<<@juneslater63 says : Haha I know this guy lol😅>> <<@jeffallen981 says : Send the letter back>> <<@mickhartwig8132 says : Nice to see the arrogance of cyclists around the globe is the same... 🌎>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : Lolz>> <<@steve00alt70 says : Arrest her she is thinking something bad. Well it goes both ways if the police intimidate me fearing for my life then the police should get arrested by citizens arrest.>> <<@aliciamiceli4141 says : Sounds like China>> <<@paulaswaim8434 says : Cops all over the world suck.>> <<@WeveGotBush says : 😂😂😂 His had enough>> <<@BabyFruitBat says : They will be giving warnings for just thinking they are c**nts next.>> <<@secondchance6603 says : If you can get people fired/banned/cancelled/arrested/jailed for hurting your feelings you are not the oppressed... you are the oppressor.>> <<@thetechman143 says : Lets not go to the UK. WE CHOOSE AN AUSTRALIAN NEWS PLATFORM, TO HEAR AUSSIE NEWS, not dramas from UK.>> <<@GLB-f7s says : The UK: where the govt now thinks a harsh word can do more damage than a sharp knife.>> <<@James-i9z8k says : As a cyclist in the USA, I’m the one who’s swearing at the drivers because of how they drive. Us cyclists get no respect because everyone’s in a dang hurry.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Coming here next. Just like in the novel 1984.>> <<@Rolandjes37 says : No a cyclist and walkers hate you drivers and we want you to stop driving and get off of oil and walk your lazy fat asses and ride a fucking bike or walk>> <<@google_is_a_criminal says : "The world is divided enough", as he spins and launces into a divisive story he repeats FOR PROFIT.>> <<@davinsustak4398 says : Worst country in the world.... period... Australia second..🙄>> <<@andylaauk says : Cyclists - Arrogant twats that swear at anyone that ventures near a cycle lane even a shared one. UK Police - Two Tier Keir's Stazi that don't do real crime.>> <<@gerharddebeer7783 says : Maybe swear at the migrants that are threatening your country. OOOOOOO sorry it is not allowed>> <<@effbee56 says : MAMILS often ride 3 abrea or on the main roadway without utizing the cycle strip. They do not pay exorbitant tax on their vehicle's fuel and heft Rego fees. The more expensive the gear, the more entitled the cyclist. But as a petrol fuelled 2 wheel rider I can agree that drivers of 4 wheeled or bigger vehicles are often blind to anything on two eheels, putting the two wheeled rider at grave risk.>> <<@RichardSteeper says : Nottinghamshire police 🤔 😺 their whatsapps can 🥫 be found. 🤔 Why would sky Australia care about Nottinghamshire police? Worth 🐻 ING in mind. 🤔 😂❤>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : Another example of SKY dragging itself into the gutter with such exciting world beating news.>> <<@Oystersgetclamydia says : Those grasses are prob regular viewers of w⚓️ Jeremy Vine and his GoPro hat.>> <<@frogger2513 says : Why do people drift towards Totalitarianism?>> <<@jasonpocaro2730 says : Bite my walnuts 😮 You got enough crime to worry about some foul language 😂 Trump 2024 🎉>> <<@VivRich-zp7lm says : When I was a kid my dad was going to move us from California to Australia. I am so glad we didn’t. California politics is no doubt Whacko Whacko Whacko but Australia has become Whacko Whacko Whacko too. I used to be a lefty but have come to my senses and now literally HATE the left.>> <<@lindacosma2064 says : Exactly. Slippery slope there>> <<@curtisfinckel6833 says : Being in America, do you guys complain about the bike made me laugh that has the same problem. Sometimes stop and shake your Head as a backer myself it’s funny thank you guys made my day>> <<@chloehood6355 says : Great, how many times have i had abuse from the lycra louts. R>> <<@BrianMartin-ox2ru says : OK - make cyclists have number plates tax, insurance, a roadworthiness inspection and a competency test before being allowed on the road. Like I have to do as a driver.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : So they are not chasing migrants crimes?>> <<@bobbybridgeman2629 says : Cyclists are selfish and think they own the roads that they contribute nothing towards……liked as much as estate agents.>> <<@Boabexplorer says : Meanwhile the real criminals have a free pass to do what they want and the law abiding people get cautioned, fined and locked up for criticising the idiots, criminals and politicians.>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : The UK motorists code is often referred to these days as the cyclist code. Cyclists are not now even required to keep to the left, and are often seen blocking enter lanes of traffic. There is even a ‘bike box’ just before traffic lights, apparently it is a great idea to allow the slowest moving traffic to filter to the front, to hold everyone else up.>> <<@chrscmp214 says : Omg what is going on in the UK? Straight Orwelllian!!!>> <<@GrandAdmThrawn says : UK policemen are pathetic 🤡🤡🤡>> <<@estebanmoeller says : UK has gone crazy>> <<@tidasium1785 says : Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you. What the hell has happened that now people are hurt emotionally over words? But you don't care about the physical well-being of your girls of your tax paying citizens. Can we go back to the '80s where it was at least decent to be alive in?>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Starmer’s new government looks quite oppressive, letting r....ists out of jails to make room for speech “criminals”...>> <<@wr1451 says : The irony of this clown complaining how divided the world is when it is literally his job to provide disinformation to polarise society. It is the Murdoch propaganda business model.>> <<@Puantueurs says : "It is alleged that your husband, right before being beheaded, shouted YOU BUNCH OF BARBARIANS...">> <<@crosisofborg5524 says : Every day we get another example of the suppression of speech under the UK dictatorship.>> <<@leevan2332 says : Yes the POLICE STATE has arrived ....The UK will be an Islamic state in the coming years! Mean while people are being assaulted raped and stabbed all over the UK...Oh Oh and you can assault the police and get away with it....But not those "naughty" words....The police are COWARDS go after real crime!!!>> <<@Jasna-zd2zl says : You need to learn that the UK has gone completely mad and then nothing will surprise you!>>