<<@obiwan3993 says : Harris all the fucking way. Donate, volunteer and Vote. Time to save democracy.>> <<@salvadorgonzalez4929 says : Every body knows here in Mexico, EL MAYO ZAMBADA leader of NARCOS IN MEXICO & UNITED STATES did support Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Claudia SHEINBAUM, actual president and elected new president of Mexico,they RECEIVED money from Narco to support the mexican government with millions of extortions in every City and towns and the government will support the Narco in the traffick of drugs to the US COUNTRY, ussing the mexican armed forces, also in all the transfers OF MONEY OF THE NARCO, FROM THE US TO MEXICO, THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT get his major percentage of money and let the NARCO WASH THAT MONEY FREELY, both president and elected presidents MUST BE CONSIDERED TERRORISTS to the US COUNTRY, besides the objective they both have , to convert MEXICO IN A COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP, you have EL MAYO IN PRISON, please ask him, in orden to know the truth regards AMLO & Claudia SHEINBAUM, to put them in their right place, the JAIL FOR LIFETIME>> <<@salvadorgonzalez4929 says : Every body knows here in Mexico, EL MAYO ZAMBADA leader of NARCOS IN MEXICO & UNITED STATES did support Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Claudia SHEINBAUM, actual president and elected new president of Mexico,they RECEIVED money from Narco to support the mexican government with millions of extortions in every City and towns and the government will support the Narco in the traffick of drugs to the US COUNTRY, ussing the mexican armed forces, also in all the transfers OF MONEY OF THE NARCO, FROM THE US TO MEXICO, THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT get his major percentage of money and let the NARCO WASH THAT MONEY FREELY, both president and elected presidents MUST BE CONSIDERED TERRORISTS to the US COUNTRY, besides the objective they both have , to convert MEXICO IN A COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP, you have EL MAYO IN PRISON, please ask him, in orden to know the truth regards AMLO & Claudia SHEINBAUM, to put them in their right place, the JAIL FOR LIFETIME>> <<@thuhoai8798 says : The stupid Democratic Party criticized Mr. Trump for not handling Covid-19: it's childish because Covid is not caused by human factors or by Mr. Trump himself and the whole world has suffered many deaths! But the world's instability and war due to weak leadership are caused by humans, borders? Crime is caused by the government allowing them to enter! I live in Vietnam, Vietnamese people also see this!>> <<@ThickBanana says : It was a more energetic performance from Biden.>> <<@JomilaHak-b4u says : Robinson George Rodriguez Melissa Anderson Linda>> <<@ZxccQerty says : Tôi da' nghỉ' Ra môt Bô Tông" phanh kep' 4chiêc' banh Công Tac' Hinh chư T Đap' xuông Tảu Săn bay bât' kê thỏi tiêt nhu thê nảo ban luôn lả nguoi đông Hanh voi' Hang Hai" vả không quân kip thỏi chinh xac' nhât'..😂😊❤>> <<@NellieBaxter-s5v says : Lopez David Thompson Joseph Perez Patricia>> <<@NghiNguyen-zf4bu says : Obama , Hillary Clinton , Nancy Expelosive , Joe Rob Ballots , Karmara Horroris , Charles Q Brown , Lloyd Austin were announced Commands Suspend Ukraine use F16 Aircraft , ATACMS , STORM SHADOW do attack to Targets Strategy important inside Domain & Sea Area of Dictator Toxic Tyrant Tycoon Mafia Communist Socialism Racist Extreme Terror Russnazi. Ukraine only had License Self-Defense in Ukraine and Happened SYSTEM ROCKET PATRIOT MISTAKENLY SHOT Crashdown F16 Aircraft and Ukrainian Soldier Airforce Oleksiy Mes was Dead. Joe Rob Ballots GOV not yet and No ever want Ukraine win Russnazi invasion Make Ukraine become Collony of Russnazi and Genocide Ukrainians. Suspend Dictator Toxic Tyrant Tycoon Mafia Communist Socialism Racist Extreme Criminal War KGB Putin by Method France , German , Italia , USA Continue Bought OiL & Uranium of Russnazi.