<<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Assim sendo a Rússia tem todo o direito de atacar o Estados Unidos por estarem envolvidos na guerra. Sistemas de guerra eletrônica russos impedem Kiev de usar GPS nos mísseis Os sistemas de interferência e empastelamento usados pelo Exército russo tornaram inúteis as tentativas de Kiev de usar o sistema GPS para guiar mísseis, disse o jornal The Times citando uma fonte militar britânica. "A guerra eletrônica russa tornou o GPS inútil. Eles o bloqueiam. Portanto, tem que ser usado outro tipo de dados, que é de propriedade americana. Isso é classificado, mas provavelmente está ligado aos recursos de mapeamento terrestre", disse a fonte militar citada pelo The Times.>> <<@cam_bone says : Russia can get it too>> <<@FangClover-f6d says : Its just straight up stupid for fighting for someone's ideals what are they trying to prove?>> <<@garywillier4303 says : Way to go Putin don't back down from the dysfunctional American's Coward's>> <<@mattjohn2782 says : Putin is attacking ukraine civilians>> <<@rohanrouth6592 says : 🇨🇳>> <<@billmiller5236 says : As usual, Poopin is a paper Tiger threatening everyone withTactial Nucs, any fool even POOPIN ralizes going nuc means Russia will be glowing in th dark for th next 10k Years>> <<@oh..123 says : 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺>> <<@michaelchaplin6695 says : Putin wanted to start a war now face the consequences because there’s more to come, the Russian people will beg putin to stop the war>> <<@Thraun24 says : Hahaha.. really?tough? What a joke>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Vladimir Zelensky cannot give Ukraine's armed forces the order to retreat from Russia's Kursk region because the West will consider this a failure, analyst Mark Episkopos said in an article in The American Conservative. "Zelensky's government will not be able to simply pack its bags and leave the Kursk region: [...] one of Kiev's main tasks is to manipulate opinion in the West, and a retreat [...] cannot be presented [to the West] otherwise than as a failure" According to the expert, this is the reason why Kiev continues to throw new units into the Kursk region, despite constant losses and Russia's successful advance into Donbass. Since the start of fighting in the Kursk direction, the opponent has lost more than 11,400 soldiers and 89 tanks and many armored fighting vehicles.>> <<@MoZz.. says : Russia STAY away and make your OWN country great and your people happy, before you start attacking others. #GOHOMERUSSIA>> <<@VnbmcnCmmnc-x3o says : Martin Jeffrey Hall Laura Perez Eric>> <<@keretamalam1475 says : Long live Russia Long live Mr. Vladimir Putin 💪💪💪>> <<@yasssgawwwd5643 says : I pray to God that he stop The war and Putin from advancing. People must be aloud to live. ❤️✌️>> <<@gastonmodestkaziri2566 says : Its sad to see children missing schools in Ukraine! But who is to blame? US and her European allies fighting proxy war with Russia is the one to blame! We know you are trying weaken Russia so that in fews years to come ( in a decade perhaps) you could wage war with China because you belive without a supper power to come to the China's rescue you can wage war with China. I can assure you Ukraine is dengerously playing with fire because neither US nor Europeans(with your NATO war machinery) combined can recue Ukraine. You are risking star wars in which New York , Washington and many cities in Europe will be wiped out! Think this: How many countries have gone to the Moon? Only four! The first was Soviet Union (Moscow), USA, China followed by India! If you think you are monitoring the world from the roof, China and Russia as well as India are doing the same! India is non alligned in these crazy wars at least for the timebeing. India still remembers how the US tried to sabbortage her during the difficult times with Pakstan! Japan to is watxjing keenly to hit back directly to the US territories in revsnge of Hiloshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings during the world war II. Who cares!>> <<@SlurryNoises says : Putin angers me. He simply does not care about all the lives he's taking, both Russian, Ukrainian, and especially now all the foreign mercenaries.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : About 6 years ago I said on Sputniknews that a country the size of Russia would have to have 2 economies on its territory and that the masters of Saint Petersburg should apply it and there is Vladivostok with heavy investments from Russia, China and India. Congratulations Putin!>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Ukrainians should have thought before following the English playbook. Before, they had willingly granted genuinely Russian territories. 'Some fled, others died': Ukrainian fighter reveals extent of his Army's losses Ukrainian troops are suffering significant casualties, including due to the flight of soldiers from the front, a fighter from the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Army admitted in a conversation with Economist magazine. "In three days, one hundred [men] were neutralized. Some fled, others died," the soldier told the publication.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : About 6 years ago I said on Sputniknews that a country the size of Russia would have to have 2 economies on its territory and that the masters of Saint Petersburg should apply it and there is Vladivostok with heavy investments from Russia, China and India. Congratulations Putin!>> <<@Moamly says : Palestinian children are being killed mercilessly by Israel 💔>> <<@Moamly says : 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸>> <<@JoyAlice-i7j says : I hope Russia change and improve the best for your country and please the best and greatest leaders recognize that the evil demons power is calculating plots with their crazy ambitions , they use AI and media ...to scramming and cheating people to believe and follow and action for their crazy private and selfish ambitions that harm and threatening and destroying your country . These evil demons can colluding with these foreign dangerous evil demons to control and monitor and harming and killing and destroying people in your country and these evil demons cheating your country to make war crimes,usurp and dominate the world ? That is crazy ambitions, your country never get but destroying your country and citizens.because the evil demons power only control and use your country. Really not any good things and benefits for your country. Your country only get war and destroying citizens and your country. The evil demons of other power countries never let your country control and dominate the world that you illusioned and dreamed and was tempted to make sins and