<<@davidwarring1572 says : Hilarious thing georgia has no law that says a father cant have unlocked guns in the house no law says he cant buy his family members a gun no law no law for anything hes been charged with the farher said he did not give the son permission for unsupervised possession of the firearm so i guess the states gonna have to prove he gave the son, permission. Fyi a father can legally buy a gun for his minor children per say, the child has no right to take the gun without permision period until there of legal age to be in sole possession of the firearm and then its gifted to them until then its the parents firearm 100 percent>> <<@rayrose5594 says : f,b. i. slop cops dems should be charged....>> <<@dougprentice1363 says : What a lame press conference.>> <<@duncanbauer1618 says : Seems Harris has been vindicated for attesting Parents of Truant high school children.>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : Son of President on Trial>> <<@Tonatheos says : I don't understand the lack of accountability in the comments about the father. He knew his son was a menace but he still armed him>> <<@hamburglar83 says : All you sheep trying to deflect on FBI….the big bad deep state. Hahahahahahahhahahahaa.>> <<@Jeffery-c4x says : Kids learning from their parents>> <<@empirelight5477 says : Eze 18:20  The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.>> <<@Gorpisnorb says : Hilarious Fox News zombies. Blaming anything, attaching bias agenda, conspiracy.. 😅>> <<@Abby-m6w says : Let’s see where the racist comments are….>> <<@User.mindyourownbusiness94 says : Federal safe storage law , now!>> <<@danab172 says : TRUMP supports the "freedom" to own assault rifles. He has said that we should own them because we will need them since bad guys have them. I do agree with him though, that we need security and metal detectors in all of our schools. But, what about the movie theater, car parts store, super market, night clubs, and churches?>> <<@DFBgreensleeves says : GA charging a parent for the failures of GA.>> <<@WilliamThompson-b1j says : Colt gray. Gray horse. Come on deep State, quit the joking around.>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : A truly heartbreaking event, prayers for all.>> <<@glassjoe2455 says : They want the immigrant armies surrounding you to have your guns>> <<@charlestheodoreheissman8418 says : When the parents aren't liberal extremists enough 😮>> <<@Anita-n6u9w says : The school failed the law failed the FBI is a joke all the law wants to do is pat themselves on the back for there failure and what about the bullies that drove him and others to do horrible crimes like this and what about the suicides caused by bullies shouldn't there parents be charged what a joke this has turned into just another excuse to attack the second amendment and make excuses for all the failure of this boys parent's and all involved keep turning a blind eye to what the real problem is and blame the tool not the one holding it>> <<@richardhatt6541 says : Charging a parent for crimes of the son. What about kids who are shoplifting?>> <<@John-ye5gv says : If he was black the parent would not be charged with anything the Double standards are out of control I think it's great holding the parents accountable but be consistent>> <<@helenowens379 says : Back in the day parent s were always held responsible for what their kids did>> <<@viktory-ru1vs says : MICHAEL JACKSON - THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US 👍😍>> <<@X-Rae-en5xk says : Good old Democrats>> <<@mikeostrander5406 says : Lawlessness is abounding>> <<@BeeBlot says : This is not okay. How is this happening in America? Arresting and charging someone who did not commit the crime? Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves.>> <<@fatemiller9328 says : This country needs god back in it.>> <<@anetnel-fk7vu says : Not even in SA can you just buy guns like you do in the USA. It looks to me as easy as buying chocolates over there?>> <<@trishafaulk2067 says : Who gives a child that age a rifle unsupervised? My brothers and I all hunted from the time we were kids, but when we were young we were never left unsupervised with a weapon that was loaded. For short periods to clean an unloaded rifle but we didn't have rounds unless a person of sufficient age was with us. But, we were raised in a Christian home, with good morals.