>> <<@wpietrus says : She will lose>> <<@WilsonWilliam-f4c says : Truly campaign money data could offer certain service from my hold on coming from my living place if I was keep paying eligible ads because i was>> <<@zalishalexsania9157 says : Kamala Haris i'am suport you ❤>> <<@NatPat-yj2or says : Look at Biden and his beady little evil eyes, completely detached from reality. Sickening.>> <<@cosago says : Liz Cheney says do not write anyone's name on your ballot on November 5, 2024 if you do not want to vote for Donald Trump. If you do that, it's like your vote will always be for Trump! So the only way to get Trump out is to VOTE for Kamala Harris💙🌹💙🌹>> <<@ta_thai_bao says : China thì đang dùng tin giả để tấn công vào quyền tự do ngôn luận của những nước tự do dân chủ và cả những nước mà anh ấy muốn thao túng Tin giả lại là nguồn gốc của mọi xung đột, bất ổn và nội chiến trên thế giới. Ông trump và Elon lại bao che cho tin giả và cho đó là quyền tự do ngôn luận, chẳng khác nào ông ấy đang tự hủy đất nước của mình, những nước đồng minh và cả những nước mà china đang muốn thao túng? Vậy thì tất cả những gì ông ấy hứa làm cho hòa bình thế giới còn có ý nghĩa gi? Có nhìu người nghĩ Chúa đã cứu ổng mà sao ko nghĩ đó là lời cảnh cáo của Chúa dành cho ổng?>> <<@horaciozapatacastillo6594 says : Who is Kamala Harris? 1. Biden appointed Kamala in March 2021 to be in charge of the southern border of the United States. During her administration, she has produced the largest immigration chaos in the history of this country, allowing the entry of more than 15 million illegal immigrants from all over the world, including gang members, criminals, thieves, rapists, pedophiles, etc., which has led to an increase in crime in the cities of this country. 2. The erratic economic policy developed by Kamala and Biden has produced the largest inflationary process in the last 50 years. After 3 and a half years of economic failure, she now wants to implement Venezuelan President Maduro's economic plan, which consists of price controls and food rationing. 3. Kamala opposes the use of this country's oil resources. This decision has caused the price of gasoline to double. 4. Kamala opposes the police receiving the necessary resources to keep criminals off the streets (she is the creator of the phrase "DEFUND THE POLICE) 5. Kamala promotes abortion in the third trimester, that is, from the sixth month to the ninth month, giving rise to the child being extracted and subsequently eliminated. (That is a crime) 6. Kamala supports the participation of men (transgender women) in women's sports) 7. She promotes the use of common bathrooms for men and women. The bathroom that a girl is using can be used by a man at the same time. 8. She opposes talking about Jesus Christ and reading the Bible in schools.>> <<@horaciozapatacastillo6594 says : Quién es Kamala Harris? 1._Biden en marzo del 2021 nombró a Kamala encargada de la frontera sur de los Estados Unidos, durante su gestión ha producido el cao migratorio mas grande en la historia de este país, permitiendo la entrada de mas 15 millones de inmigrantes ilegales de todas partes del mundo, incluyendo pandilleros, criminales, ladrones, violadres, pedofilos, etc. lo que ha dado lugar al aumento de la criminalidad en las ciudades de este país. 2. La política económica errática desarrollada por Kamala y Biden han producido el proceso inflacionario mas grande de los últimos 50 años. Después de 3 años y medio de fracaso económico, ahora quiere implementar el plan económico del presidente venezolano Maduro que consiste en el control de precio y racionalizar los alimentos. 3_Kamala se opone al uso de los recursos petroleros de este país. Esta decisión ha ocasionado que el precio de la gasolina se ha duplicado. 