<<@ThickBanana says : Traitors... agents of foreign governments>> <<@nl5828 says : so foreign states influencing u.s. politics and elections is bad if that state is russia, but is good if that state is israel (in the form of aipac)??!! #AmericanHypocrisy šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬>> <<@esvedra2419 says : As if US never meddles in any other countries elections>> <<@TheCoolbreeze3206 says : All political parties should be able to compromise, and they have to on order for things to work. They have been able to compromise in the past, but it has become increasingly difficult with, some on both sides, but mainly a group of the GOP who are unwilling to work with the other side at all. They have oust their last house speaker and attempted to oust their current house speaker for doing exactly that; working with the other side. The Senate maintains the ability to work together, but not so much in the House. We are the United States of America, but sadly, we are a country divided. We have become increasingly divisive. Politics has even broken up many friendships. People say, oh look, Putin endorsed Harris. The reality of it is, Russia is known very well by now to interfere with our elections. That's all that is. Putin doesn't care for Trump or Harris either way. Putin has a long list of Americans on his terror list, and they are to be immediately arrested if they ever enter Russia. Russia has already shown that they are very willing to use Americans, who have done no wrong, as political bargaining chips. They will even throw their own citizens out of high rise building windows for speaking out against Putin. Russia has also spoken several times about taking back Alaska. They know they can't win against us in a conventional war. So instead, they use our own division against us. Because at this point, America is it's own worst enemy. Putin understands that very well. He is just feeding the discord by adding fuel to the fire. America, the world economic leader, has become the laughing stock of the world, so much so that many countries are actively seeking and joining Russia and China to unseat the US dollar by forming the BRICS alliance. You can't really blame them being the way things are going in our country. You most certainly would not invest in a troubled and faltering company. That is how other countries view the US nowadays. The GOP are not the enemy; Neither are democrats. We are all Americans, and we need to get back to working together, compromising on issues, and moving our country forward. Else, we fall behind.>> <<@Light23033 says : What is it about humans that allows us to witness the exact same event yet walk away with completely different perceptions? That will always fascinate me. I donā€™t think the media is biased; I think we are. The media caters to the audience that watches them, which means theyā€™re brilliant at doing their job.>> <<@not-woke says : Just like you accused them in 2016, same old playbook from the leftist scum.>> <<@ofosuheneedmund7822 says : ANOTHER RUSSIAN HOAX?!! FAKE NEWS MEDIA IN FULL DISPLAY šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…>> <<@sampsonfischerahadzi8681 says : They have started their hoax.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Vladimir Zelensky cannot give Ukraine's armed forces the order to retreat from Russia's Kursk region because the West will consider this a failure, analyst Mark Episkopos said in an article in The American Conservative. "Zelensky's government will not be able to simply pack its bags and leave the Kursk region: [...] one of Kiev's main tasks is to manipulate opinion in the West, and a retreat [...] cannot be presented [to the West] otherwise than as a failure" According to the expert, this is the reason why Kiev continues to throw new units into the Kursk region, despite constant losses and Russia's successful advance into Donbass. Since the start of fighting in the Kursk direction, the opponent has lost more than 11,400 soldiers and 89 tanks and many armored fighting vehicles.>> <<@tygrahof9268 says : These 3 guys are INSANE and those following them are also mentally deficient.>> <<@usssanjacinto1 says : If the Dems win, it's the most secured election in history. But if the Republicans win, its because of Russian interference>> <<@johnwilkinson67 says : But Israelis political interference with American tax dollars is perfectly OK. Right Jack tapper, and Dana Bash???>> <<@Chukichev.Scientificmyths says : Š”NN Administrator Removes Criticism of Putin. Who does the Š”NN administrator work for? Is he a Kremlin agent?>> <<@tomasromero9573 says : How much is Fox raking in from Russia?>> <<@crestbay says : And CNN is meddling in the 2024 election.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Ukrainians should have thought before following the English playbook. Before, they had willingly granted genuinely Russian territories. 'Some fled, others died': Ukrainian fighter reveals extent of his Army's losses Ukrainian troops are suffering significant casualties, including due to the flight of soldiers from the front, a fighter from the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Army admitted in a conversation with Economist magazine. "In three days, one hundred [men] were neutralized. Some fled, others died," the soldier told the publication.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : About 6 years ago I said on Sputniknews that a country the size of Russia would have to have 2 economies on its territory and that the masters of Saint Petersburg should apply it and there is Vladivostok with heavy investments from Russia, China and India. Congratulations Putin!>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : History>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : No eyes>> <<@sisasetcarniatv6701 says : šŸ‘‹>> <<@LynRegan says : Russia wants Harris cause shes dumb>> <<@LynRegan says : Pretty soon youll be on social media.