<<@antonythomas9063 says : NATO and US never say the truth that they losing the war in Ukraine against Russia. Sooner or later tax payers in US and EU will understand the truth Let the bus go.>> <<@usernamename2978 says : Exclusive! Country at war reveals their secret strategy to journalists! Yeah, right.>> <<@vladimirpopovic8471 says : 😂😂😂>> <<@wihane1 says : i see your eyes make sure you are not drunk it likes a joke>> <<@GastonBess says : Bull shi..😂😊😊>> <<@GastonBess says : 😂😊😂 he is a lier this was hatch in england>> <<@GeorgePrice-vp6td says : Who is the Canon fodder now Christine so he told you he was winning. So who's winning oh yeah he is winning . And I guess if you keep telling everybody that you're winning then of course you must be winning yes not only winning for their thirst for victory . Zelinski's security Force who drives the streets seeking young men who are playing hooky so Christine you should ask him about the press gangs where you see young man running for their lives and their wives fighting to keep them alive I hear is one month and they're dead from the day the press gangs force them into their paddy wagons till they are blown to bits sitting in those ditches when the glide bomb comes they don't feel a thing. Yes they're making a great point of defeating the Russians. So being so high on the list of propagandist they must have a little bunk are cot for you in the presidential . Anti-nuke Bunker!!!! So tell us Christine is the destruction of mankind and this Earth for what ??? Is it worth getting in a nuclear war that nobody will win and it will make this beautiful Earth uninhabitable because why because of America security 8,000 mi away. May be in danger. So we're going to maybe destroy the Earth in the name of democracy for a little corrupt autocratic country and dictator who holds no elections. And arrest anyone who disagrees with him Who is shut down all media platforms except the one of his choosing what kind of democracy is that and is it worth the destruction of our Earth that we were supposed to be custodians of the way people treat their sometimes maybe it was meant to be that we destroy ourselves and this beautiful heaven on Earth . So our leaders tell us that our security is in great danger ??? Really truly??????>> <<@claudiusromeoburias9511 says : US politician always play god ,>> <<@pavelk4178 says : that me>> <<@pavelk4178 says : no food in russia, starvation>> <<@RickWilliams-tb5qi says : You know what I respect is this man and this country and there men. But at the same time look what this bitch did she tried to put them in the dirt with the morale question. Why f that there doing what is right for them and there fight have some pride and pride for them. I wish as a marine this would have started five years ago before my son was born because I would be there for there pride and honor. Slava Ukrainians. Semper Fi>> <<@dianetandy1757 says : That general looks like he either needs a good sleep or he’s on something. He looks wrecked>> <<@DicterAbud-W says : Imagine. 300 billions of our dollars to be send to zelemsky poket>> <<@DicterAbud-W says : Zirsky never being i.n front line jajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajajajajaja jajajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja>> <<@DicterAbud-W says : Long. Range. Mean www3 don't be so Smart???????>> <<@DicterAbud-W says : Kamala is a puppet of military complex and it's puppets biden adm and democratic party all warmongers warmongers warmongers warmongers Stop all wars stop sending money to zelemsky poket>> <<@DicterAbud-W says : What's wrong with peace,????no more money to military complex and it's puppets biden adm and kamala and all warmongers we the people don't want more wars we are all voting for trump>> <<@DicterAbud-W says : Kamala is a puppet of military complex and it's puppets biden adm and democratic party all warmongers all warmongers warmongers warmongers warmongers warmongers Stop all wars stop sending money to zelemsky poket billions of our dollars to zelemsky poket stop inflatión stop www3 we the people are all voting for trump>> <<@japarnaranidas9281 says : Stop war use less war mr Putin.