A broke Russia with lower income, a shattered army with outdated equipment, no blue water navy, and no homegrown technology sector, isn't going to threaten anyone West of Ukraine for a very long time.>> <<@Johnny53kgb-nsa says : I would think before the Russian economy would totally collapse that higher ups in Russia would unite and give Putin the boot. Which would be a good thing.>> <<@CarlEllison-s9z says : Gonzalez Dorothy Hernandez Angela Lopez Jennifer>> <<@alex990ism says : if ukraine produces its own weapons with its own money then it should have all the freedom it wants to do with those whatever it seem fit, ultimately it's not the wests responsabality for ensuring ukraines safety, thats ukraines responsability, the west has done more for ukraine than any other country in history, 250 bil dollar in aid along with full polititcal and economic support, plus all those sanctions. again, if ukraine wants to do whatever it wants in terms of military campaigns, then by all means, produce your own weapons with your own money, otherwise, i think it's reasonable for western powers that are basicly keeping ukraine on life support to have a say in the avoidance of a world war when it's weapons and money is used, but i do agree that the west is to afraid of russias collapse, which is grosly overestimated in it's impact on the global dynamic, russias collapse will benefit first and foremost russia in the medium and long term, most of whats displayed in terms of outcome of regime collapse and change and regress to warlord mode from moscow is just a facade of irationality and unpredicatbility, the russian aparatciuk is very cynical and pragmatic, and given the oportunity to somewhat reform and integrate into the west, they will take it if a few key players are no longer in power, you will find that most in higher circles don't like the effects of the war and want a stable enviroment where to do business and pillage the resources in peace, like how the westerners conduct themselfs, but that means that they have to be a colaborative member with a certain role for the western comunity, like all countries are, wich is where i think its the main negotiation point of the war, basicly, you bend a knee and kiss the ring of the emperor in exchange for an obscene level of abundance and wealth and freedom, wich, that tiny loss of sovereignity doesn't seem to go well to the the ultrasensitive traumatized idots that don't want to feel dominated in the slightest bit. but what choice do they have? current russian elite doesn't seam to realize that to be a superpower you actually have to improve the lives of billions in one way or the other like the us, china the eu and the ussr do and did, but with just nukes, and leeching of the 140 mil anorexic sheep in russia, doesn't really elevate you to a global true voice for something meaningfull , or something at all for that matter>> <<@rajkumarpardeshi-n9c says : what if trump win election then ........Ukraine bye bye>> <<@baneta1 says : All the laughter is kinda irritating, not a funny subject>> <<@ImTheDudeMan471 says : And in the end, there will be less young men to rebel against Putin>> <<@cheshirekittinz17 says : Russia went from the 7th largest economy to the 11th largest economy, just last year alone the Russian economy dropped by 2% and the year after that and the year after that and will continue until Putin is no longer the enemy.>> <<@raydunn2582 says : It's unfortunate about the language problem. The gentlman guest hardly got a word in edgewise. He may of had something useful to say. We may never know.>> <<@sebastianthomsen2225 says : ✌😊SLAVA 🔱🌻UKRAINE! 💙💛 #CRUZZHIA 🤣😂>> <<@kennethvenezia4400 says : It would have been nice to hear ALL of the panelists. WOW!>> <<@kennethvenezia4400 says : I bet that widow money is going to stop showing up back home. There will be glitches, no body, can't pay, captured will be labeled as deserters and we don't pay. All sorts of scams will keep the government from paying out>> <<@สมหญิงหญิง says : ballistic missile และ icbm มีแค่ระบบ thaad เท่านั้น_ที่จะยิงสกัดได้_ราคาลูกละ 800ล้านบาท_(patriot ลุกละ 100-200ล้านบาท_ยิงไม่โดน_/_สหรัฐ_ต้องส่ง thaad มาให้ยูเครน/_ต้องมีการอัพเกรด_ไม่ให้หลงเป้าหลอก/เป้าลวง EW ของ iskander M /_เรื่องนี้_ไต้หวันต้องรู้(ต้องซื้อ thaad เพิ่ม)_ญี่ปุ่น(มีระบบaegisแล้ว)_นาโต้ต้องรู้(ส่วนเยอรมันรุ้แล้ว_ถึงไปซื้อจรวดต่อต้าน icbm จากอิสราเอล (จรวดarrow 3)>> <<@kcarter016 says : #crussia 😂>> <<@vsiegel says : Crushia, nice.>> <<@Catzilla931 says : But they are leaving many if not most on the battlefield and calling them MIA>> <<@marlenfras5490 says : Good reporting. Thank you. Strong Ukraine. Strong NATO. Strong Poland.>> <<@JesusUCSB says : hahah she cool!>> <<@christoft5468 says : Bidenis a nice guy who wants to do his best but doesn4t know how. Trump is nasty and will sell anybody and anything for personal gain. Be careful when you criticise Biden be careful what you wish for The sun will come out tomorrow and everything will be resolved but the current pain can always be replaced bby joy or agony. Trump is not consigned to Hell yet.>> <<@ThUnDaHuNtA_Australia says : an interesting and engaging discussion.... in her humble opinion the young lady has some extremely valid points and observations. crussia..... i like it.>> <<@TankandDimples says : That is because all of those countries are the good that came put of the fall of of the USSR. What about the Tajikistans, Azberijans, and Chechens...etc. China would become stronger because the fall of Siberia...so many things would go horribly wrong.