<<@anodising27 says : Well he had his ass handed to him. Where are all the Trumpist now crying in the corner. Sky news crying now>> <<@user-nz7pw5vn1x says : Trump only cares about himself Don’t trust this man>> <<@kennethwalton5582 says : This is the same NONSENSE that Trump said about Biden and that NEVER HAPPENED!!!! Trump does what Trump does and that’s RUN HIS MOUTH. He’s a wishful thinker and nothing more. At the end of the day, NEARLY every Republican who’s worked with or for Trump won’t support him in this election. Trump doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing and they all learned that firsthand. It’s about time people started listening to them. https://youtu.be/7Lcb8grMGok?si=X7CtFEou-s1oH184 https://youtu.be/jXE9Eh80JG4?si=gcqb8XndMk9-LTFL https://youtu.be/shp_AL4Lefw?si=6wYxCPOqAcjrBkLf>> <<@Girlyliv says : Trump2024 ❤❤❤>> <<@ernestocornieles6136 says : NEVADA FOR TRUMP>> <<@ernestocornieles6136 says : TRUMP IS THE BEST>> <<@t47328 says : Moderated by Fox news. That's all you need to know. This was an absolute soft ball interview. Trump has been predicting (hoping for) a recession since his race against Biden. Speaking of Biden: I note that this station didn't show the parts of the interview where Trump still thought he was running against Biden. The old man is losing it, big time.>> <<@markr6185 says : We are tired of trump and his crap. Time to retire him forever. 💙💙💙💙>> <<@jljones6343 says : This reporter mispronounces Kamala Harris' first name, calling her by her first name anyway, even though he doesn't know how to pronounce it, and doesn't call Trump by his first name. What's that all about?>> <<@kwezihaas1394 says : Kamala for President 2024>> <<@scottwilliamson3830 says : Right media just distract insult manipulate edit lie about Democrats. Copy search anywhere Google image is easiest visually Donald Trump guilty 17 counts of tax fraud Hunter Biden 1.3 million vs Jared Kushner 2 BILLION Hunter Biden scandal vs Trump kids scandals US violent crime by years graphs US violent crime by states map Growth in the national debt of the United States from 1969 to 2023, by president Job creation by US Presidents Employment under US Presidents Republican employment vs Democrat employment Job creation by US Party Economies by US Party US Presidents economies Republican economies vs Democrat economies US economies by Presidents US states by economies Republican federal debt vs Democrat federal debt Trump's debt vs Presidents Added debt by US presidents US states by average family income US states by long term poverty US states by average wage map US states by minimum wage map US states by violent crime map US states by prison population map US states by gun deaths map US states by healthcare ranking map US states by average life expectancy map US states by infant deaths map Most charitable US billionaires Least charitable US billionaires Murdoch media propaganda right social media repeats Murdoch media vs Democracy Murdoch media Kremlin Murdoch media owns>> <<@jVorensky says : Trump’s “FROZEN” Narcissistic Authoritarian, Dictatorial Trauma (emotionally ingrained, hard-wired, deeply rooted, embedded, and imprinted) facilitates poor judgment examples: Economy 2025 TRUMP’S TARIFFS INCREASE TAXES BY $3,500 to families, and tax cuts for billionaires. TRUMP KILLED THE BIPARTISAN IMMIGRATION AGREEMENT, BOASTS ABOUT ENDING ROE VS WADE (Multiple flip-flops/lies, lies, lies). Trump created our inflation by increasing debt by 8 trillion! He wants to terminate the U.S. Constitution, favors dictators, Putin, and Kim Jung Un, promised but failed to reduce the price of prescription drugs, and cut Medicare/Medicaid, and Social Security Benefits. Waltz Declared, "SKY NEWS MIND YOUR OWN DAMN POLITICAL BUSINESS" VOTE HARRIS/WALTZ!>> <<@Ritza.Elefteria.Michaki says : One would say: I agree 💯 with his opinion of to many flip flops and fake personality such as switch to another state language 😂😂>> <<@chgeo-e1t says : We condemn the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for severely violating human rights and imposing a dictatorship.😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠>> <<@gongbee says : Harris never cares about the well-being or the core values of America. That’s why she flip-flops, fakes accents, aligns herself to whatever situation that may gain her the slightest favor.>> <<@iansoper3453 says : It’s hard to believe that half of US voters would vote for communist Kamala. Learn from Canada’s mistakes! Do not vote in a dictator! It’s a disaster!>> <<@cindoy-xe4do says : Commie Kammy is a cement head.>> <<@ME-po6kr says : America can't have a hindu floozy for president... TRUMP 2024>> <<@gail9906 says : President Trump 2024! 🎉❤️🇦🇺🦘>> <<@johnwalker3620 says : After the debate Kamala numbers will greatly reduce!>> <<@doloresmendoza506 says : No surprise here, Liz Cheney is a RINO!!!😂😂😂>> <<@doloresmendoza506 says : TRUMP 2024!!!❤❤❤🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🙏🙏🙏>> <<@Dv087 says : Not only do we need to have Trump, we must have both chambers of congres go republican.>> <<@troubledwaters888 says : Trump is 100 times more crooked than Nixon, and 1000 times more dangerous to our democracy and freedoms. Do not vote for this self-serving fraud and criminal>> <<@troubledwaters888 says : Beware *Project 2025*: The Trump/GOP/MAGA detailed conservative authoritarian master plan to Take Away Our American Freedoms. Read it. This is not a game. Do your Patriotic Civic Duty: Dump Donald Trump and reject GOP authoritarian blueprint *Project 2025*. Vote for Freedom Not Fascism in the USA>> <<@ssuwandi3240 says : Radical woke KommieLa and her vile un-Americanized handlers have not been the greatest policymakers, the Americans have seen the ongoing slowly busted zombie corporations that Joke Byedon still injected fresh fiscal to the overly compensated useless CEOs who took taxpayers gifted grants but failed to turned the empire around for 3.5+ years but slapped more losses.>> <<@cd5642 says : Trump has already won…we just need to get the Cee Eye Ay to agree>> <<@ken4016 says : Don't be fooled. Trump is way ahead of Harris. But don't get complacent.>> <<@stevejones1963 says : Liz Cheney received a cheque in the mail>> <<@tonyug113 says : How badly do the democrats have to do before their peons stop voting for them -- hard to imagine a worse government currently.>> <<@allypad64 says : If Kamala somehow gets elected, we will be up $hit creek without a paddle. How can anyone possible vote for this train wreck?? Trump might be arrogant, crass and not politically correct. I would much rather have someone who just tells it like it is and doesn’t lie to citizens! Just shoot it straight - don’t lie to say what you think I want to hear!! I don’t understand (and never will) how seemingly intelligent people could vote for Kamala. She is in so far over her head that it’s ridiculous. How do people not see this??>> <<@peterlegg7456 says : Follow the money. If betting markets have Trump ahead and most polls have Harris ahead, you can bet the pollsters have a vested interest in Harris winning.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : Trump 2024>>