<<@rods6405 says : Another word salad!>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Domestic violence happens to both men and women why is Labor running a anti men agenda stop deleting comments you can't hide the truth>> <<@alexzannoni1501 says : IF it is gendered violence, does that ALSO include female on male (child) abuse/violence???? More taxpayers $$$$ propping up the radical feminist agenda in The Peoples Republic of Victoria>> <<@alfreedfandangle says : A man is being murdered almost twice as frequently...>> <<@helen_3757 says : Jacinta is full of it.>> <<@ThaMassDebater says : DV is terrible and needs to be addressed. The 0.06% of men that engage in DV need to be held accountable for their actions. More men are killing themselves than killing women. Why aren't we calling that an epidemic and have a Royal Commission into that. What is driving men to do this not only to women but to themselves and other men? Victoria has a Commissioner for Mens behaviour, women literally telling men how they should behave and act. If fairness and equality is what the feminist movement is really about then shouldn't there be a reverse group set up as well. You know, a group of men telling woman how they should act and behave. There are countries in the world that do treat women like this and they are labelled as opressive to women. Interesting that when it happens to men in Australia its not oppressive to men?? Whos teaching women how to treat a man? Can i even ask that question? Women obviously can. If you believe that mens behaviour is 100% to blame and women are free from any blame (not allowed to even question women's roles in these situations) then you are further alienating men and placing them in a position where they feel they have no choice or options. Take away the voice of a person and what other options do they have? If we keep pounding the message that all men arw to blame and we need to change their behaviour, what message is that giving to the next generation of boys? That men are pieces of shit and we ave to act how women say otherwise we are toxic.. And you wonder why Men are killing themselves and acting out in violence? Whos teaching women how to treat a man?>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : The issue is pretty simple. Make all D.V. laws in Australia the same - or the Australian government rewrite the D.V. laws. And then have all the states adopt the legislation as they can do under Section 51 of the Australian federal Constitution. As well - any order issued - is valid in any state of Australia. Meaning a D.V. order has the same powers - regardless where it is issued - and a person moves interstate. That D.V. law should be part of the Federal Marriage Act - as these matters - are interlinked - and go hand in hand with divorce laws. You need - the legislation - that has to - be a part of the Marriage Act - and can be heard in the same court. As these orders - affect - custody of children. That's why they must be linked.>> <<@anthonyfowler1789 says : What a joke>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : THE ALP's LATEST DISTRACTION.. DOMESTIC V!OLENCE AND ''GENDER BASED'' V!OLENCE.. BOTH ARE ALREADY ILLEGAL. THIS KIND OF EMPTY VIRTUE SIGNALING LEADS TO MORE PUBLIC SERVANTS & A BLOATED GOVERNMENT.. WORTHLESS S0CIALIST FREELOADERS GIVING EACHOTHER TAX PAYER FUNDED JOBS>>