<<@barrykevin7658 says : Nothing any sane minded person in would disagree with . I think we all can envisage Mr trump evading prison in the US to live with a string of paid lady companies in some Dacha / villa outside Moscow..>> <<@felixnauta says : DOJ accusing Russia of funding MAGA podcasters IS A FALSE CONSPIRACY THEORY.>> <<@user-pj9mo5od6b says : The second army of the world has been fighting in "corrupt Ukraine with a drug addict president" for three years. Drug addicts fight well😂.>> <<@bbchester6 says : Hell, the Bidens have been doing this for years. Where is old Hunter these days?>> <<@lalonmolla793 says : Fanny news>> <<@DerekVuong7799 says : Remember putin endorsed Harris. Why would putin support trump? Trump forced nato to spend more money on military and was opposed to the gas pipeline from. Russia, yet biden approved that pipe line. Harris is a Russian asset and this indictment is just to get her poll numbers up. USA was much stronger under trump than Harris. Now we are facinf 3 wars, Ukraine, China and Israel. Energy is so expensive. Do some thinking and see for yourself. Cnn is a joke.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Vladimir Zelensky cannot give Ukraine's armed forces the order to retreat from Russia's Kursk region because the West will consider this a failure, analyst Mark Episkopos said in an article in The American Conservative. "Zelensky's government will not be able to simply pack its bags and leave the Kursk region: [...] one of Kiev's main tasks is to manipulate opinion in the West, and a retreat [...] cannot be presented [to the West] otherwise than as a failure" According to the expert, this is the reason why Kiev continues to throw new units into the Kursk region, despite constant losses and Russia's successful advance into Donbass. Since the start of fighting in the Kursk direction, the opponent has lost more than 11,400 soldiers and 89 tanks and many armored fighting vehicles.>> <<@davidmurray4119 says : Putin and Trump in jail daily double place your bets.>> <<@JohnAIDoe says : I trust Russia more than I trust CNN>> <<@ivychen7035 says : Help Taiwan !! Help Taiwan !! Stand With Justice. Stand With Ko Wen-Je. Release Ko Wen-Je.>> <<@ivychen7035 says : Help Taiwan !! Help Taiwan !! Stand With Justice. Stand With Ko Wen-Je. Release Ko Wen-Je.>> <<@Amy-v2f says : Dems are desperate 😅>> <<@dermann4525 says : Russland war mal der Freund der USA und hat die britische Herrschaft über die USA mit beendet>> <<@Starship007 says : American Dream vs Government Dream. That is what at stake. It’s not about 2 names trying to obtain the White House.>> <<@piuse-q2x says : Jones Jessica Davis Michelle Martinez Cynthia>> <<@lastone8896 says : Putin wants Harris to win supporting Trump makes no sense Biden-Harris let Putin have his way with little to no consequences. Why would Putin want someone on the world stage that forces him to bend at their will>> <<@davemichael6994 says : How odd, because when Trump was in office nobody was invading Ukraine, it wasn't until dimwit Joe biden was in office that Russia made any moves. Not to mention that the only proven "collusion" with the Russians was done by the democrats when they tried to frame Trump in 2016.>> <<@johncoyne7004 says : CNN has been soooo honest in the past 😂😂😂😂>> <<@brownhat1290 says : The City Of Springfield in Ohio Is Dealing With a More Than Large Number Of Illegal Migrants, The Citizens Are Speaking Up. This is what the Democratic Party has brought to America. https://youtu.be/P7HvWFaFZmA?si=L3krbFD0YPctNeMM>> <<@mzk123ify says : Lol oh here we go...russia russia russia...>> <<@abagogwe says : WHERE IS EPSTEIN CLIENT LIST?>> <<@garettb7800 says : Putin endorsed Comrade Harris on the world stage.>> <<@nouriabab5675 says : lol toujours la même chanson après un autre virus nous on veut que vous nous parlez des laboratoires américains en Ukraine financé par hunter biden des bombes chimiques des bombes biologiques des VIRUS Côme le Covid a chaque fois il a des élections américaines Russie virus arrête de nous prendre pour des con>> <<@tjkallday6422 says : Putin supports Kamala… said it himself>> <<@LoneStar7739 says : If we lose it's not because Kamala sucks it's Putin's fault...🤪🐑>> <<@PaloDuro1021 says : Hahaha...RussiaRussiaRussia again?>> <<@imrael496 says : Here we go again. Remember the 2016 Russian Collusion Hoax. Makes this difficult to believe.>> <<@HarringtonWebb-l5d says : Gonzalez Patricia Johnson Anthony White Laura>> <<@kentjones6813 says : The migrant victims are taking your jobs, soon they will be taking your homes and bank accounts. You can't stop the globalist program, it's too late. The middle class will vanish like a wisp in the wind.