<<@4Justice-u8p says : i do not understand how the father is the problem? but not the school. if this is false info or disinfo, this will be bad for Georgia. i encourage people to leave that state, let the WH call for a new immagration to there and yall leave!!!!>> <<@ricki-bobby says : If this was an illegal immigrant kid, you fvcking hypocrites would have left all comments open on these videos. Instead you close comments down because you can't handle the truth>> <<@TRex-uh2er says : What about Hillary’s emails? Republicans had a chance to address gun violence but value guns more than children.>> <<@rs7656 says : Thank God red states are focusing on banning books, not guns. Trump 2024!!>> <<@intothefrayyo says : This comment section looks awfully different than if it were......>> <<@enterprise59 says : Once again, FBI FAILS to do it's job, as does local LEO's. So does this mean school threats will never be taken seriously? Wonder how serious terrorists threats will be to the FBI. Failed-Botched-Idiots>> <<@justinamos9223 says : White loner kid, the "usual suspect" to use ya'lls favorite phrase 😂😂😂>> <<@user-wd8jo3zr6h says : Another FBI failure. Did they notify the school officials. Should not have been enrolled in school. Better not treat him like a child.>> <<@vinceabbott1271 says : The FBI should have done something about it before this happened.>> <<@KrintalSrim says : And that bomb threat written in the bathroom right before a big test is taken very seriously.>> <<@skotrba1 says : Guess all those “thoughts and prayers” aren’t working. Maybe we should try something else. No child is safe anymore in America.>> <<@Williameagleblanket says : FBI was too busy investigating parents who had been called, domestic terrorists who voiced their opinions at school board meetings. That was more important to the FBI.>> <<@WeThePeople205 says : FBI needs to be 100% revamped. They have blood on their hands with this one. If they weren’t so focused on protecting the left and actually did their jobs this could have been prevented>> <<@josephlaviolette6399 says : So the FBI knew about this and did nothing again. We have people who are yelling about guns that shouldn't be in society. When we should really be asking does the FBI really care about our safety as citizens?>> <<@frankbagbey8372 says : People, kids, etc...if you are having problems coping, seek professional psychological help!!!!!!>> <<@shinigami-man5727 says : Instead of gun control, let's talk about the failures of the FBI.>> <<@lookingatoceanwaves says : When conservatives finally admit mass shootings are bad, this will stop.>> <<@plebs3199 says : If he was on the radar, then why did no law enforcement search his laptop or whatever he used to make threats. The sheriff clearly didn’t conduct a full investigation.>> <<@danboyd2725 says : What we know. Another right-wing white teen with an AR-15.>> <<@redpillmila says : That it was staged by Mossad.>> <<@jermainewatsonsr314 says : I'll wait to see what led him to do this but society has a lot of little guys on the edge, just like this. No friends. Socially awkward. No extracurricular activity engagement. No drive among many things. They live online & parents have no idea & a lot of times don't want to know what they are consuming. Then when it hits the fan, they want a therapist to get the kid right for a hour a week in a controlled environment.>> <<@hollow2hollowify says : Get used to it kids Columbine used be so unique now we have this every few months>> <<@mejoe247 says : The mainstream media is already dropping this story. I wonder why?!>> <<@kenaz868 says : always the same race. always taken in alive.>> <<@StromBugSlayer says : This couldn't have happened, according to gun nuts. The gun was purchased for hunting/self defense! How could it be used in a deadly act of terror? If the FBI had taken away Dad's guns, only criminals would have guns...>> <<@davec3717 says : "Nothing can be done to prevent this says the only country where this regularly happens".>> <<@timcarr-tm8li says : And yet he was investigated like Hunter and Hillary Clinton was.>> <<@AyeCarumba221 says : Trumps stock is falling. Trumps supporters are nose diving. His supporters are running like rats from a sinking ship.>> <<@skylar5257 says : Being on a No-Fly list is more consequential than being on the FBI’s radar.>> <<@higthepig2463 says : Colt gray. That’s the NAME!! Investigate family.>> <<@emillion4470 says : Gunman? No... GUNCHILD.... let that sink in....