<<@kylewilliams9870 says : The parents are responsible for their child taking a gun to the school. I don't understand why we allow parents to give there kids unfettered access to weapons, and not hold them responsible for a school shooting. It's not hard to lock your weapons up.>> <<@priscillawagner6205 says : you can't buy a gun if you're under 18 years of age. the Father bought the gun. he had to register it in his own name. legally, he is responsible for that weapon, not his son. it shouldn't be about parents being responsible for children's actions but about being responsible for the weapons in their home!!!!>> <<@Sweetpea3051 says : Personally I think it should be banned for minors to be gifted guns unless they are registered and take classes and parents sign contract for being ultimately responsible of any outcomes related to that gun. These are your children and under your home.>> <<@raiders1257 says : She is gorgeous!>> <<@suzanne9150 says : No reason we can't have the SAME gun laws for every state.>> <<@suzanne9150 says : It's the parent's job to control their kids, first and foremost. Negligent parents want to dump their responsibilities on the schools and the teachers..........it's not their job. Teachers are there to teach.>> <<@suzanne9150 says : The father knew his son was mentally dangerous and he still bought him an AR. He outright said he wanted to do a school shooting.>> <<@jmill2037 says : The Problem cannot be solved in America, because everyone wants to have 100 guns.., who’s a recipe for disaster… but everyone will fight this rationality because of the love of Guns…>> <<@drizzdrizz5532 says : Jeremial sometimes just talks too much and talks herself into somebody just saying you know what just shut up..>> <<@TheHottuna66 says : america needs to realize its gun culture is actually even more responsible for this because its somehow normal for a majority of americans to buy and gift an Ar-15 to kids and also to anyone. Its so fucking dumb.>> <<@anthonytaylor7928 says : The mom is trying not to get charged too talking about she tried to call the school to check on her son why did she let him go the school that Day if that was the case why didn't she go to the school and try to stop it ? Why didn't she call the police>> <<@racheltaylor185 says : Yeah…they could have flagged the father’s name but not forever unfortunately! How long ago did the FBI go there?>> <<@melanietoth7015 says : Can a 14 year old legally buy a gun? No. The adult who buys the gun is responsible for securing that gun. If they don’t do it they need to be charged. It has nothing to do with allowing your children to hunt or target shoot supervised.>> <<@brohighwayman9576 says : we are talking about Mass shooting. Not fist fight. damm people stay focused on topic.>> <<@brohighwayman9576 says : WTF, yes all parents need to be responsible for what their kids do.>> <<@mduvigneaud says : I've talked with several gun enthusiasts, very strong 2nd amendment activists and we agree that the 2nd amendment is not unlimited. Things like nuclear arms, chemical weapons are NOT things that the general public should be playing with. Those are entirely outside of the intent of the second amendment. What we disagree on is where the limit of the intent is. I don't believe you need an assault rifle as "personal defense." I believe that people should have to maintain a license to operate their weapons just like we require people to maintain a license to operate a vehicle.>> <<@curtsampson6874 says : Shermichael Singleton, "Could the other entities in the matter, could they have done more?" Yup... that's what we are saying about gun control and all of these other policies. There's a lot of other entities that could do more. They don't. By the way, I believe the Michigan parents and these parents will constantly appeal their guilty verdicts to the Supreme Court consider the Supreme Court has held that gun related laws and precedents must be in accordance to the nation of the history... Hence... there is no historical gun laws or precedents set about parents being held liable for children's gun violence. Parents that own guns don't have much restrictions on what they do with their children with regard to guns under any laws currently. Should a parent be blamed for a suicide commited with a firearm by a minor?>> <<@Newnationpolitics says : Now how can this be a slippery slope. Parents make sure your guns are secured or go to jail.>> <<@josephsonora3787 says : H0W R TH0SE DUMMYCRATIC UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS WORKING 0UT?>> <<@taniyasmith9439 says : Why are grown ppl on tv making excuses for these violent white kids in America.>> <<@lauradunn-xy8mw says : Why can’t we have strict gun laws get rid of high-powered weapons .I always hear people talking about one or the other why can’t we do a little of everything?I don’t understand is these people with these high-powered weapons when we talk about gun laws they start crying and saying they’re coming after guns why can’t they be mature enough to know what this is about and love our children and people enough to protect them.>> <<@KingBedlam says : The kid had mental health issues and the dad bought him an AR-15? WTF?>> <<@ft7389 says : Why is this a conversation when you give a child a weapon like that. It’s the responsibility of the parent to make sure that weapon is secured and check to make sure they don’t have easy access to it. Period>> <<@carloscarter9792 says : Republicans will just offer thoughts and prayers no different than they always do.>> <<@bobdefield7842 says : There is 10 minutes of this missing , where the man sitting patiently beging talking and explaining things to this pannle. Where is the rest ?>> <<@ramiroavila9374 says : Abby got some cakes back there>> <<@PureGrade999 says : Montell Williams hasnt aged half a day in 25 years!!!!! WTH black don't crack baby!!