<<@br7795 says : If every single law abiding citizen carried a gun it wouldn't be this way. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing Kamala supports "gun free zones">> <<@allyn1016 says : Good grief Harris is a clown, she's done absolutely nothing. It's child on child crime. The Democrats has kept us from disciplining our children and now they're complaining because they're running wild.>> <<@mirelaxo says : Blah blah blah. It should never have to be that way! But yet it is and America does nothing!>> <<@davidharris1340 says : A 14 years old shooter! Not just a 'sick and deranged monster,' but a 'sick and deranged monster' with a gun, a gun the GOP gave him. I am now convinced there is no hope for America. The have now become a Nation of gun-loving, homicidal, maniacs.>> <<@hartwalker70 says : Kamala are dumb! Vote trump 2024! Close border and stop crime god damn! Don’t carry a gun in school! Kamala keep laugh at American more killer! I don’t understand why she show up at school how about migrants murder our American people!! She don’t care about American! Wow she show up at school huh but she didn’t show up our American people are killer by migrants duh! Boo Kamala!>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Australia can’t even catch a criminal that burnt a kid. It’s been over a week All faith in the police is gone>> <<@RidgeyDidgeDude says : Another "tranzformer" at work??>> <<@mattdaugherty7865 says : Guns don’t kill people, people kill people!>> <<@creditelectric says : Some seriously wacky commentary yet it goes through uncensored & will stay there.>> <<@vinrod34 says : Harris is a Marxist democrat moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Left wing nutjob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@michaelfedora5630 says : Stop having kids>> <<@nilpo says : She's right. It doesn't have to be this way. End gun free zones. Only criminals have guns there. If there was a threat of resistance, people world think twice about doing this stuff.>> <<@bearcat9696 says : It is an election year after all.>> <<@NickNoya-qv6fe says : I hate that fake ass bitch so much. Please god don't let her be president.>> <<@janetjohnson7279 says : My condolences to all of the victims family and friends! 🙏🙏😥😥🙏🙏>> <<@harrysmith8515 says : China said it has better human rights than US as China life expectancy 79 years is longer than US 77 years. China also has no homeless and there is universal health care system in China. People in China has freedom to walk or jog after dark without safety concern while no people dare walk or jog outside after dark in US.>> <<@sjf6775 says : Yes Ms Harris. It will continue “to be this way” until laws concerning mentally ill/disabled people who are professionally diagnosed as capable of inflicting serious harm are CHANGED. WHY? Bc we have a Jimmy Carter era US Supreme Court decision that held people diagnosed with severe and potentially dangerous mental illness/disability can not be held to live in residential facilities against their will unless they are demonstrated to be a threat to themselves or others, and 2. The court directed a federal agency to form policy regarding how to make that determination. It did so. Answer: For mentally ill/disabled people who are deemed capable of committing serious harm, yet have not yet hurt themselves or others, the designated federal agency chose an IQ test. It is quite low. Too low. Changing gun laws will not stop this. Changing laws about requiring mentally ill and disabled people who are diagnosed to be capable of serious harm to themselves and others WILL change the number of these tragedies. These people should be required to live in locked and/or tightly monitored and humanitarian well staffed residential facilities. As they are in other countries. So work on that. Taking away the second amendment is not the answer. A crazy person seeking to do serious harm has a large choice of weapons. It would have been kind if you had shown this level of emotional caring and concern when former President Trump narrowly escaped the recent assassination attempt.>> <<@janetceniza8091 says : Was what's his name on the beach?>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : Wonder why this seems to only happen on a regular basis in the USA??? What is unique about the USA??? Does it have a global monopoly on mental illness, internet use, etc???? Must be something......>> <<@markreeves2491 says : Yeah Harris takes the opportunity to attack the Second Amendment to the US Constitution instead of consoling the loved ones of the people who were k*lled and injured ! No condemnation for the individual responsible for the crime !>> <<@susannorman409 says : It is not the gun it is our young people being brainwashed by an evil government>> <<@susannorman409 says : Safest place for your kids is outside of secular school system that wants to brainwash them out of their god-given sex.>> <<@anthonyhargis6855 says : It didn't used to be that way . . . until Liberals started "infringing" on the 2nd Amendment. Out young men used to carry their rifles, pistols and shotguns in their trucks, in gun racks, TO SCHOOL. And there was no "gun violence." Then Liberals "infringed" on that, and now? Only the criminally violent have guns at school. Thanks Liberals!