crimes...killed your best friends and citizens ...and war and destroy And then the evil demons of other countries will attack and war and destroy your country and the same to all countries in the world and world war and mass destruction and this world and humanity will destroyed by crazy ambitions of the evil demons power? Your country only really the best and greatest and most wonderful when your country have the best values of respect humanity rights, freedom, independence, Individualism ,truth justice , and development of good education, morality and talent and love, wisest good people and respect and protect freedom, independence, humanity rights and truth justice and respect freedom, independence, security, rights of every countries territorial boundaries as well as your country and your country do not waste time and energy to make war and dominate other countries that lead destroying your country .Let use your country time and energy to get peace and build and protect your country the best and greatest and one country is only best and greatest and most wonderful when it get the best values of respect humanity rights, freedom, independence, truth justice , Individualism and development of good education, economic, science,morality and talent and love, wisest good people . And one country is destroying itself by raising evil demons ,the worst persons ,scrammers, robbery, violence ,crimes, killers,cold , heartless, selfish and crazy bad ambitions,not humanity rights, not freedom and not justice your country can see how most beautiful are your country and how most Modern and rich are your country and specially how most developing AI science and toxic food and drinks , scrammers, robbery, killers,evil demons they are trying to make to control citizens like robots and killing and destroy people. Please your country do not trust in the evil demons power with their crazy private ambitions that is destroying your country. Please fight against these evil demons power and protect and build your country the best, greatest, most wonderful, trustworthy.>> <<@cecilfernandez2454 says : No deals. putin just have to move back to where hebelong. Ukraine is a sovereign country>> <<@askcitizenfitz says : Russia needs to get rid of Putin and put someone in who actually wants to win the war. Maybe Medvedev?>> <<@gwillis9797 says : Putin is working for the devil. He will not stop. Putin is using his people for human sacrifices. He ( Putin) the devil's helper / assistant/ demon ,has millions of people to sacrifice.>> <<@M.C.Escher2018 says : WARNING WARNING WARNING - do not kill Putin . A better strategy is to disgrace him from the inside destroy his strong hold then discredit him. Remove Putin not kill him.>> <<@M.C.Escher2018 says : it a war though? The first conflict that would become the Iraqi war was not a war until a bunch of Uk/American government said it's okay we can ignore the peace treaty that became the United nations. Then lets invade what will become nightmare disaster Will the west make the same mistake AGAIN? From A armed forces veteran stand point - NO no never do that! Stay away - have nothing to do with killing Putin! It will just make matters worse!>> <<@katherinefreeman2521 says : Davis John Davis Donna Jones Steven>> <<@AshwidderSwingg says : For Ukraine to win the fight Ukraine must hit inside Russia territory that's totally make sense you must hit inside enemies to destroy enemies and win. But old weak Biden make no sense. Given all Advantages to Puttin that's what old weak Joe Biden do Joe Biden is making Ukraine lose the war with restrict that have no sense at all.>> <<@Jennifer-z4z2z says : Williams Linda Lopez Charles White Mark>> <<@umarsalisu3895 says : Russian has the right to depend it territories>> <<@egbukwuhyginus480 says : I think that the west should think of another plan to help UKRAINE overthrow Putin because>> <<@Nathaniel-v5l says : Putin has failed the Russians and he is only doing damage control speeches thereby buying out time with the Russians pushing his soldiers on unprovoked senseless war that will humility Russia forever,I thought Putin would have used nuclear weapon by now he is just bragging about nukes>> <<@BengtLofqvist says : Is this how it's going to be, Ukraine is not allowed to hit back on Russia 100% because of the nuclear threat. So Russia can go on doing this to any other country to, saying Give up or we are going to Nuke you an so on. West has to put a stop to that kind of politic. Putin can also reconsider swallow his pride and put as top to the war. If he does he Will grow enormous spiritually.>> <<@almadatex says : Russia quer o Donbass??🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦>> <<@jensonmarugan6000 says : They destroyed Iraq, Libya, Afganistan and now on the waiting list Russia, china, Iran .........................>> <<@axetwist says : Jewzensky is the problem, implying NATO bases on more European territories should be illegal, that war would have never happened if he refused building NATO base near the borders of Russia>> <<@lifeshevchenko3683 says : For Russia war is a tought time For Ukraine war is a vacation time?>> <<@DeKapitalMe says : Why is one part of the war called an incursion and the other part called invasion?>> <<@alexsavi9518 says : The moust i block this channel the moust come in my phone>> <<@Narbadur-o2j says : Thanks to Jesus pls help please Russia>> <<@paulthomson2466 says : That's a BS bluff. Putin IS the State, all the "Officials" are Putin's yes men.>> <<@tesfamikael7486 says : The nasty neighbour extended their own realm into their neighbours geographical area as they become a police force over the years as they assembled to avoid losing their gains they had left their impression as muttered. The amendment necessary for all these items of repair etc rule>> <<@ghauidflixanloqami says : What does western media get from lying? Seriously what? Is lies all you people know? From 9/11 to Syria to Lybia to Palestine. How much lies do you ppl think ppl will toelrate from you all?>> <<@TheMrfronek says : Why does cnn make it seem like Ukraine is winning? They are dying intensely and have no way to win this war. Why lie about it or make it seem like they “got this”?>> <<@GHOOGLEMALE says : Stop the war - Have UN Led referendum in affected areas, if they want to stay Russian - let them. Its a pile of rubble now and mined to shit. Stop killing the kids in this war, on both sides.>> <<@johncope4977 says : those soldiers working with the drones took substantial measures to mask their identities. i wonder where they are from?>> <<@pevnik says : Youtube permits only answers in favor of war.>> <<@notsaying543 says : Ww3 is long overdue.....lets get it over with, id rather have that than let Putin win>>