<<@Wayne-ig1il says : Bill harden up, there’s a lot of Harding working tax payer’s that work well over 100 days away from there families AND don’t get the money or all the royalties that you got over years .>> <<@wafive says : Kathy Sherriff entered the chat.....>> <<@winstonsmith7801 says : The Politicians of the Australian Government establishment are nothing but the managerial class controlled by the WEF.>> <<@josmith2002 says : Well said Peter Dutton— good to hear good coming out of your mouth- Thankyou ❤. Yes, Bill Shorten is a top bloke who worked tirelessly for others. Canberra University will benefit greatly from having such an intelligent, well educated, experienced, helpful respectable man to help our students do better ❤️❤️❤️.>> <<@isabeaudemarco8115 says : Come on Dutton, pick a side.Your wokeness is showing & Australia does not need another snake>> <<@WinsomeMcDonald-n9m says : Honestly people mr Dutton is Australia Trump ,>> <<@jeffycooper630 says : Congratulations for slipping through the liberals digital id say goodbye to any privacy you thought you had>> <<@ventura1893 says : Shorten came close to being thrown into the crowd at Beaconsfield for holding up the rescue for the purpose of getting his name in every thing he could/ supposedly in the interest of safety, shorten was the union rep at the time of the mine cave in the safety officer was in the cage under the old shaft that caved in on the telly handler while fitting mesh over the loose section(the old shaft the drift went through/ on top of the shaft is Beaconsfield primary school? The Australian union movement was founded from the Victorian communist party? How many labour polititions downgrade from union rep to labour party/ penny Wong is another example perhaps Dutton is going to ask bill for a date?>> <<@Brotherskeeper-q1g says : We have a mafia government>> <<@Vassaga says : Surprised Dutton didn't rebut his retirement!>> <<@Jsmithyy says : Honour. Service to Australia . Watch out for that.>> <<@rhettcorbett3346 says : Are you serious ?????? He has done nothing. Should not recieve 1 cent of Pension or any taxpayer $. Just another leech.>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Dutton has elevated racism, hatred, ugliness and bullshit to nuclear levels. His cabal of dodgy mates have dragged Australian politics into a trumpian shithole. Thanks Boofhead....weird bastard.>> <<@noelleggett5368 says : Thank you, Peter Dutton>> <<@lucasroe2878 says : Pauline Hanson would make a better PM. She is FAIR DINKUM and cares about old school Australian values applied to future. Those who pander to minority groups' demands have taken us all on the weird woke spiral down the gurgler. Modern big party politics is ONLY about staying in power.>> <<@denisgeorge549 says : Are you serious Dutton are u shore u ain't Labor trader I think you just signed your own death warrant you know shorten was the worst politician ever just like the rest there for himself n every other country sound like you are the same at the moment didn't they get into government by fraudulently lieing to the Labor voters of this country which I ain't n never will be so if u want us to vote for you then stand up n tell the truth not like the crapp you are saying about Shirty>> <<@ademckinlay4946 says : Bill Shorten is the raygun of aussie politics...>> <<@jarrodboon7421 says : Didn't he negotiate an exemption from labour laws for Maccas and other chains so they could pay workers shit wages? Some union rep.>> <<@robertorwell5035 says : Contributed to Globalists's plan?? Rats are in panic??>> <<@lucasroe2878 says : The Unaparty celebrating themselves. VOTE ONE NATION AUSTRALIANS.>> <<@kimbo3068 says : shows you they are all in the Trough together!>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Shorten sounds quite Conservstive to get Dutton's praises. Disgusting. 🇵🇸🇵🇸>> <<@964Crazy says : Any relation to the upcoming fight with the unions??????>> <<@StevenHaze says : Meathead Mutton is no friend of humans he is a corporate whore first and foremost, like all conservatives!>> <<@BarryShanahan says : Does anyone remember the interview about the supermarkets where the interviewer posed "Have you heard the term Colesworth?" That's Australia's political landscape "Laboral" or "Liberor" You choose. Either way we are being bent over and shafted with a barbed wire dildo cause they are all trying to suckle on Murdoch's cock.>> <<@coldstub says : Don't lie, he's done fuck all and is now working hard to destroy the NDIS and cause disabled people to suffer.>> <<@BarryShanahan says : Really Dutton? You hypocritical smudge! Go back to the Qld police force where low life slugs like you belong.>> <<@nomatterwhereugothereuare says : Democratic process. That died after WW2!>> <<@nomatterwhereugothereuare says : He’s done nothing!>> <<@lesgaal4017 says : Bill shortarse was a member of the communist party and got away with Raping and young women at a Labor party function. He is a low life Dog.>> <<@tobyfitzpatrick3914 says : AND _STAY_ OUT !>> <<@Maria-h1q6w says : NDIS THE BIGGEST CORRUPT SCHEME...SO MANY CORRUPT WORKERS GETTING MONEY FOR DOING NOTHING..SCAM..>> <<@tracelee7332 says : Voldemort>> <<@tracelee7332 says : Great, just what we need. More former Politicians in positions of power.>> <<@markweiss7538 says : Good riddance Bill>> <<@asmith1151 says : If Dutton can congratulate a lowlife like shorten ,l would question his own character .These traitors are all in the trough together laughing at all Australians as they play games with our lives and futures .>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : Shorten initially had some credibility but being Labor was an indication of bad mortality>> <<@chrisg8321 says : He did.... He contributed an enormous amount.. to Australia's rising debt 😅>> <<@RosemaryHorvath says : Dont be so stupid .>> <<@Matt123a says : Bye-bye, commie.>> <<@tlb2970 says : Crap on Dutton, you can get out with Albo, bye bye>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : UNIPARTY .. THE LNP & THE ALP ARE CO-OFFENDERS. ANTI AUSTRALIA. PRO ONE WORLD C0MMUNIST STATE.>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Are you serious. Shorten is a failure. Just a politician with connections in the right places who has done SFA for this country. For once Dutton - tell it like it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@jennymills3147 says : Well said, Peter dutton. 👏>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Spud is trying to be more positive it seems..something that people fault him on>> <<@donotcomply665 says : Contributed what now?>> <<@CatsandJP says : It’s a pity some of those young people commenting don’t show some dignity and integrity with their comments instead of trying to impress their friends for “likes” and followers…instead of posting derogatory remarks and emojis…they are just proving what sheeple they really are.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Dutton is extremely generous and exhibits a side rarely seen in politics and a generosity of spirit. A PM in the making...>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Dutton the hypocrite. A disgusting tosser. 🤮🤮>> <<@Genesis-007 says : Wow, there goes Dutton's credibility down the shitter.>>