<<@jerrybeach6308 says : Harris is unfit>> <<@DanielLindsay-z3w says : Trump/RFK 2024❤❤❤>> <<@tommygunn8355 says : " who can put together an English sentence" 😭>> <<@PollyT.Pocket22 says : These people dont know how to campaign they just make crap up like Harris telling AMERICANS she work at McDonald's & did the fries LOL ALL BIG COMMUNIST LIE NANCY PROBABLY TOLD HER TO SAY IT.>> <<@PollyT.Pocket22 says : She was chosen by Nancy queen of communist leftist to finish destroying America just a puppet like joe blow.>> <<@franciscomoreno7530 says : What did I tell you?>> <<@熊掌波清波 says : talking about competence. John Bolton worked for Donald Trump. He later discribed his policies as "islands of one," meaning they were isolated and lacked a cohesive strategy --- The Room Where It Happened. Your argument supporting Trump is getting weaker and weaker, Sky news.>> <<@熊掌波清波 says : He also said he has fundamental difference with Trump and will not join Trump....>> <<@shirleybalinski4535 says : No to kackling kalifornie kamala. This nation does not need a person who couldn't give a speech for a HS student council election.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Whale head brain worm?>> <<@scottarivett496 says : “A presidential candidate who can put together an English sentence”… Love this guy 🇺🇸>> <<@triplejazzmusicisall1883 says : Sky hosts and your followers are tragic and pathetic, and it seems willingly blind. Listening to the words of a man who joined then dumped the Republicans and you give importance to that over the fact that Kamala is ahead now in every single swing state. Do you really want to be the very last despots of Trump supporters in the world as even FOX has basically dropped his cause and no longer tow his line after so many embarrassing moments with him on air? Many of his own party will not vote for him, approximately at least a quarter to a third of Republicans You can pretend and do a DT fake news call, but Trump is losing big time and Sky Australia seems to be his only body of support across the globe other than fringe lunatic groups such as QAnon and all Nazi sympathiser groups. Trump is a man who disrespected US veterans (those who thought it was a casual turn up on behalf of requests are wrong - it was used as a photo opportunity and it went wrong), the Jewish community, many in Christian churches, the black community, Espana community and on and on it goes. AND THEN HE HAD THE GALL TO SELL PINS AND OTHER ITEMS WITH HIS NAME TRUMP EMBLAZENED ACROSS THE USA flag. That is seriously defamatory, vile and the exact opposite of someone who loves his country and wants to uphold the constitution. This man is so blinded by his own sociopathic persona he can’t even see the wrong in so much of what he does. He wants to be a dictator! My question to all you SKY people on and off screen who seem to only ever watch SKY NEWS and after dark, why do you think you have got it right supporting Trump when everyone else by large in the US and across the world realise what a danger and a lunatic he is. Your like passengers on the titanic saying everything is fine - it's just a small dent in the stern caused by some renegade republican. Why can't you just accept defeat and admit that you have got it wrong on not just one occasion, not a dozen, nor hundreds but thousands of times. I am happy if anyone wants to write up a factual list of faults made by Kamala and I in turn I will do so for Trump. It might take me weeks because he has committed over 38 000 lies and that doesn't include the last two weeks of disgusting acts and derogatory remarks and confrontation, he has engaged in. The right-wing in the USA is not the same as the Liberal Party in Australia. Don't think the two are the same. There is no party as deluded and stupid as those who have stuck by the Republican US party; the people who will stand by Trump even if he murders someone in the street. That is both tragic and sad, but I have quickly learnt there are so many absolutely crazy, rusted on ‘nutters’ in the USA and in Australia. People who can’t let go of their aggression, hatred and embarrassment at being wrong. Easier to just remain stubborn and ignore the mammoth, colossal amount of factual proven crimes and misdemeanours Trump has committed. Just like his ego mammoth and colossal. May we hope never to see the likes of him on the world stage ever again. And before singing off, remember this man defends and calls himself a friend of Vladmir Putin and North Korean’s, Kim Jong Won. Trump insults USA servicemen and women who were captured and tortured as ‘losers. Trump slags of every single individual, with the most childish wordplay imaginable BUT speaks highly of communist leaders who have murdered thousands if not millions. That is a fact, and it needs to be reinforced and accepted. If you support Trump then you support a convicted criminal, rapist and communist sympathiser. To vote for such an individual will be an action that in future years, those who supported Trump, will be seen as aiding and abetting a proven criminal with the most manipulative yet malfunctioning mind. It is really that serious and all these points are true – it depends on whether people can accept what they may not want to know or whether continual denial and lack of balanced coverage (which we call Sky NEWS) will keep them under thumb and vote for the most disgusting man to ever run for President (back then and now).