<<@bryanhall4943 says : Interesting that Colin's political affiliation is nowhere to be found but when the media thought that the golf course shooter was a democrat, they immediately put that info out.... 🤔>> <<@philam1973 says : The pro- Trump fat bald guy who reports with CNN today said that people had more guns before but now there is more gun violence than before. He said that whatever that reason is should be what we investigate. NOBODY on that panel from CNN commented on that lie! There is too much that the media gets away with. No exact numbers but gun production has increase every year and because of the school shootings, people who NEVER owned a gun are now buying. Minimal vetting, politics that promote violence, alt right media and internet access all contribute. You can’t fix this but you can outlaw military type guns, mandatory vetting, stricter laws to control guns from family members. Problem is too many politicians in the pockets of gun makers.>> <<@lawrencetchen says : Another instance in where red flag laws might have stopped a tragedy. There is a strong connection between domestic abuse and gun crimes, and we know these laws work.>> <<@michaelbean2478 says : In America guns have more rights to exist than humans do.>> <<@SashiCat96 says : Yeah but he denied it, the police accepted that & said okay, that's all good, we'll be on our way then. How is Dad to blame if the POLICE were satisfied that the boy didn't make the threats & wasn't planning a school shooting??? I mean, I'm anti-guns, period, except for law enforcement & all other armed forces, but Dad understood the cops were satisfied his kid was not dangerous so it wasn't risky to gift him his own hunting rifle. Why didn't the police have written proof of the threats from the FBI?>> <<@suzanne9150 says : Deer hunters do not use an AR for hunting deer.>> <<@MrJameslascko says : Please don't interview that author live again... he was sounding a bit like Trump! 🙂>> <<@marlinweekley51 says : Are the victims “allegedly dead”?>> <<@bchearne says : I’m more in favor of broad gun control rather than simply banning assault rifles, but they certainly have been fetishized in a disturbing and dangerous way. I see a lot of “assault life” bumper/windshield stickers when I’m driving (especially in Florida)>> <<@alberg6290 says : school shootings are a small price we pay for our precious 2nd Amendment rights (sarcasm)>> <<@srr5v says : The guy in question third in panel windows from left at first second is frightening to me; also the impression is deliberate, but frightening all the same. Not a positive response for my part. Singling out CNN, but reference to other media et al.: alluding to what I've referenced earlier, about definite certain things, and nature of persons; and the constant desire to harm, corrupt, misguide, destroy, and speak lies - that this is valid, this is value, this is real (but is not, so that counterfeit and lies are celebrated) - for a fantasy of power and value, and nothing matters when one can harm others, and 'speak lies', and live for approval of degraded men [sic] (after all we have all the money and don't even have to try or earn!). It's referent to a what Tori Amos references in "Cornflake Girl", except it is deeply "enjoyed" by most all those working in the media (and guests very often), again alluding to definite certain things. Also: "Only a 'humane' person is able to like and dislike things' (Confucius) - which is true because it is in the sense that creatures are given, not because Confucius is narrated to have said so -- which is why the word "enjoyed" in the previous sentence is in quotes. Anything harm, anything to speak lies, anything to murder. Persons' are accountable for their actions and choices. Greed and hate and ENTITLEMENT.>> <<@williamrose2506 says : We city folk don't understand the gun thing. Why would anybody even want a gun? Hunting? Shooting animals? We have grocery stores now. It's primitive.>> <<@williamrose2506 says : The actions of the father are appalling.>> <<@LindaBonnell-x4c says : Is this the kind of parenting that Shady Vance promotes? Vote blue>> <<@rikkitikkiusa says : Were the police negligent in returning the guns? Often the police, in my experience with a break in in a neighbor's home, very sympathetic to the man or men in the house and not the women. Which is why we need to NOT have a Trump in the W. H.>> <<@hey-fv3tp says : Americans you re truly " Weird as hell", your allow minors to lay their hands on guns, yet an 18 year old is arrested for drinking beer...stupid!! Probably, that's the democracy you're so proud of...>> <<@madonnaewing5305 says : Are local authorities doing an adequate job in evaluating whether someone is a threat ? Obviously, the 14 year old lied and convinced his interviewers that he was no threat ! Less than a year later he's done exactly what he said he planned ! Maybe a much more experienced law enforcement person or FBI should assist in this evolution .>> <<@tracyclark7560 says : school is deflecting (like a volleyball player) responsibility of not telling parents their child is in need of mental health professionals. Where are there an abundance of mental health professionals? (A.I. needs to be herding categorizing Briggs Test for nurturing abilities at our high schools--to fill the mental health needs (so many of the population needs them because of horrible parenting). No medical coverage for broke parents of any race, especially citizens.>> <<@ipekseda3087 says : I thought that was Prince Andrew at first!>> <<@tracyclark7560 says : The balanced has tipped for No parenting, the balance has tipped for no homes for youth to grow up in. Conservatives never want to take care of people's children, but policy on how to take interviews (come on A.I. do your job) and where to place children must be part of everyday policy, KIDS USA need help.Those with parents, can not take the brundt of all theses parentless children and the ramifications of their parentlessness.>> <<@edithwillis6366 says : What teenager needs an assault rifle? Even a hunter doesn't need an assault rifle!