<<@JohnSmith-ux3tt says : Sorry bbc whyte males - you're out. All that virtue signalling and it still couldn't save you. Lmao.>> <<@oasis042 says : They are basically going to fire anyone with conservative or nationalist views and replace them with people who do not share those views. Defund the ABC now before history repeats.>> <<@jmc10000-h says : The BBC staff numbers in 2022 were 21,281.>> <<@willdsm08 says : That just means they're clearing out the last of their conservative staff members. The UK has fallen.>> <<@NoWindNoSunNoPower says : Go woke, go broke.>> <<@glenn3460 says : Diversity is proving to be ineffective. Several international vorporations are already shedding it... stick to MERIT -based hiring/ employment.>> <<@sachah2400 says : Close the ABC and save Australian taxpayers 1400 million dollars a year. Lefties can pay a subscription if they want the abc to continue. Its 24hour news has about 3000 viewers. Thats it.>> <<@thehon.antiexperimentaldru3475 says : The Savile network.😆>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Buggered Basket Corporation.>> <<@rs807 says : BBC is another fake news, they can go to hell.>> <<@bermondsey548428 says : They won't be a tear shed for them they worked for the most hated woke company going>> <<@avuncular300 says : BBC's brand of 'diversity'has often lead to depravity. Cancel the entire diseased corporation and let us view alternative and better balanced channels without extortion.>> <<@bubbahope243 says : Pay for the pedos at the BBC 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@Hellfire99666 says : Boycott the bbc Peado protecting scum bags>> <<@bubbahope243 says : Thank God im 58 and never paid for a TV licence 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@SteveWindsurf says : What happens when the "diverse" demand more diversity? 1) More extremity. 2) Bias against normality.>> <<@ginaslifetoo says : Of course because diversity means so much more than employment>> <<@garfield3443 says : Jason Morrison is a great upholder of standards in broadcasting that (as a judge) gave his own wife an Australian Commercial Radio & Audio (ACRA) Award. He knows how to keep the wife happy. 🤣>> <<@2partys1tyranny says : couldn't happen to a better bunch of libtards. truly as if the hand of God reached down and slapped them with the reality of their actions>> <<@drganknstein says : Fire a bunch of the whites so they can bring in more diversity yyyyyyyy>> <<@pragasanarchary2980 says : Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation should cut all jobs😂😂😂>> <<@Sturmavk says : 😂😂😂🤡💩🤭>> <<@amongstgreatdanes580 says : Has the BBC always been openly racist?>> <<@coal_man says : Their ABC>> <<@danielcoffman3739 says : 500 citizen jobs will be cut and 500 migrant jobs will be added. The staff cuts will get rid of racists. The new staff are migrants and deserve your jobs.>> <<@TomEdwardi says : I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated..>> <<@timtauber5557 says : The BBC is a communist organization.>> <<@LeeCharles90 says : Well they’ve sacked all their criminals……. It’s only fair they sack the ones that actually work to keep the numbers fair😂😂>> <<@LeeCharles90 says : Well they’ve sacked all their criminals……. It’s only fair they sack the ones that actually work to keep the numbers fair😂😂>> <<@frankie9747 says : They have a lot of diversity, but not when it comes to talent. In that regard, mediocrity is their golden standard and irrelevance is a badge of honour.>> <<@politicsuncensored5617 says : That's a great way to run a business at taxpayers expense. Hire by race, color, sex and forget experience. Shalom>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : So a BBC recruitment drive for more h o m o s and p a e d o s ?>> <<@ravens-crypt says : As the saying goes the math isn’t mathing and their common sense isn’t common sensing>> <<@groovyboovy says : probably means "500 white jobs">> <<@stewartmckay9830 says : British TV more ugly people than you can shake a stick at>> <<@DC3Refom says : employing based on race is racisf these msm ults are just like skinheads>> <<@CanadaRocks4U says : The SLOW PEOPLE WILL REPLACE LOCAL EDUCATED PEOPLE. REGARDLESS OF COGNITIVE PROBLEMS.>> <<@alanmullaney6433 says : Uk here bbc is diabolical never paid tv license never will never watch bbc corrupt as....>> <<@Buddha2024-w7y says : How many of those 500 will be from 'protected groups'?>> <<@paulnailor6723 says : Time to get with the times. If you want it. subscribe to it. Defund the biased broadcasting corporation.>> <<@MJ-fj9yv says : Diversity allows them to corrupt minorities using their own people…Makes perfect sense!!!!>> <<@Anthony-eb5gl says : BBC business model .. continue to increase the fee as their audience dwindles.. until one family is paying £76 million pounds for annual subscription...their left wing agenda in a financial definition....>> <<@davidcruse6589 says : Their all getting what they deserve for backing this 💩>> <<@TheTmcabral3 says : That’s a 160k a person.>> <<@langleyj8199 says : BBC has to appear like they are woke to get tax payer money to keep them afloat. People are turning off BBC like they are CBC in Canada. Candians are turning off CBC which is now state run media. CBC gets tax payer money then laid off hundreds.>> <<@GigglewithFelix321 says : "DEI doesn't work" - Black American man>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : Decisions decisions>> <<@SirJimmySavileOBEKCSG says : Jimmy Savile Protectors the BBC!>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Legacy media is on the way out..they are dinosaurs…people steam what they want, when they want..>> <<@veritasaequitas9252 says : Rita, please expose the story of 2011 in California. Kamala Harris hit and run people going wrong way. Teenager wheelchair ♿️ bound for life after the accident. Gary at Next News Network showed the victim speaking about this accident, very heartbreaking. People must know the truth.>>