>> <<@JL-so9hi says : That’s the problem with politics, its popularity based not competency based>> <<@creditelectric says : While anyone with some political nous ran a mile from RFK.>> <<@BahoWetpu says : Timpon Walz's brother & his family endorsed Donald J. Trump. In fact, the entire Walz's bloodline, excluding Timpon's, are for TRUMP - 😅>> <<@michaelgerard365 says : The word that comes to mind when I hear Harris speak is, "vapid" which means: offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging. She is, as Tulsi Gabbard articulated, "an empty suit.">> <<@adamvang3814 says : I didn’t know the Kennedy have a racist in their family. Can’t even understand what jr was saying but he criticized Harris. Wow. Jr. just destroyed his uncle JFK’s legacy in his KKK thinking.>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : Forget President. She wasn't even fit to be the Vice President. She was given a Job to handle the Border and she messed it up BIG TIME. They purposely let in 12 Million Illegal Aliens into the U.S since the year 2021.>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : She’ll be changing her mind every 10 minutes.>> <<@russellcushion7467 says : RFK IS A LOOSER...LIKE HIS BUDDY ORANGE TURD HE HAS BECOME A NOBODY SICOPHANT LIKE RUDI, BANNON, ALEX JONES, NOEM, MCCARTHY, MIKE LINDELL, MELANIA, AND ALL OF THE J6 CONVICTS....JOIN THE TRUMP TRAIN...THE ABYSS...PRISON OR BOTH>> <<@James-bv4pw says : I just watched Biden be humiliated sitting at a little desk To give a press conference !! The Democratic Party Just revealed their turn character by abusing Biden !! They belittled Biden To make Harris and Walz look great in comparison !! Sad day for the Dems!! They have no morals when they abuse an old man !! Where is the DEI for old people !! Anyone over 60 should not vote Democrat!! The Dems Have Contempt for you and your Opinions!!>> <<@onerainiday says : God bless RFK Jr. Courageous and brave for standing up for what he believes, no matter the cost.>> <<@ep9421 says : Chris Cuomo is a total WANKER>> <<@RC-vv6nr says : Vote RED straight down the line to save America!>> <<@willdevine8266 says : don't forget RFK crawled to Kamala first to ask for a position in her cabinet before he joined up with trump!>> <<@oscarmadison8530 says : Who are her puppet masters?>> <<@Opinionsrnotfacts574 says : While RFK might not be endorsing Harris he has characterized Trump as a sociopath. He might not be the most reliable endorsement out there.>> <<@barkingmoonranch7836 says : Demons keep escaping Hell Fire and The priest keep throwing them back in , How did Kamala get out...>> <<@EL-FUKKO says : RFK makes Harris look like a kindergarten teacher>> <<@t47328 says : If RFK does not believe that Harris is a worthy President, why did he reach out to Harris, and ask for a job in her administration?>> <<@asher8872 says : Lock her Up! She's not qualified! Vote Red 2024!>> <<@CatherinaVilar says : RFK jr. is so on point. Unbelievable how the Dem party settled for such an unqualified and incompetent presidential candidate.>> <<@KenDyer-wl4lf says : This from some bloke who left the carcase of a bear in Central Park, and once strapped th ehead of a whale to the roof of his car. Go figure????????????>> <<@borrachobama7168 says : THE KAMALEON POLLS ARE A LIE. JUST LIKE WITH KILLARY IN 2016. SAME. OLD. TIRED. PLAYBOOK.>> <<@marionmarino1616 says : This poor guy has something terribly wrong with his voice!>> <<@nancyking9033 says : Kamala, Selected Not Elected>> <<@user-tc6uy5et1l says : Harris gtg. She is not the right person for the job. MAHA MAGA 🇺🇸>> <<@superbuscivis says : 25% Approval as a VP. We are really supposed to believe she'd do better as a President?>> <<@jonnyt5118 says : Why do bumble ads look so stupid?>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Another MAGA lunatic that thinks the 5 time indicted criminal 🤡is Presidential Porn Star paying PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL>> <<@johnhoran9840 says : Well, she wasn't competent to do a town hall with Trump on Fox, so...>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Australian mainstream media is a whore for the Government>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Australian liberals and Labor parties are full of Corruption. Royal commission now.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Any updates on Corruption in Australian Politics?>> <<@XO_2011 says : If she can’t do an interview without a script, how can she speak to Putin and jinping and solve wars?>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Sky America playing the international Keep the people like Mushrooms Game.>> <<@Delapray says : Pot kettle much 🙄>>