<<@DesertScorpionKSA says : I loathe Kamala Harris.>> <<@DesertScorpionKSA says : The reason these people can't tell what VP Harris has done to date is because she's done nothing. Kamala is the border czar and the space czar, though. Is there anything she can't mess up?>> <<@Thomas-w9e says : It's interesting that someone who speaks out against illegal immigrants on Facebook in the UK gets 20 months jail but these f****** parasites get nothing>> <<@RobertMcGillis says : Don't forget antihetersexualism w/all the other radical antilove ideologies.>> <<@lynnegrove3194 says : I thought the invaders and colonizers were the Muslims attempting to colonize England.they seem to be doing well .>> <<@OysterCreekMarine says : They look exactly like I’d expect.>> <<@yoyokum1483 says : Inferiority Complex on steroids>> <<@thegame4209 says : When people want to vote for a person because of their skin color and race, they are the racist. Vote for the qualifications and the goodness of what they do for the country, and then you will see that Kamala Harris is not the right choice.>> <<@orinsullivan1505 says : 😂😂😂 If the president was a nice guy and he was doing the right job for the people then he wouldn’t have to worry about it being dangerous>> <<@m.l.tankesly2665 says : The 1:40ish mark - that is one out of control mullet.>> <<@zacklundberg2774 says : This insanity has to be stopped! These people need mental health care, to put it kindly.>> <<@malcolm.wilson4163 says : I just wish these College kids Parents stopped any finances from them to their Children , stopped paying any bills for them like phone bill, CAR rego and lic fee's, and any allowance or money going into their acct. And whe they start screaming "AYE!!! Where's MY MONEY ??, and MY PHONE HAS BEEN CUT OFF !!! ETC, just tell them, your day in and day out spewing Marxist ideology, screaming we should be living as Socialist AKA communists, well this is just a very little bit of what you are asking for, so it's not fair too our Country, your parents who have both worked our guts out so you can go to a good ( but very expensive ) College, it is throwing it all in our face, as you have put us, your parents into the same group of people you say are the worst of the worst ( and NO!!, no such thing as OH NO! , I DIDN'T MEAN YOU'S ) BUT YOU DID, WE ARE THE VERY SAME PEOPLE YOU AND YOUR ACQUAINTANCES ARE BLAMING US FOR ALL THE WORLDS PROBLEMS, SO it is only fair then that you live your truth, all financial help from us stops today, so you better hurry up and get a job to pay your tuition fee's, rent, food, and all the other stuff we used to pay for, it makes no sense for us too finance the very people who want to destroy our way of life. So the only advice I can offer is, THINK very seriously about what is about to happen ( and please don't think we're bluffing, as if you do before you waste time not looking for work etc, it will only make things harder for you, and DONT ask for a loan, ask your co-radicals, also I have advised it no uncertain terms that your Grandparents or any relative to also not give you money OK??) and make sure that is the path you wish to follow for your life, I strongly suggest you seperate the emotions out of your decision??, and think rationally with your head and not your heart k, and make sure this decision is yours alone, don't let anyone influence you one way or another, whatever choice you make we will accept it fully, be it come back into the family's way of life, or go off to a Socialist Country or live your Socialist truth here in America, but you must understand we cannot support you financially in any way??, as even that would go against the Socialist tenets of working for each other, and all earn the same etc. So NO HARD FEELINGS, BUT WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO FINANCE A EDUCATION FOR YOU WHICH IS THE TOTAL OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE WANTED FOR YOU, AND !!! WHAT EVEN YOU WANTED FOR YOURSELF UNTILL YOU HAVE BEEN PREACHED THE MARXIST EVIL COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY.>> <<@rickydaigle2485 says : This woman is a lunatic this country is not rascists>> <<@richardjones7984 says : Posh privileged rich entitled protestors who worry about somebody else's fight and don't give a fig for the native Britains who's ancestors worked 16 hours a day six days a week to build the infrastructure of civilisation across one quarter of the world. The saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you " is good advice.>> <<@Rosemary-iz5vc says : I think the ‘girl’ with the funny hair spraying the building with red paint is actually a bloke.