>> <<@kentjones6813 says : Harris led 350,000 lost children into sex slavery gangs. She doesn't even care. Waltz has brought in 50,000 Chinese communist men. He visited China over 50 times for logistics. Expect mass murder, violence and community takeovers. Exactly what we are now seeing Aurora Co. Gangs taking over apmt bldgs. Another 4 years of Harris, 20 million in illegals your children will be in the line of fire and fighting for their lives. I'm done voting democrat. I want Trump's peace and prosperity.>> <<@ValeriaMessalina1 says : But the FBI is Incompetent, Why is it that Youtube Demonetizes truthful Channels like "Inside Russia," or "Jake Broe," But won't DEMONETIZE "Tim Pool," "Dave Rubin," Benny Johnson, etc? FBI and DOJ ought to also investigate Youtube for Demonetizing Russians who are for Ukraine.>> <<@DerekPK says : You know when Donald Trump, Putin, and Kamala Harris are on camera, Zelensky always gets jealous of all the screen time.>> <<@RuggedRockProduction says : Putin tells the world he supports Kamela and for good reason>> <<@구정회-g5j says : These people are the enemy of the people>> <<@JakirHossene says : Hernandez Maria Moore Brenda Martinez Lisa>> <<@jmgmarcus808 says : CNN is mad...because more people watch those podcasters than this dump of a netowrk. If they tell the truth...who cares who funds them?>> <<@dashaw6403 says : This host is the BEST on CNN right now. She's VERY GOOD! Keep her on.>> <<@TassaZennou says : Run IS.ssb thé North prette on week smoth IS together when slilly rock thats behind régime congress AT politic and smoms Marshall thats Fortress bib there WE boon to familly acron busness and compagne rooth widi simple arc to twin Miguel technologie and Switch formelles to Mexico and Atlanta brook only thé days mini cohorte.ess>> <<@firefly11777 says : Putin know how to play mind game of chess tricks blind spot.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Ukrainians should have thought before following the English playbook. Before, they had willingly granted genuinely Russian territories. 'Some fled, others died': Ukrainian fighter reveals extent of his Army's losses Ukrainian troops are suffering significant casualties, including due to the flight of soldiers from the front, a fighter from the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Army admitted in a conversation with Economist magazine. "In three days, one hundred [men] were neutralized. Some fled, others died," the soldier told the publication.>> <<@house2homeplus511 says : But hold on a minute...if Russia is under sanctions how can they fund right wing podcasts....its all msm lies>> <<@house2homeplus511 says : I wish Russia would fund my podcast....i love being a russian influencer.... Russia never drop a nuclear bomb on japan ..or lied about weapons of mass destruction or started the trans Atlantic slave trade>> <<@Scotian6444 says : Odd that its Ukraine taking the fight to Africa to confront putins interests there... states should follow suit and make Russian business interests real rough..>> <<@nitishroy8148 says : PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE BY BRAMHINS, TMC & CPIM IN ROOM & DUMURDARI M.H. VIDYAMANDIR SINCE 2017 DECEMBER BY ALIBI BY GITANJALI DAS, HEMANTA ROY, CHANDAN DAS, BISWAJIT DAS & BRAMHINS, WEST BENGAL.>> <<@nitishroy8148 says : PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE BY BRAMHINS, TMC & CPIM IN ROOM & DUMURDARI M.H. VIDYAMANDIR SINCE 2017 DECEMBER BY ALIBI BY GITANJALI DAS, HEMANTA ROY, CHANDAN DAS, BISWAJIT DAS & BRAMHINS, WEST BENGAL.>> <<@AussiePom says : American people feeling upset about supposed Russian interference when the US itself has interfered in countless country's elections. If Russia does interfere they only have to follow the ones who wrote the text book on how to interfere in a country's election..............The USA of course.>> <<@JHolland1031 says : Really quick Putin has said he supports Harris not Trump.>> <<@Frank-rp6ni says : Trumpy, first pay your income taxes owing of $40 million to set a good example to the people; being a president and not paying taxes, what will the Americans think? Secondly, what happened to your plumber; can the plumber comment please,! When you were a president; you didn't do anything for the Americans; what's your plan/agenda if you were to be president rather than attacking your opponents; what's your economy plan; what will you do about the unemployed Americans; does it mean that if you don't pay income taxes; so also Americans should stop paying taxes? What about the unrest going on around the world; as an American president, what will you do; don't say that you can stop the war and riots in one day? The main problem facing Americans is the inflation; how will you tackle the inflation? These are only some of the issues - oh, will you bring gun control laws?>> <<@MaryAguilar-t6s says : Martinez Betty Garcia Jennifer Gonzalez Christopher>> <<@isaacgarcia2902 says : Trusting cnn and out current government is like trusting a convicted pedophile on crack babysit your 9 old doughter .>>