>> <<@zani1106 says : Just 2 days after this Interview CNN debunks Syrsky with the story "Outgunned and outnumbered Ukraine's military is struggling with low morale and desertion" - CNN It contradicts Syrskys claims where he said moral is high. And today in just 2 days Russia rolls backs 10 settlements. After just 1 month into Kursk Kiev has lost 11,400 KIA . The Narrative of Kursk changes every week but there is no admission to failure and the strategic blunder the Kursk adventure has become>> <<@PeterOne24 says : Never interrupt an enemy making a mistake. Nervous Pavlov reaction to Zelenskyy Kursk misadventure would show Russian weakness, but here Russians showed maturity, good judgment and willingness to exploit enemy's mistakes. Zelenskyy already wasted 12,000 troops and tons of equipment that could have been used at a vital Donbass front that is rapidly crumbling. Now he's losing these villages in the middle of nowhere, he managed to capture at such a staggering cost. This misadventure proved to be another unmitigated disaster for Ukraine.>> <<@davidbrown8536 says : Russia took 220sq km of Donetsk in August, 90 sq km in July and 64 sq kms in June. Any government that holds its men captive within its borders and needs to kidnap its own people off the streets to fight for them does not represent western values and democracy. Let alone Ukraine.... The Russians don't do any of that..>> <<@Jim-gz4wo says : Slava Ukraini 💙💛🇺🇦🇺🇦>> <<@juanespinosa3666 says : What strategy is this moron talking about? Right now Ukraine is getting its ass kicked in Kursk. Russia has launched a lightning counteroffensive. Check out the not at all pro-Russian ISW ​​portal and see if I'm lying.>> <<@michaelmullins3396 says : i wonder if he still can say, on the 12th September, that his invasion of the Russian Federation was a success, when his troops are being decimated by Russia, and he will be lucky if any of them will make it back to Ukraine alive. Once again his Political and military have lead his up the garden path. Ukraine's only option is to hoist the white rag, while his country has any chance ,especially the Western part has any chance of survival.>> <<@BertramMeroy-h3w says : Lopez John Lopez David Lee Ronald>> <<@stephenoneill2844 says : These heroes make me wish I was from Ukraine.>> <<@Paolo1964 says : People underestimate the psychological effects of the Kursk offensive. It brought the far off war home to the Russian people. In addition, it undermined support for Putin. Brilliant move.>> <<@agabrielian says : Syrskyi is a total liar. Russians are moving very fast in Donetsk as they approach Pokrovsk. His claim that the enemy has not advanced even a meter is complete nonsense.>> <<@Tokieejke says : FORCE UKRAINE to recognize the right for conscientious objection. There is no way to refuse to kill people and be a military if you are truly civilian person with good heart. Even 3 years in prison will not make me free from military duty which I don`t want to perform. Event Israel and South Korea are recognizing the right for conscientious objection. It`s a right which guaranteed by article 18 of ICCPR, article 9 of ECHR. This documents are part of Ukraines laws, since they were accepted many years ago. PLEASE HELP, at least like my comment to make it on top!>> <<@LizTaylor-iu1oj says : The Kursk strategy is a failure...>> <<@dembel222 says : US is weak>> <<@duminduweragoda795 says : He heee see still Russians manage to hit all over the Ukraine... for sur3 Russia is having another plan never know how>> <<@joelturley4847 says : Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Vladimir Zelensky cannot give Ukraine's armed forces the order to retreat from Russia's Kursk region because the West will consider this a failure, analyst Mark Episkopos said in an article in The American Conservative. "Zelensky's government will not be able to simply pack its bags and leave the Kursk region: [...] one of Kiev's main tasks is to manipulate opinion in the West, and a retreat [...] cannot be presented [to the West] otherwise than as a failure" According to the expert, this is the reason why Kiev continues to throw new units into the Kursk region, despite constant losses and Russia's successful advance into Donbass. Since the start of fighting in the Kursk direction, the opponent has lost more than 11,400 soldiers and 89 tanks and many armored fighting vehicles.