>> <<@LynRegan says : No proof .>> <<@brickmansconstruction8696 says : CNN IS ALREADY FACING BILLIONS IN LAWSUITS AND ARE LOSING FOR DEFAMATION. This was just the nail on the coffin>> <<@brickmansconstruction8696 says : Weā€™ve already proven that 2016 was lies created by the Hillary Clinton. It so obvious because theyā€™re saying the same thing. Why would Russia label their embedded government assets ā€œUseful idiotsā€?? Thatā€™s obviously the bias opposition of a childish political group. I mean you guys are seriously autistic. ā€¦ seriously guys we proved that this whole thing was created as a way to deny election results in 2016 and 2020 but they ended up rigging the election with absentee ballots to win. Trump won 30% more votes than Biden before ā€œabsentee ballotsā€. Biden magically won 160,000 absentee ballots in 1 hour counted by 1 clerk at midnight. Everyone was waiting for Georgia and it was clear Trump won. Then everything changed and Georgia went to Biden so the election deniers became hypocrites and called us unconstitutional for calling out the fraud. Democrats have always been the original election deniers. Notice how liberals are never on conservative outlets comment sections but there is always a wave of conservative comments on liberal media outlets comments. Itā€™s because we are the majority. You are the minority>> <<@brickmansconstruction8696 says : Lmao you people will believe anything. Sheep. Youre all pure sheep>> <<@mufflejoy says : I didn't know. I was just following orders. Hollow historical echo.>> <<@KeithByron-yb9ql says : Those guys are not conservative Jake, they are far right extremists.>> <<@guppygrease9767 says : Maga scam art for everyone to see! Limitations on autocratic way of life humanely legal hell can do. Mob rule sit back and enjoy history unfold.>> <<@freeman7296 says : here we are again - the gaslighting never stops....the voting base they talk to aren't smart enough or have such TDS anything will work with them.... between this and manufacturing millions of mail in votes -these people will do anything to deny the people their choice.>> <<@Wompwomp-jp9gs says : Putin is a as week off from calling trump the stupidest president America ever put into office . But donā€™t be fooled by this, trump is in the bus with Putin. He ainā€™t going to let us know his hand. Keep eyes on trump and Putin, they are one in the same.>> <<@gunnarthefool says : Come on! Russians have become bolder? You say it now? Putin's only lifelong obsessive dream is to destroy the USA, he wrote ESSAYS about it! Years ago! He's been preparing for war in Ukraine for decades! Wake up, you're in a war and far behind if only now you say it like that.>> <<@martinmart481 says : Sure Russia will interfere and then will poisoning US president with Novichok. Putin will do it by himself by making plastic operation to change his face to the face of Hunter Biden.>> <<@Dg034la says : I'd vote for Putin over any Democrat>> <<@Yourdeadmeat69 says : "Useful idiots" is Putin's name for dupes spreading Russian propaganda. Think about it. Putin saying anybody that believes in him must be an idiot. Says a lot.>> <<@jefrreylewis3076 says : Always bring trump into it>> <<@jefrreylewis3076 says : Stop lying boys>> <<@jefrreylewis3076 says : They know their spinning again>> <<@jefrreylewis3076 says : Cnn joke of a channel same old news every 4yrs worrying trump will win then blame Russia haha>> <<@tedrohe9048 says : Harris for President!!!!!!!! Never Trump and Putin.>> <<@thomasassim-ita1787 says : A country that her citizens work with their enemy against it? Grifters are destroyers not builders of democracy or normalcy. Why is almost half American citizens are against their country? Greed, greed, greed, greed, greed>> <<@imperiousartifact1473 says : "Far Right?". You don't know what you are talking about.>> <<@dorognet says : One more and big reason to vote blue>> <<@dorognet says : #russiaisaterroriststate>> <<@GinWong-lb5bw says : Putin is the best, he is a man of the era>> <<@rayvatsy571 says : The truth is these influencers knew the Russians are beyond the payments but they did it anyway to betray their own country.>> <<@rayvatsy571 says : Developing countries are very familiar with this. Russia has been peddling and meddling with presidential elections in democratic nations for decades. This has been happening in Africa in the past twenty years. Unfortunately, the justice systems in that continent is fragile. The Russian influences have been successful in most of the African countries. Usually they pay a lot of money to spread lies, fears and fake news against the candidate they want to lose and support financially the one they want to be in power. Putin and Trump are desperate. Their times in politics are numbered as the collective global consciousness remains stronger than ever. Humanity was tested during the WWI and WWII but the devils lost in the end. Now Satan's puppets, Trump, Putin, Kim Jong Un, and other dictators are on the loose again to destabilize peace and democracy in the world, but they will lose again and again. God's plan is infallible. Universal Peace is not only possible, it's inevitable. Peace cannot be taken for granted, it's up to humanity collectively to fight for it strategically for its survival.>> <<@stormtwo-spirits5662 says : Ooooweee MAGA is triggered more than usual today!!! Grrreat!>> <<@stormtwo-spirits5662 says : It appears the MAGA cult really are unpatriotic traitors. Who knew? Yes MAGA there really is a Russia, Russia, Russia, and for well over a decade Russia has been interfering in our elections and helping install MAGA in our Congress and State legislatures.>> <<@scwps23 says : How convenient to accuse Russian of election interference while the Dems conduct their own election interference with the help of Social Media and the media mob.>>