<<@brucewoods9377 says : Great to see him go. I believe that he was the “Power Broker” who brought about the Rudd - Gillard - Rudd fiasco which ended up with us getting “My Word is My Bond”, Albanese>> <<@deancowley4230 says : Wow cant wait till 11oclock for one person to make an anouncement.. my whole life is on hold...wow.. Who gives a fox!!! they do what they gonna do...>> <<@jeffycooper630 says : Slips through the digital id then runs dirty dirty dirty rat>> <<@michaelcorbett6280 says : Shorten no different to any other politician a public servant who doesn't serve the publicity. Happy to receive the public taxes who pay their over inflated salaries for doing 7/8ths of fuck all and then telling you how good they are. Parasite>> <<@geoffmcniff3545 says : This is the only news that has left comments ON.>> <<@mariaornelas4939 says : Albanese shude retired too>> <<@BananaMagsinPyjamas says : Another socialist leaves Australian politics, hopefully the trend continues>> <<@andrewoliver7991 says : Goodbye Bill, you dill. You are an ego centric, charmless woke zombie.>> <<@deldridg says : There's the door mate - and take your "tribe" with you. You won't be missed. One of our least admirable MPs, and that's saying something.>> <<@harryricochet8134 says : Bill Shorten the accused rapist given a free pass by the Victoria Police who deliberately bungled their criminal 'investigation' and refused to take corroborative statements from many witnesses who were willing to provide these.>> <<@justanaussie2822 says : They say rats desert the sinking ship. The PM slayer is gone. Union scumbag>> <<@Crusherbreen says : Green day “Nimrod” album Song 1>> <<@Sapphiregirl3 says : Going before election ......oh, of course>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : Let's hope for the domino effect, when you get the chance, VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@alexdrake5048 says : GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH TAKE ALBO WITH HIM>> <<@jazzysnaps says : And onto another non achievement uni job .>> <<@barrysmith780 says : He should have done this a long time ago, he is a prize scum bag>> <<@ozrob8726 says : Labor will be sent into the political wilderness for quite some time, so he might as well.>> <<@APBTrent says : This has nothing to do with Setka and the CFMEU 😂 move on move on 😂>> <<@chuankao8128 says : good riiddance>> <<@Response1980 says : Good riddens wanker 🤡🤡🤡>> <<@MrJustinpb says : This trend of politicians resigning midway through their terms has got to stop. You put your hand up knowing it's a 3 year commitment, so short of a medical emergency or a scandal, you should honour your commitment to the Australian people or be looked down upon as the dishonourable betrayal it is.>> <<@nicgordic8077 says : Great news!!! Let’s party!!! He needs to leave before he needs to escape from what’s coming. Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing!!!!! Wwg1wga!!!!!!!>> <<@darrylmackie9184 says : Shorten THE NEXT GOVENOR GENERAL of THE COUNTRY.Genda to be Announced and Confirmed after The Next Federal Election.>> <<@geralddyer8934 says : That's where he belongs with all the lefties at the UNI>> <<@JohnsonCranium says : Australia 😂 Dumbest policies 😂 Dumbest politicians 😂 Dumbest citizens on the planet 😂 All goes hand in hand 😂👍>> <<@leeevans2929 says : He only stayed on after losing the unloseable election cause he thought he’d take alboneeshies job but it didn’t pan out>> <<@phillipjames8806 says : Great, the only problem is now we have to pay a fortune for this useless seatwarmer for the rest of his life.>> <<@SamuelSalty says : THE QUEEN WHO NEVER WAS>> <<@multioptioned says : Great job now at university of Canberra. Just don't ask how much ex prime ministers get from taxpayers when they leave office...💰👎😡>> <<@tracy1903 says : What does he know that we don’t- is the labor ship sinking 🤔>> <<@mickmorrissey16 says : Shorten , remembered for what? Useless prick , he won’t leave his nose out of the trough for long .>> <<@RidgeyDidgeDude says : The NDIS nightmare got to him! 🤮>> <<@multioptioned says : Rats desert a sinking ship! But the Labor boys club will get him a high paid cushy job at a university! 💰😡👎>> <<@pteamg says : Good ridence, lazy crooked activist. Alboohsleezy Next.>> <<@RidgeyDidgeDude says : Guess who'll be Australia's next US Ambassador.. ie "Hey KRudd! You're FIRED!" ✊>> <<@Dismas2503 says : He would have a made a great Prime Minister.>> <<@jordanerian813 says : Excellent>> <<@markpatterson2811 says : Like in the US rats fleeing the sinking woke ship>> <<@davidarter6271 says : Good riddance to bad rubbish.>> <<@3StevesFilms says : All Australia's great leaders retire quite WEALTHY>> <<@stephencollins1568 says : But...but...but...jiggling gynaecomastic Bill solemnly promised Big Arnie Schwarzenegger that he was going to be Australia's "Next Prime Minister". Was Bonking Billy pulling Big Arnie's leg? Arnie couldn't stop laughing at all Bill's various jiggly bits still vigorously jiggling long after Bill stopped jogging.>> <<@blwairconditioning4350 says : I wonder if the tetm leaving a sinking ship applies>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Anything to do with Albo going after the CFMEU?>> <<@jamesfletcher7196 says : The enduring cost of the NDIS...>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Such good news. Shorten is another Labor Loser. A failure of enormous proportions. He leaves the NDIS as a cancer on our country - a legacy from another Labor Loser that Shorten can not bring under control. Good riddance. May nothing good ever happen to him.>> <<@jamesfletcher7196 says : Albanese could retire too.>> <<@ronaldsmith2713 says : Another rat abandoned the sinking ship 🎉🎉🎉>> <<@Rae-nq2yw says : As happy as I am to hear this news I hope he leaves office with nothing but the shirt on his grubby back. No taxpayer funded pension for life, no five jobs in the private sector like McGowan. NOTHING!>> <<@ruckyone1185 says : Good riddance. What a wanker. We can only hope.>>