>> <<@lloungethephaseking625 says : What is the killer white? Must have been, because if he was Black They would Of Have mentioning That, BIG Facts 😢>> <<@Illuminaticonspiracies24 says : If everyone did an anonymous online crime tip submission to the Eugene police department in Oregon it would probably help out bcs the cops couldn’t handle that big of mind control work load so it would even put the stress on everyone in Eugene bcs they would have too much they would have to focus on and they even replace health products if you do bcs lots of health products cancel out their ability to use their mind control techniques on us also it’s suer dangerous to do this bcs they can make your eyes move and say things or whisper things under your breath and they always try to ruin relationships or stop them from happening and also they try to be rude to women through you too and putnimages in you for up to three months straight and one thing that helps it go away is nuubu foot patches , I was wearing them when I submitted and they instantly started burning my feet instead of making them feel good and I had to try to get someone to replace them back to normal or steal them back and it took a minute or two for the patches to go back to how they felt before I clicked submit. Gotta write a warning bcs it’s so intense>> <<@TERRY-cb2ku says : If a threat has been identified , why not take it at face value before it escalates into a tragedy ? Perhaps a not so hidden agenda of eventual gun confiscation brought on by allowing certain "tragic incidents" to occur to fuel public outrage. One can only speculate.>> <<@Tracy-sw4fx says : People blaming inanimate objects for violence 😂>> <<@Tracy-sw4fx says : Remove God and morals from a country and the country can only become more evil>> <<@Patriotsoftwash says : My goodness. That is so awful and sad. That’s horrible. I hate that happened. Those innocent young kids and the teachers. 😢>> <<@MableMaigret says : I really appreciate your clear and simple breakdown on financial pitfalls! I lost so much money on stook market but now making around $18k to $21k every week trading different stocks and cryptos>> <<@JamesSmith-tl5zy says : The only time mainstream news media outlets don't give you the name of the shotter is because the shotter is Black if was a white person it would be on every news channel 💯💯💯>> <<@TTOCSSMITH says : We know republicans should not have allowed legislation banning assault rifles sunset. What were they thinking?>> <<@chenster02453 says : Never forget how Trump was recently bragging about how he purposely did nothing for gun safety regulations in the 4 years that he was president. Remember this when you vote this November.>> <<@WXSEDY says : WOW! Such _ignorance_ in the comments today. Fact: A single 13-year old _person_ took a gun (illegally or without permission) and _CHOOSE_ to do something bad with it. At what point is a THIRTEEN-YEAR OLD person _NOT RESPONSIBLE_ for making a BAD CHOICE? Why are parents who tried to guide that 13-year old now responsible? There may indeed be some misplaced responsibility, but so far _there is no evidence!_ Therefore, this horrible thing is _entirely_ at the feet of another monster. Just how a person could be pushed or encouraged to embrace a murderous rage and become a monster, may be the more important question.>> <<@thomasfranco3128 says : Good job FBI smh he is on your radar list and still this happens anthnor school shootimg were innocent lives are taken when will this ever stop>> <<@chrisgabbert658 says : This is soft on crime.>> <<@amukiia says : the wonderful land of the free🥰>> <<@rebelragz9431 says : Lunatic kid you know is a problem, FBI does nothing. Parents show up to school board meetings to voice their concerns about what’s going on in classrooms they get their doors kicked in and are red dotted by FBI. Apparently the FBI has their priorities straight 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄>> <<@JohnB-nq4js says : Interesting that this happened the same day the Nashville tranifesto was finally released.>> <<@kevinroberts781 says : Maybe if they left Trump alone they could catch these school shootings before they happened. Cough FBI cough.>> <<@patrickmckeever2378 says : The FBIBOOK spies on us all so for them to say they had a tip is just common speak for them avoiding how they illegally spy just using WORD SALAD to tell us!>> <<@miriellob says : Name was released yesterday>>