4._Kamala se opone a que la policìa reciba los recursos necesarios para mantener los delicuentes fuera de la calle ( ella es la creadora de la frase "DEFUND THE POLICE) 5._kamala promueve el aborto en el tercer trimestre, es decir del sexto mes al noveno mes, dando lugar a que el niño o niña pueda ser extraído y posteriormente eliminado. ( Eso es un crimen) 6._Kamala apoya la participación de hombres (mujeres transexual ) en los deportes de mujeres) 7. Promueve el uso de baños comunes para hombres y mujeres. El baño que una niña está usando puede ser usado por un hombre al mismo tiempo. 8._Se opone a que se hable de jesucristo y se lea la biblia en las escuelas.>> <<@pcj1934 says : Where has America, which taught India the lesson of democracy, gone on the genocide of Bangladeshi Hindus?>> <<@CarlPeter-o2d says : Lopez Michael Miller Eric Smith Shirley>> <<@ZxcDfg-s6y says : Garcia Helen Harris Paul Clark Joseph>> <<@bighornjournals5553 says : The ultimate coward low when you have to hide behind Joe Fart.>> <<@georgetteberho7293 says : Vive le president TRUMP et son equipe 2024 !....NON A LA HARRIS MENSONGE MANIPULATION RUINE ETC....>> <<@giovanni-vg8 says : Vote Trump 2024❤>> <<@SagorikaAhamed says : Lee Edward Hernandez Matthew Lopez John>> <<@ThePULC says : Watch Kamala's Debate Preparation! https://youtube.com/shorts/flBTzBynvww?si=sPHnCbraI2exFD9a>> <<@VioletCorey-z6y says : Harris Laura Gonzalez Shirley Wilson Timothy>> <<@rodwellchigome7567 says : Joy and dad vibes. Jeez, America is a shambles.>> <<@TJD63 says : Despicable cnn. The fact that cnn, the rest of the media, big tech, looney clooney demonize anything they don't agree with is simpley despicable. Watching today how every lefty news outlet took vances comments about the recent school shooting and spun then like a top and took them out of context is so low even for them. These news organizations are out of control.>> <<@phartsdust says : 3:35 / 15:58 Tren De Aragua , Kamala's children.>> <<@paulinejameses5167 says : Hall Lisa Moore Kenneth Perez Kenneth>> <<@JoelAmy-v9b says : Jones Joseph Jones Elizabeth Lopez Mark>> <<@johnsebutinde7623 says : It amazes me that some people would want the most prolific liar, a common thief, an open adulterer, a 34 count convicted felon (record-breaking in all the mentioned crimes) as POTUS. These guys must be totally morally bankrupt!!>> <<@HarryAlexander-c3b says : Wilson Jason Jackson Patricia Clark Nancy>> <<@JeffreyMiller-h7k says : Hall Jessica Harris Ruth Clark Donald>> <<@ArnoldWilliams-e5u says : Lee George Wilson Kenneth Thomas Scott>> <<@JoseeSowders-f8m says : Davis Nancy Martin Jessica Clark Brian>> <<@Bigfish105 says : Harris is spectacularly smart!!>> <<@CK-iw5bn says : This is going to be a great test of the power of the media to take someone who was formly disliked and transformed into a godlike figure... And they will use everything to do that. The question Is , are the American people smart enough to see through it". A quote about Kamala from a very intelligent doctor and public servant.>> <<@alex-ob4uq says : https://youtu.be/I9p6XTAtGI4?si=nwNvF9ymhtoiykeh>> <<@NaplesMom239 says : Coordinated Biden/Harris lies reversing all of their horrible policies>> <<@HarringtonWebb-l5d says : Hernandez Lisa Clark Ronald Hall Betty>> <<@DavidCundiff-fx2mm says : VOTE OUT THE SOCIALIST PROGRESSIVES. THEY ARE NOT EVEN DEMOCRATS.>> <<@OscarAurora-z9p says : Young George Taylor Jennifer Lewis Daniel>> <<@305Alligator says : Kamala running against her own failed policies ‼️ No thanks, my family cannot afford another 4 yrs of Democrat policies.>> <<@MuttonShonx-l9q says : Jackson Jeffrey Lewis Anna Johnson Daniel>> <<@DanielChapa-s7d says : Robinson Brian Davis Brian Harris Timothy>> <<@tstppltk says : https://youtu.be/HBkysWNpcw8?si=eu6XoN7LMapmZI1E>> <<@michaelkamal3827 says : democratic is Israeli Zionist party ,,,,,,,republican is american christian party.>> <<@jadabloomholmes7154 says : Thomas Sharon Allen Sharon Robinson Anna>> <<@TugdvjufnvivjtdgujRysthcguhhig says : Brown Michael Walker Deborah Hernandez Timothy>>