<<@vsboy2577 says : Give it a rest they are well paid as it is>> <<@wombat949 says : Do not pay these overpaid traitors a single cent more. Their actions have not been forgotten.>> <<@winstonsmith7801 says : Where I live , there's plenty of cash to adorn my local Police Station with woke LGBT propaganda. The Police need a pay cut until they become law enforcement and not feelings and political policy enforcers.>> <<@aaronbaines7698 says : Even though, we loath these idiots for what they'd done in 2020-21 Convid years (QLD and NSW police force included, they have seen a lot worse), we should not dwell on this any longer. Or rather, we don't owe a dime or some respect of those who still are leading the organisation. Charges have been dropped long ago, but it's going to take a while to prove they're not the equivalent to sour candy.>> <<@colc7707 says : Bring in performance related pay the more crime they solve the more they get paid>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Give them nothing.>> <<@AWittySenpai says : Literally nothing of value is being lost here they can bitch moan cry all they want I mean what do they expect being a bunch of ticket dispensers and being cucked to the alp>> <<@BrianMurphy-t3u says : They chose the government over the public and now the government has stiffed them . Oh well they made their bed>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Are they the same police that bullied and harassed Victorians during COVID ??? Arresting people for absolutely nothing ??? Bowing to one of the most corrupt Premiers of all time ??? Give them nothing. They deserve nothing.>> <<@RogerSliney says : Only in Australia can something like this happen!>> <<@PetersDeliveries says : Nope due to behaviour during covid>> <<@thehon.antiexperimentaldru3475 says : It's amusing how all the paid goons are losing court cases, from all the tyrant acts of flu19. 😆>> <<@tonyabrown7796 says : Too bad they didn't refuse to enforce covid lockdowns and mandates.>> <<@WilliamGriffin-vy6mo says : Why would anyone pay for a corrupt police force ?>> <<@outback109 says : More money to bash and pepper spray old ladies...i think not.>> <<@Response1980 says : You won't get any sympathy from the public>> <<@johnflint7743 says : As if we have any respect for the Covid nazis!>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Lost me when 70yr old defenceless grannies copped a flogging>> <<@Leftyintollerable says : They want a pay rise after the way they treated the very people they were meant to protect during Dan's lockdowns? They need to get community respect back before anything!>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : NEVER TAKE ORDERS FROM CRIMINALS>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : GET SOME FKCN POLICE WHO UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWS & EDICTS. HEALTH ACT = NOT THE LAW OF THE LAND. YOU BLACK SH!RTED SH!TE>> <<@ShirleyYAJOKIN-cx3ro says : They should get none of their demands. The morale of tyrants should be low. Never forget VicPol's atrocious violations of people's rights.>> <<@godoggies1249 says : Kalma..pure and simple. They realise that their masters are self serving.>> <<@mudbutton2 says : Just another day in the impoverished socialist utopia of Vic.>> <<@TheHingshing says : 24% ?>> <<@richardcarey169 says : By their spelling, its clear they are not recruited on the basis of intellect>> <<@shaunthomas501 says : They all need to be sack over covid bullying>> <<@theendmyfriend says : But I thought they pepper spray grannies for love and fun not money. If you're good at something, never do it for free eh.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : A bunch of bullying cowards seeking more $ money for being the most corrupt violent criminals in the country>> <<@richardcarey169 says : Does that mean they will stop their bahaviours of late? Morale is hopeless? I think you have mistaken me for someone who cares........poor things>> <<@Lucifer-ql7cc says : Deal with the violence Palestine thing, violence first, then protect the one who pays you, which is Australian before ask for the pay rise.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Thugs shouldn’t get an increase in pay>> <<@scottadams4655 says : They don't deserve a pay rise for their awful policing throughout covid>> <<@dannipapagno5617 says : They deserve nothing. The public deserve an apology for their appalling behaviour during covid>> <<@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 says : Covid criminals>> <<@farticusruntus says : Laziness and incompetence shouldn’t be rewarded.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Andrews Brown shirts.>> <<@craigsmith8179 says : You chose politics over the public... so reap what you sow..>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Constable Plod is now expecting support from the public after you have bashed them, not likely!!!>> <<@Noisemansoundinsect says : The most unpopular police force of all time>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Victoria is like a State in a Stephen King novel.>> <<@Genesis-007 says : Who said defunding the police was limited to the U.S? If it's happening in a few countries and roughly at the same time, it's an agenda.>> <<@VK6AB- says : Lazy, ineffective and brutal. Leave if you don't like the pay and conditions.>> <<@grumblesmudie3141 says : Victoria Police are going to have a hard time and it started with their reputation being badly tainted during covid and a certain infection mandate now the state is almost bankrupt.>> <<@shanerichardson3212 says : They should have the same as our politicians Salary. The Tribunal determines both the base salary for all MPs and additional salary for holders of certain>> <<@gordonmoore7302 says : Your stations are broke because you all turned communist during covid. And you rooted out the good people when they complained,on top of the absolutely ridiculous policy and outlandish rule changes that are spot on akin to communism. In short, your entire staye is broke,corrupt and are essentially now communist state>> <<@fellowship8083 says : Didn't they just get a pay rise?>> <<@LouMinarty420 says : Sit back and let the left eat each other...because their paranoia and salt will make it happen! Also, notice that Andrews stormtrooper can't spell "pattern" and is just standing there vacantly...graffitiing HIS OWN CAR?? 🤣🤣🤣 Labor's Australia is pathetic! Nothing ever improves, even for those who want Labor most vehemently. How about instead of chasing the dopamine rush that comes from trying to outsmart the competent, you just let the competent lead in peace?>> <<@geob8172 says : Pay disputes is they get paid too much for being corrupt.>> <<@annonomys4788 says : Hows the irony.>>