>> <<@dimydarlin4742 says : A parent never believes their child is capable of this horrible crime. How can you arrest a parent? This child fell through your and other administrative cracks to get the help that was so obvious he was on a watch list? I worked with kids who fell through the same cracks, begging for help everyone was blind or just didn't care!>> <<@THESCRAPDOGSHOW says : Time to think about changing our name we are definitely not the United States anymore 😢>> <<@BayleeB says : Something doesn't smell right. Js.>> <<@BayleeB says : Was this another drill as reported? 😮>> <<@sherryK444 says : Well we all see what this is all going to be about! Can anyone say agenda…>> <<@steveingargiola1762 says : I'm glad the parents of this Criminal kid is being held accountable>> <<@keithmcelroy9956 says : In these matters, I believe that if you own any fire arms, you are responsible for your firearm. Parents should be held responsible and charged if their child takes that firearm and commits a crime with it. Im an adult, and my mother and daughters own guns but none of us knows the codes to each others safe. They tell you in the firearm coarse here in Massachusetts that you are responsible for your firearm and you must have it secured in a locked box and no one should have the keys or code to that box or safe. I'd rather the government hold people to that responsibility instead of threatening to punish the rest of us who are responsible for others whom are not. Not fair. I was very glad to hear that the suspect's father is also being charged with this horrible horrible act. What they hell was he thinking even after he had the FBI at his home investigating his son that he would be so irresponsible. God bless the families who lost their children and spouse. Praying for all of those that were at that school. So much needs to be done to protect our kids 😢💔🙏>> <<@dickmonti9899 says : FBI, you are a bunch of PATHETIC LOSERS.>> <<@dickmonti9899 says : Sir don't know who the f*ck you are, but I would like to tell you ALL to START TO DO YOUR F*CKING JOBS CORRECTLY, incompetent MORONS.>> <<@Capohanf1 says : WONDER IF THEY CAN GET A FAMILY DISCOUNT ON LAWYERS???>> <<@harveydilworth7140 says : Everybody in America should be ashamed of us ourselves we're sending children to a slaughterhouse every day which we call School no security you can't even get on a plane without security this is child neglect on all of our parts I'm so ashamed>> <<@gregorymilla9213 says : All the conservatives that were caterwauling about defunding the FBI especially in regards to gun seizures are now bemoaning that the FBI didn’t seize this man’s guns .>> <<@cokesmocker39 says : I knew this was coming! It would have been one thing if he never showed warning signs and The FBI didn't contact the dad previously about online posts That they thought were from his kid talking about doing school shootings but all of that happened and he still allowed him access to a firearm! And not just a regular firearm but an AR style firearm! I'm not one of those people who wants to ban any guns but I know there's people out there who grew up in generations where they didn't have to keep all their guns locked up and kids we're taught gun safety at a young age and respected guns and could be trusted around them, But it wasn't like he left a shotgun or lever action rifle lying around! He left an AR-15 with loaded clips to the kids disposal! That was not at all the case in this house. This kid had huge red flags showing!!! Absolutely that father is culpable for what happened!!!>> <<@sleekimagesphotography says : The fbi and sheriff's office should be held just as responsible. You knew there was a problem with this kid a year ago and did nothing>> <<@JohnMaksuta says : Wow>> <<@perijetton9275 says : If you buy your kid a gun after law enforcement has come to your house with concerns about your child threatening with guns then you’re complicit!>> <<@amiranda2141 says : The Democratic fbi lets these crazy people fester and explode on purpose ignoring warnings to enact gun control>> <<@erikroraback7797 says : ITHEY this will let them take our guns away, but it’s even more of a reason to own a handgun❤>> <<@SandcastleDreams says : What about the officers who didn't arrest the kid when he made threats online a year ago? Shouldn't they be arrested, too?>> <<@ANH-1977 says : If only there was more regulation about who could buy guns 😂>> <<@mikejejenich-pb5zx says : Lets be honest most kids these days are not even being parented. Both parents are working. Probably more then one job and are barely home. These kids are being raised by there phones and social media. Which is a cess pool. Of garbage 🗑️>>