<<@elanawilliams6148 says : I know I will not be watching>> <<@leslieeley1767 says : Damn millions and she only got 17 months!!! Wow!! They pulled my son over for weed they never found and gave him more than that!!! Wow!!! What the privileged get away with!!>> <<@sandyreddish1750 says : What she did was not a violent crime. That is why she was sent to house arrest. If anyone should understand tv ratings it should be Whoopie. She is employed with them too.>> <<@Nexus_of_Sominus says : The hags on The View are just mad cause the woman is white.>> <<@steveelvis1431 says : I knew she was white😂>> <<@markbergman4667 says : Hmm, but the View has racist liars every day hosting the show. Did this person serve her time? If so why isn't Whoopsi supporting her 2nd chance?>> <<@mastic5519 says : What about drug dealers who get record deals?>> <<@mastic5519 says : Trump 2024.>> <<@rhettcorbett3346 says : Pot calling the kettle black. Grade A HYPOCRITE.>> <<@Carrie-b5q says : Whooping never did make choices for me and NEVER WILL.>> <<@wayneevans8286 says : Opra wannabe>> <<@teonactalpizza says : The fact that somebody gets out of jail to be on TV is atrocious, but I think it's even funnier that small front lobe, big amygdala gokdbrg with see with the sloped skull can't help but turn it into a racial argument somehow. Just a news story about a foreign con artist felon and she's like "what about all da black peiple who commit "CONAIR?" Dey shuld b3 on dancin wit da starz TWO ooo o ooooo. TWooowowowowowwoowoooooowooowwoooowoooowoooo! They shud b 2TwOoOoOOooooOoooOoOoOoOoOOOoooO!">> <<@wolfemanbog4176 says : Whopie sucks turds>> <<@joannguinses8983 says : Wow.I guess it's true. Be cute and white, and you're special. ABC wants ratings, so much they're willing to say "she's not bad, just look at her!".>> <<@i_luv_rr says : So.. Whoopi. I guess there is ZERO redemption for felons? She gets convicted for making money the wrong way, but when she tries to make it a legitimate way, she's criticized.>> <<@NelsonMontana1234 says : Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.>> <<@deb8754 says : She is too, Whoopi just ain’t been convicted>> <<@frankgirard903 says : The whole cast of 'The View' should be convicted of impersonating human beings.>> <<@dietersdawgs says : Hard to respect anyone who carries an extra 200 pounds of blubber around...maybe she'd be better off if she had her mouth and jaw wired shut for a year or two, then she may start to resemble a human being instead of Jabba the Hut's evil twin sister. Isn't gluttony one of the seven deadly sins?>> <<@selectsealsservicesptyltda7192 says : She is as thick as a brick!>> <<@jenniferknight-flagler8761 says : Idiot>> <<@TheresaKretschmar says : Whoopie should know a thing or two about the two tiered justice system.>> <<@tmsmylemk9550 says : DONT CARE , whoppy sux big time, and I used to like her. YUK , BLAH , GOING TO BE SICK,LOL>> <<@JDLT14 says : So essentially Whoopi is saying she doesn't support sanctuary cities where Illegal alien criminals get to walk after committing crimes even if caught in the act. The way she said it's a shame that "innocent" illegals are taken away and this lady walks would imply that she believes criminal illegals should be deported . At least when it comes to her having to work with them LMAO>> <<@elizabetholsen1208 says : Bloody ridiculous>> <<@billtweedie5879 says : They hired her didn't they . What she mad she not the only one now>> <<@TheClownCunt says : Because the democrats got rid of ice , that’s exactly what you wanted Whoopie . But now you want to cry about it>> <<@daffidkane8350 says : What about rehabilitation? What about contrition? What about forgiveness?>> <<@yowten8994 says : Look in the mirror Whoopi.>> <<@nihilistlivesmatter says : Whoopi : 'They're not sending their best'>> <<@bryansammis998 says : Democrats have no loyalty>> <<@aaronl8609 says : Woopie is a con artist liar so it makes sense>> <<@hello15848 says : Whoopi (Karen), elitist attitude rears its ugly head.>> <<@Pvt_Badger0916 says : The US federal government wanna know Where's the 🤑🤑🤑$$$$$ she stole is ...>> <<@zskiedum says : Yh it’s totally not cos she’s white . I don’t agree with what she’s done but it’s because she’s white let’s be real>> <<@billyeomans6098 says : The passion for Democrats if they accuse someone of doing something it's normally where they've got the idea from in the first place>> <<@mbs6984 says : Hey Whoopi did you think it was two tiered with what happened to Brittney Griner?>> <<@Fred-o2n says : All of them are vile and disgusting>> <<@Bongbong007 says : Poopi does not care about criminals being exported she only does not like it because this girl is white>> <<@brainping241 says : Maybe whoppi should ask the Biden Harris admin why all the immigrants are here>> <<@iichthus5760 says : If Whoopi doesn’t like con artists how does she feel about the con she has perpetrated on the view?>> <<@Wildflowers516 says : Maybe she can dance with the wife beater ! How charming !>> <<@jamesrobinson4085 says : Whoopsie… you’re full of bs😂😂😂>> <<@marknarveson4853 says : Whoopi is a con artist.>> <<@rickdaystar477 says : Is Whoopie any better? She cons the American people daily with her twisted libtard lies. She acts as if ignorance was a virtue.>> <<@tagiscom says : She acts quite smart on tv, pity.>> <<@reaver357 says : If she was black she’d get applause. If she was black and lost they’d say it’s racist show 😂>> <<@Kpete927 says : Whoopi gets it on with her dog because no man will touch her!😂😂😂>> <<@potatoradio says : Said the woman who changed her last name to sound Jewish to get gigs... (,Look it up)>> <<@FluckitJJM says : She has no room to talk, she cons every one of her low IQ viewers with the lies she spreads daily.>>