>> <<@hevonperseensuti says : Only in America you get to be the vice president just because you're not a man and not white.>> <<@TheDeadrise says : Love ya Rita>> <<@Terry-n4d says : SO, 🤷‍♀️ where did I put that Plan B>> <<@Terry-n4d says : Kamala, fastest skin shedding snake in the swamp.>> <<@jerrywagner4690 says : Yeah... I really don't like stupid... that's why I am not a Democrat!>> <<@rodgeroxie8459 says : Why isn’t she arrested for destruction of property ? We’re is the police? This wouldn’t happen in Germany.>> <<@johnclifton7696 says : Typical rightwing nonsense about "privilege" as though most of the leftwing activists are rich types. Some are, many are not. BTW, people who act like the idiot women spraying paint should be prosecuted with increasing penalties for repeat offenses. Time for people who don't like the extreme BS in this videos or the criminality of the self-righteous activists to step up.>> <<@alicekramden8640 says : Jesus, people are voting on gender and color?>> <<@alicekramden8640 says : Why in hell isn’t England exporting these people back from whence they came?>> <<@Gp666ification says : Ginger me softly. It´s just the absolut hate on trump what makes them harris-sup´s. They can bring in a crackhead pedophile who eat´s little kidden´s as candidate, as long as trump is on the otherside they will vote the crackhead. Just HATE the orange men. By the way: Why isn´t Hunter not running for POTUS ???>> <<@melissaomara2949 says : We also care about the vice president making a joke out of the people she is talking too.>> <<@MePowlo says : My favourite show on the net :)>> <<@menararathnayake1105 says : Rita you're the privileged one, acting all white when you're clearly a brown woman. Maybe do something useful rather than spitting out nonsense from your shitty mouth. Might as well openly say your a brainless idiot that supports Trump and genocide.>> <<@mrlegs1544 says : Stupid girl with the silly haircut in England we call them soap Dodgers>> <<@NPIslander says : Ha, ha, ha>> <<@JohnTurner-uy3hn says : F Palestine and all its freeloaders. LGBTQ supports you 😂😂😂>> <<@DMWBN3 says : Not ok to pick different Disney cartoon characters, but its ok to choosse what gender children want to be? Ok to vote for whoever, cannot name one accomplishment that person has achieved.>> <<@brianseeney1364 says : I don't think that was a gal with the interesting hair was a gal. It looked like a dude.>> <<@jeremysherrill2197 says : Some of us non union workers only work 3 to 4 days a week for the same money and benefits. The rest of the days are ours. We aren't called to fill in for anyone. We have a set schedule. With that we can deer hunt all we want. 🙂>> <<@MrPainfulTruth says : What are Trumps greatest accomplishments? In contrast, what are Harris' greatest failures, and what are Trumps?>> <<@gina-bg7kr says : Harris better thank a Willie.>> <<@Scott-f5h says : They do these "pay attention to me" stunts to raise awareness about the things going on in Israel! Do they know we are all aware of what's going on? we just don't act like babies!!>> <<@-AMYLYNN- says : All the _issues_ americans care about is the current administration's fault>> <<@-AMYLYNN- says : Some people _shouldnt_ be allowed to vote>> <<@BigMikeRuinedBarry says : Why is it that all of her supporters look strung-out?>> <<@morrphina says : 2:28 LOL that’s the exact same reaction Terry McCauliff got when he came to a local festival in Richmond, Virginia very soon after his little cute remarks about how parents shouldn’t be able to tell teachers what they’re allowed to teach or be involved in their child’s education at all. Literally, my man walked around all afternoon trying to schmooze the local black people and make himself look more woke and virtuous… and literally everyone ignored him. Such beautiful justice, almost poetic. 😂>> <<@larryparker7463 says : Idiots>> <<@RayTuttle-of5qd says : Love you Rita from deep in the heart of Texas!>> <<@juliannakelly1046 says : Thank goodness these illegals picked sanctuary cities to go to. All these cities are becoming 3rd world cities.>> <<@Anusdeur says : They have the attitude against Jews that the nazi's started to develop in the 1930's.>> <<@robsixtyfour9204 says : "She is ah ah ah, she was ah ah ah." Sounds like this generations music. What are we even doing. Omg hahahahhaha>> <<@TaterFarm says : Joe can’t go out! ELDER ABUSE EXTRAORDINARY APPLIED>> <<@DUNNYER1548 says : Someone please get that child away from the racist women no seriously>> <<@tonysircy7929 says : Democrats liberals ARE COMPLETE IDIOT'S>> <<@user-7thCrusader says : Way to lay it Down!>>