>> <<@TimeIsAFlatCircle612 says : This shouldn't happen in America, Children should be able to go to school and not worry for their safety, and parents should be able to send them with peace of mind>> <<@Rainmanking says : Is there a reason the media still needs to say alleged shooter? The dude was seen as the shooter by witnesses, gave up and was detained. He’s not even 99% the shooter he is 100%>> <<@lc4011 says : What about this kid's siblings? There are 2 or 3 others out there, right?>> <<@jessefowler2733 says : The parents should be charged with the same crimes as their kids EVERY TIME this happens. I am starting to wonder if the parents intend for their kids to commit these atrocities, like that idiot Kyle.>> <<@derek04151 says : The father directly facilitated this to happen, knowing full well it was going to happen.>> <<@davidbarraco2045 says : It's not the guns.It's all the horrible men, women and their children in this country, but death penalty should be quick.Cheap, accurate and universal.No more private prisons for profit>> <<@discerningtruth6848 says : I certainly miss the analytical mind of the experts on the panel.>> <<@assessor1276 says : A 13-yr old kid is NOT a “well regulated militia” - what total idiocy FFS!>> <<@razakfashola3068 says : There are so many things parents can by for There kids as a present not AR15.>> <<@MrAhuapai says : A history of previous Domestic violence in the home is the greatest predicter of a mass shooting. If the US was serious about lowering these sorts of incidents they would institute a mandatory ban on anyone with a conviction for domestic violence being able to purchase firearms. How long this is in place would be negotiable. They wont do this because they are not really committed to stopping gun violence which means far greater controls on who gets to have a gun. It appears they would rather put more band-aids on the problem ,like school security (( guys on 17 per hr minimal wages ) and more mental health counsellors. all at the same time reducing spending on public schools.>> <<@harringtonbenton334 says : MAGA METH MANIACS PLAYING WITH GUNS>> <<@stevebailey3960 says : Democrats are freaking out because Trump is doing better in the polls Trump2024.>> <<@DebraLittle-pz5um says : Martin Carol Walker Jeffrey Hernandez Elizabeth>> <<@josephsonora3787 says : H0W R TH0SE DUMMYCRATIC UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS W0RKING 0UT?>> <<@InquisitiveMind23 says : Is ar15 that cheap (cost wise) in the US? Good lord some people are not able to buy toys but this moron bought the gun to his son. Sad mom was arrested for possession… dysfunctional family indeed…now he is locked up. Hope for the other kids… fingers crossed 🤞>> <<@moellerborn says : Just stop saying "allegedly"...alleged shooter....it is very clear what happened and who did this!>> <<@Terri-g6y says : How did the student get this large gun in the school? Are metal detectors in the school? Are students searched? Are students required to carry clear book bags? All of these are simple procedures most all schools in GA now follow to ensure safety. We are not hearing any conversations about this!!>> <<@eagle1ear says : 1. AR 15 style weapons should be outlawed for private use. Period. 2. Parents should be held responsible for keeping guns safely stored in the home. These kinds of regulations should have been legally mandated Federally at least 30 years ago.>> <<@chesterwilberforce9832 says : As with all these cases in the US, it's about everything but the gun. You want to know how to get a conservative to address mental health? Threaten to take guns away from people after a shooting. Meanwhile, across the world, people are slack jawed at our attitudes. At the very least, can we not prevent teen agers from owning high velocity, high capacity military grade rifles? There is no justification for private citizens to own these designed for the military and law enforcement. I realize this won't do much in terms of total numbers of guns in private hands, but at least it's something we can do to show the world we haven't lost our minds.>> <<@brianmacadam4793 says : Who goes hunting with an AR15 ?>> <<@donaldjones8920 says : This is the first time that i have heard anyone mentioned transgender. Was the child transgendered? That might explain some of his anger toward the school.>> <<@jessecarliner7733 says : When the father was interviewed he said that he had HUNTING rifles in the house but the son had limited access. How do you then give an underage boy his very own ASSAULT rifle? I just want to add, I don't care about any hair splitting BS argument about what constitutes an "assault" rifle, an AR-15 or similar rifle is an assault weapon.>> <<@DjuanEastman says : What brain worm do you have to think it’s okay to buy a child a gun after the FBI visits him in connection with violent threats?>> <<@ronaldmacpherson3345 says : There are actual dead people so not alleged as you had noted.>> <<@ericmccarty9656 says : The irony of the pro life GOP MAGA, side wants, more guns, more children, in a society where parents, quarrel, do meth, divorce, causing all this misery, sad.>> <<@PeggyPiggott-ie1zm says : Republicans have two choices: Pass reasonable gun control laws OR invest heavily in mental health care in this country. They will do neither.>> <<@katecopplestone5888 says : Listen to the father. Not one word about his son, the dead or regret of any sort, sickening. You should pass a test and have a licence to have children!>> <<@lynnmarble8456 says : First, let me say that gun violence, especially involving children, is one my biggest soapbox items - BUT, I don't see how these charges against the father hold any legal weight. It's not illegal in GA to gift a rifle to a minor. And if the FBI and the Sheriff's Deputy weren't able to establish that the boy posted the threats, why would the father believe it was his son? Arresting the dad seems like the local authorities' attempt to save face with the public after failing a year ago when they investigated the future shooter. What GA laws did the father break? You can't arrest people for breaking laws that don't exist. Unfortunately, there's no statute against ignorant gun lovers procreating.>> <<@wills2140 says : Hate against others is not something a child is born with, it is something that is learned. Just as Colt looked for information on previous shootings, his "frustrations" and hate for classmates was learned _somewhere_ .>>