>> <<@tashuntka says : Wow....the negative guy is very..negative in general 🤷... Just sayin....>> <<@alexvaningelghem3512 says : best talk-show ever seen from UATV E specially Henri with always the good dry humor keep on going that pad , also Julia is a very good talker !>> <<@lynnkropf7085 says : Crussia>> <<@ranieminam4193 says : CRASHSSIA>> <<@pauligrisan4865 says : Russia has begun using gold to pay for goods from China. 🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣>> <<@WonderMagician says : Russia moving into a death spiral with its "death economy".>> <<@jackray1337 says : I agree with most of what Julia said. I am in the southeast US and it is deeply frustrating that we block Ukraine from taking any action it sees fit to fight the war. Also, Crusha was funny.>> <<@HillelAlon says : I appreciate that she speaks American so well!!!>> <<@ninemoonplanet says : It won't be decades for Russian economy to sputter. Before 2014 the demographics for males in Russia was already thinning, partially due to the attacks on Chechnya, Georgia, Moldova and Afghanistan. Those losses of men in all of those is probably less than 10% of the losses in Ukraine, but those men were younger, working, frequently unmarried or with maybe two children. Putin's "request" to create hundreds of babies is quite simply unlikely, if not impossible. The impoverished people can't afford to have many children, the married couples are losing the "bread winner" to the conflict. Dead men don't create children.>> <<@CheeseLovingGuy says : Is there anything to like about Russia at all. Serious question>> <<@1Rene9Night5cart0 says : I am pro-Ukraine 100%, but as soon as the NWO installed a reanimated corpse, Traitor Joe Biteme, as USA Prez in 2020, Vlad the Terrible knew he could invade Sovereign Ukraine w/o much pre-emptive resistance. Biteme undiplomatically called Putin 'a Killer' in 2021. That is about the only thing he got right, as the most disastrous Prez in USA history.>> <<@chriskozma3507 says : No one is afraid of Russia, We'[re afraid of nuclear war>> <<@hbowman108 says : Telling women to have more children for the war effort is saying that the war will last eighteen years.>> <<@CRey-APROPOS says : Winter will be tough for Ukraine with a lot of electrical grid cut by Russian shelling and in Europe economically speaking the outlook is not good which helps Putin a lot since right wing parties are discussing financial support to Ukraine.>> <<@AldenStudebaker says : I love your frank discussion! BTW, Russia is not a Bugatti! It's a rusty Lada! I agree with you about my country's 🇺🇸 odd reluctance to say, "Hey, Ukraine, use those long-range missiles as you want to!" Then Russia becomes CRUSSIA! 😂>> <<@camdenmcandrews says : 10 extra points for "Krussia!">> <<@robertturner5848 says : Love this casual setting and relaxed style of this serious journalism. Fascinating guests and as always uatv rocks!>> <<@christopherellis2663 says : 2:22 bearing, not "birthing". To give birth to..., to bear...>> <<@PlanetFrosty says : Great discussion-Crushia!>> <<@ΣπυροςΚουγκουλης says : Who s the lady? Where is she from?>> <<@milangonda21 says : Lol #Crussia sounds awesome 🤣. Who´s that woman Julia? Her english is perfect, her speech is perfect she´s the best ukrainian presenter I´ve ever seen. She´s really boss as someone wrote here.>> <<@Nickwillfixit says : The world doe's not need Russia as now it has nothing to tribute to the world economy now so will never do so in the future, the west needs to let Russia sink or swim, and allow Ukraine to hit targets anywhere in Russia as they have proved that they do not do as pukin go for civilian and important infrostructure but does need to strike now not in 65 days after America has elected its new president hopefully not chimp sorry chump or is it trump, Harris is our best bet but the time line is going to hurt Ukraine giving pukin time to gain advances and advantages unless chimp is elected in then I really hope that my country "UK" and the rest of Europe and even NATO grows balls and steps in stop the fighting and let russia burn.>> <<@GotterVibez says : 600 k are not too many losses for a 144 milion population country.>> <<@eberg21955 says : the west had a chance in the 90's to help and we let them sink in ruin , why would they trust us now?>> <<@chillxxx241 says : I support Ukraine and want to learn more on the topic, but the young lady is incorrect in her assessment of why the world is slow to help Ukraine. Ukraine was neither a significant ally nor trade partner with the countries that are now supporting it. These countries are "unwinding" more than 30 years of investments in Russia since the fall of the USSR. Ukraine still even now doesn't buy much from anyone and relies on donations. Real people and businesses can't work on "promises" alone. They get real money and resources from Russia and very little from Ukraine in comparison. It's not fair, but it is the truth.>> <<@cfmpam498230 says : Actually, the US bubble only lasted for 9 yrs (last yr of Clinton & 8 yrs Baby Bush), and last yr of Bush, it popped !!! Help.for Russia will be very modest to keep russia from rearming and being able to invade other countries !!!>> <<@AstroGremlinAmerican says : Putin himself said that dying for Russia would give meaning to an alcoholic's life.>> <<@Ukie88 says : But is kremlin Inc paying the women out ?>> <<@yoda5565 says : Ahhhh...true love in Russia. No messy divorce, no lawyers and the government pays for the funeral. Kaah-ching 💰💰💰>>