>> <<@mikelawry1974 says : It doesn't have to be this way, but your lefties promote violence by your actions.>> <<@sorcerermmfan says : And just what do you propose to do about it, Cackle-uh?>> <<@tyyneviljakainen5108 says : Yeah taking guns away from good people who can't then defend themselves. And bad / crazy peeps always find a guns to harm innocent people. Kamala is a nut job>> <<@samcalven12 says : Trump will blame illegals and maga crowd will blame woke 😂>> <<@maryoxendine9981 says : Every time a shooting happens, they start back on wanting to take our guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. It's a moral issue. When Harris said it didn't have to be this way, I knew what would be coming next.>> <<@shelley2086 says : Stupid woman. She forgot that some parents also sent their child to school, and they did this. She just couldn't waste an opportunity. Shameful.>> <<@franklinjohn5067 says : Supreme court Justices need to prioritize solutions for school violence OVER IMMUNITY FOR POLITICIANS WHO COMMIT CRIMINAL OFFENSES !!!>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : *****GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH***** 😂😂😂😂 You couldn't pay me to live there...>> <<@saltyreesescup3104 says : God Damn Violent Guns Just Going Off And Shooting People...😶🧂>> <<@sharonhusby8943 says : What's really strange is how school shootings happen around election time when voting for the president. Red flag to keep attention off of what's really go on.>> <<@asherbendavid4227 says : I do not rule out the possibility that the Democrats are insidiously inciting such terrorists in order to achieve their diabolical goals>> <<@UltraPerception says : Get ready for a week of lecturing about the First Ammendment Cut the god damn cables australia.>> <<@vainwretch says : The problem is a spiritual one. You get rid of God then there is no moral foundation. As if good and bad are subjective. I live not very far from where this happened . I grew up in Georgia and most people went to church Sunday morning and evening and on Wednesday. Week in week out. If someone got out of line they were ashamed because we all had basic American values which were from our Christian foundation. We were willing to die for what was right . We have gotten rid of God on many levels and now people are worshipping the god of self. Abortion is murder and homosexuality is sin no matter how much you sugar coat it.>> <<@cosmokramer9134 says : Done by obama mafia they need a tragedy and have no problem taking extremes to do it. Camel eye harris is losing. They tried the extreme on trump nothin' off tables for them pray 🙏>> <<@ottowa58 says : Talk is cheap, rhetoric and emotive manipulations roll off your tongue, BUT, you have shown yourself to be woefully lacking in decisive action, that’s the problem>> <<@angelabiery-jones5556 says : When I was in high school there were guns on racks in the back windows of every truck in the parking lot & we didn’t have mass school shooting issues!!! It is a societal problem & a mental health problem not a gun problem!!!>> <<@anitapresnell6403 says : Pure evil! Heartbreaking! Praying for the families who lost their children and for all who have been affected by this tragedy. May God surround you with His peace and comfort during this difficult time. Jesus is coming any time now. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.>> <<@turkeysandwiche8552 says : That’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried about my child coming home thinking he is a girl or she is a boy. That’s my only fear.>> <<@Joeblow-k2n says : I’m surprised to see if it makes the news now it’s like someone getting into the car driver home it’s that common>> <<@turkeysandwiche8552 says : Mental illness not the gun>> <<@Loaded4Bear-gi8yt says : Guns don’t kill>> <<@franciscovalladolid3659 says : 100 % shooting like this , not allowed to a gun ! People , out to hurt 🤕 people , don't follow any : laws , rules ! Deranged, people are not allowed to possess , weapons..................😢 🙏😔🇺🇲❤️‍🩹>> <<@Harien-fs6gn says : Crimes and mental health are spiking in blue Dems state since Biden’s administration 😌>> <<@mikenixon2401 says : The solution starts with proper parenting. To blame the gun rather than the shooter is like blaming a fork and spoon for making one obese. Maybe Kommmiela will promise to ban dishes and eating utensils.>> <<@Scaliad says : Once again, I hear it from Sky News first...>> <<@davidtvedt7597 says : Kamala still doesn't get it, because she uses every incident of sorrow, to capitalize politically. We have troubled people in this country, and until recognized as the overbearing issue, nothing will change. Mentally balanced people do not grab knives, guns, ball bats, cars, or any other means of destruction, to harm a person(s). Until the root cause of this physcotic dilemma is recognized for what it is, nothing will change. We have well over 300 mil people in this country, with more on the way, so for Kamala to stand at the podium having contributed to the growth without the slightest consideration for the safety of all Americans, is absurd, indicating how shallow, and misdirected she is when evaluating a sensitive, sad situation. Kamala gives new meaning to the word, disgraceful! Sorry, forgot to mention idiot!>> <<@Rickolsen247 says : You yanks love living in the bloody past! Wanting a Wild West Country??>>