>> <<@carlthomas5307 says : Republicans, Gun Rights Advocates, The NRA, and gun owners cry these crocodile tears over and over again about “they’re trying to take away our rights to bear arms.”, is a big crock of 💩. If you’re a sensible, responsible gun owner, stricter regulations will not affect you. This has got to stop, adding more security at schools is not the answer to the bigger picture. Mass killings are happening at supermarkets, churches, malls, hell…..there was a mass killing in Las Vegas. Find a solution government leaders and stop letting these fat cats fatten your pockets while at the same time shrink your moral integrity.>> <<@cannedheat300 says : The killing weapons are already out there. The USA is unlikely to ban assault weapons as long a companies that make them can give money to people in Congress (mostly the GOP). And it's not just assault rifles but any kind of gun that kills.>> <<@_cghrey2795 says : Why just guns? Shouldn’t parents be responsible for all their kids crimes?>> <<@tesiadavis6696 says : What went wrong in the Sante Fe case?>> <<@scottzenger2019 says : What, about all the gang bangers parents.>> <<@chrisbell3366 says : Cnn is full of lunitics.>> <<@himlekmcnutt2764 says : I could listen to Abbey Phillips talk all day.>> <<@cherylyoung3692 says : Nice reporting; beautiful Gabby. 🙋>> <<@scroogemcduckrich9705 says : if you cant drink alcohol until 21… shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun until 21>> <<@concernedcitizen5971 says : So he is in favor of locking up legal gun owners whose children commit crimes with their guns. But not the parents of the kids in the inner cities where most of the shootings occur in this country and illegal guns are being used. How does that make sense?>> <<@Tyana-g6x says : BM are safe because most abandon the mom before the baby is born.>> <<@1901hl2 says : Gray suit is preaching the main problem we have in society. NEVER BLAME THE KID.>> <<@nicolelawrence7722 says : Parents CAN be held responsible for their kid's drunk driving in Georgia. Charging the father in this case is not out of bounds.>> <<@justinball5068 says : ArmaLite>> <<@k.d.6782 says : Stop electing republicans>> <<@jermelpurse3018 says : I hate to say this, but this is most adults wanting to blame a parent for bad behavior of a child while I think the parents share some responsibility in what happened while I think the parents actions helped contribute to what happened. I don’t think they should be at fault for what happened. This wasn’t the father’s plot. This wasn’t something he doing or even talked his son into doing. And if you go down this road go all the way then when is parent responsible for their child behavior if a child overdoses on drugs is the parent responsible? If you are at work and your child decides to go break into someone else’s home, are you responsible? Should you go to jail for that break in. We could find other instances where children were charged with adult crimes and we did not say parents you are responsible for this crime as well. I know everyone is going to say but the parent bought the child the gun and that is a major issue, but you have to remember in Georgia. That’s perfectly legal to do. It is not a crime for a parent to buy a child, a gun and say here this is your gift. I know myself like other people who want to see gun control in America. Don’t think you should be able to purchase these types of firearms or give them to children, but what I want and what the law is are two different things. In a quart of law, is it fair to hold this parent responsible for doing what he was legally allowed to do and when his son took a gun, he received legally from his father and committed this tragic act. What happens when instead a parent buys a child a car the child is blasting music flying on the freeway gets into a deadly collision. Is the parent responsible? You bought the car yes it was legal to buy the child the car, but look at the behavior. They engaged in after you bought the car couldn’t you have taught them better? Wait a minute we would argue no the child is responsible in that case OK what’s the difference here other than we are tired of school shootings. About hazing practices that have been known to injure other children should we hold parents responsible clearly you should’ve taught your child better than to engage in this type of behavior you should be at fault. Take a step farther. Should we hold you responsible for all of your child bad behavior? If that is the case when do we stop? Is it arbitrarily at the age of 18? Well know we’ve already agreed that someone under the age of 18 can be charged as an adult. So when do we stop holding parents responsible for their child’s behavior? Understand that if you’re going to say a parent can be held responsible for the child’s behavior. You need to be able to answer when, for how long, and what degree also you parents need to be prepared to be responsible for your child’s behavior. Perhaps you should be grounded when your child does something wrong at school. It’s your fault you should be responsible for your child’s behavior.>> <<@CCTH2221-lp2zj says : I hate when people a caveat on decision making process. Why can’t all parents be responsibl. The investigation will determine who was responsible. We need to be safer. I agree with the third panel member. That more than the parents are responsible. I have a problem with the law enforcement “Intelligence” division in this case. Why not continue to monitor this kid and family with surveillance? So there are lots of ways to tackle this. But using code words like “most vulnerable” is crap in my opinion…>> <<@ianlarue4985 says : What a clown .. if u buy someone some spoons and a knife set for there home warming party and they kill someone with them is it there fault ? Wtf is wrong with u?>> <<@meoutthispiece9015 says : Parents should be held accountable for their kids actions as long as they're under their roof.>> <<@roberthughes5511 says : This trial will go down faster than the Trump trials. I wonder why???>> <<@anthonyadams8523 says : Lo>> <<@hearmeout1966 says : This is the Donald Trump generation. He has taught Americans to not be responsible for anything.>> <<@devoneddings3530 says : Brian Stelter is back?! Haha what a joke!! 😂 He’s the biggest bloke of them all>>