>> <<@vidong1704 says : Gen. Syrsky is actually from Russia originally, but he became a citizen of Ukraine and is now fighting his native country, so to speak. In those countries, the only thing that matters is your citizenship. Nothing else. No one doubted his loyalty. No need. You are = your citizenship.>> <<@patrick3846 says : Kursk become curse to Ukrain! Mistake dessition! Remember the battle of kursk in world war 2 ? You think Ukrain gonna beat thier mother land? Will see.....>> <<@user-zk8bu2wt5j says : Last thing a General in the middle of a fight wants to do is talk to an irrelevant has-been. Looking at you Christine.>> <<@lanadaniels1689 says : He also said something I have never heard before - that was that the war started in 2014!!! Was there a war there that we were not told about???>> <<@lanadaniels1689 says : OMG! He is Russian, and was born and trained in Russia 😢 He hardly speaks Ukrainian - so not really can be trusted>> <<@pedrojaviertorrescorcuera8441 says : lo hoy sabido que Europa tirando con Rusia para facilitarle la toma de Crimea y otros territorios de Ucrania porque putin les favoreció con petróleo barato ,obvio occidente y Europa deben retirar ese manto oscuro que se pudieron para actuar por interés económico favoreciendo a Rusia no midiendo las consecuencias de alentaron el expansionismo agresor de las hordas rusas y la creencia de creerse emperador del lunático de Putin>> <<@SovetUnion63 says : I remember her fake reports from Kosovo. 😡😡😡😡😡>> <<@HarryBanjo461 says : Who really break the agreement... Russia develop Ukraine and they become a traitor by following the USA and the west.... they.sign to be neutral... and They.all becomes traitor.. that is the reason why they are all worried about Russia because they know.. that they are wrong by taking side with the USA...>> <<@xZxOxVx says : Typical Ukrainian 🍸🍾🥛🥃🥴🥴🥴 Send more money 🇺🇲🇪🇺💸💸💸🇺🇦>> <<@kita_komen4391 says : crazy people; you dont ask for more weapon if you can't afford to fight, just make peace. Be good to your neighbours. These so called leaders are not role model to our young people.>> <<@antoniofromwest6917 says : Дядя Саша опять водки пару литров опрокинул))))Забавно слушать как у него язык заплетается>> <<@user-1mrndslvd8h says : The patriotic mood of Ukrainians has not diminished, but people go to war to win, not to die. To win, you need weapons, which Ukraine, as a non-military country, does not produce enough to match the forces of Russia, which is constantly at war and has the second largest army in the world. Joe Biden's drip supplies, refusal to provide a lend-lease and lack of permission to strike at Russian territory only prolong the war and cause more casualties among the military and civilians. Therefore, all those who support the Ukrainians should make up their minds. If you are really for Ukraine's victory, then help with weapons in sufficient quantities and on time. Otherwise, the world order will be changed to the totalitarian Soviet one and everyone who values freedom will be forced to fight for it. So far, only Ukrainians are fighting. If things continue as they are now, everyone will be on the front line.>> <<@WewasAtamans says : Well, "president" Zelenski said it was done to get hostages and land for exchange later. Although their reasoning seems to vary depending on the day of the week the question is asked. So maybe they finally got their story straight?>> <<@vibe5207 says : I'm watching this one the 9th August 2024... Bro said they have not moved a single meter..... I just watched the video that came out a while ago by this same news media, theg said that the Russians have the sight of the city.... How come??? Wo they didn't move in 6 whole days but managed to come so vlose thag the city is in sight... How come???? They just appeared to the place or what???? Someone explaine to me please i dont get this guy🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽....>> <<@richardclary6267 says : Sorry for the Delay about sending you nearing 250 billion Ukraine.....just understand we're being invaded and are starving but you always get what you want.....just Awesome to know your corrupt government is buying villas in France and we're deciding between gas or food....when papa trump gets in this shit is over!!! Looks like you would beg,mooch,and steal from your neighbors they have more to lose>>