<<@ohasis8331 says : Maybe now Paul Keating will finally shutup.>> <<@goldcoastlady5377 says : #FOBILL>> <<@07headshot says : Slimy back stabbing turd. Only that idiot Turnbull could stuff the royal commission into the unions. Shorten wasn't found innocent, miraculously the evidence disappeared and they didn't have enough evidence to refer charges.>> <<@arthurglasso2301 says : Perverts like him pushed the 'safe schools' programming of youngsters with sexual filth, and the subsequent covering up of said program with just another perverted agenda.>> <<@NeilButcher-h1d says : A bi election is needed>> <<@ElarMack-ci1of says : What A JOKE of small man. Put in charge of imbezzlement and rorting of NDIS but guilty of IMBEZZLEMENT and RORTING of WA Miner union funds along with Gillard, Much like having a DRUNK in CHARGE OF THE BAR Never worked for Australia in his life, like sleazebanese. Both have lived off the LABOR/UNION and Australias TEAT ALL THEIR LIVES. GOOD RIDDANCE! All ShortONE has EVER done is tell people what to do, and then take the credit. Happened in Tassie with the TRAPPED MINERS. HOLLOW BILL DID NOTHING and others did ALL the WORK. He HATES WORK, it is a 4 LETTER WORD after all!>> <<@ghenettedla3742 says : Good luck Bill I wish you all the best 👍🏻>> <<@martinlyons7181 says : Thank god useless prick!>> <<@davidnelson7786 says : Blah blah blah. Thirty somethings with little skill or eloquence casting shade on a long serving MOP. Regardless of party, tgey deserve some respect.>> <<@kevinsmith3490 says : The prick knows the shit is going to hit the fan at the next election,so he’s taking the money(taxpayers money at that too!) and picking up another job he’ll probably stuff up>> <<@JamesMoore-t7i says : Just a leftist green labour scum. Bob hawk and Bill shorten destroyed tasmania with our dams. Now Victoria steals our power. Bill shorten should be jailed.>> <<@piemister1 says : Oh Sky news... never change lol>> <<@sewcoolgirl says : They are disgraceful. Sold out to the WEF narrative>> <<@sewcoolgirl says : They are disgraceful. Sold out to the WEF narrative>> <<@Want0nS0up says : I suspect Shorten was set up to fail. He was given NDIS by Albanese as a poisoned chalice. This would stop him becoming a viable challenger for the leadership.>> <<@bukyld says : Like who fricken cares… just another spanker gone through a Rockerfella curriculum of lies to learn how to lie long enough to get that guaranteed money when he pulls out and wipes it on the curtain. The public don’t give a 🐀s 🫏.>> <<@julianshalders6047 says : You grubs are worse especially you kroger and bimbo hasn't a brain in her head 😡.>> <<@vincecalabro5189 says : What a waste of space is there any politician who really cares for Australians>> <<@StevenMilne-sm4fk says : He knows where the bodies are buried.🤭>> <<@jazzysnaps says : Totally stuffed up the NDIS then walks away with his golden handshake.>> <<@JohnFrazer-jb9oi says : No hand shandies under the table here….. move along nothing to see here. Albo will be happy less to worry about.>> <<@veritasaequitas9252 says : Rita, please expose the story of 2011 in California. Kamala Harris hit and run people going wrong way. Teenager wheelchair ♿️ bound for life after the accident. Gary at Next News Network showed the victim speaking about this accident, very heartbreaking. People must know the truth.>> <<@johnhanncock3275 says : Lil grub>> <<@stevephone4957 says : Just like the rest of them Shorten needs to be arrested and charged with treason. One by one these "despicables" seem to all be walking off in the sunset with a very tidy "nest egg" ( courtesy of Mum and Dad Australia). Justice must be done and be seen to be done!>> <<@timodonohue8471 says : Imagine having him as a University vice chancellor? A brothel creeper & provider of prostitutes to union executives. Wouldn't want to be a female student at his university...🧐>> <<@mariocondello2353 says : He'll go down as one of the all-time great flogs.>> <<@goldboy150 says : Of all the post politics gigs one could get upset about, working for a uni wouldn’t be close to the top of the list. If you cant take a job in any industry that is affected by laws parliament passes, that would leave you unable to find a job at all.>> <<@CryptoDog6969 says : U serious?>> <<@larkdodge1403 says : Morons surrounded by morons.>> <<@userjoe4321 says : Shorten has been a disaster... must be a crap university!>> <<@Jumbo-k4t says : Old Bob would be rolling in his grave to see what the Labour Party has done to this great country with idiots like Bill and women employed who have no skill whatsoever Simply there for quoters>> <<@tonyhanley9458 says : Retiring cos his names gonna come out in the union inquiries from his days of his involvement>> <<@dynamic_jameson says : Off to a high paying pension and (job for the boys) high class Uni job. The fake retirement speech really is patronizing>> <<@smiddysmidton8313 says : Just a co incidence. A lot of co incidences in the ALP game.>> <<@Reganpwnsrc says : this nan did more for Victoria than sky news could do in a hundred lifetimes, get a grip>> <<@gjssjg says : Bill Shorten was just another Union grub no different from Setka, and believe me he could talk like him when there weren't any cameras around>> <<@steverogers9507 says : I agree with her .Bill Shorten did know his Ars-arm from his elbow. Even though I have not voted Labor since Whitlam.>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Bob Hawke, Murdoch's man in Canberra. An earlier Starmer. A total Flog. 🤮🤮>> <<@pwillis1589. says : The man with the long forehead.>> <<@bloodnguts4828 says : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7kN41J-BtjI>> <<@Chad.H. says : Captain sleazy ship is sinking 🚢 😂😂😂>>