<<@komradepistoff6584 says : Well, that's the sort of tactic that Putin is known for, isn't it? He expects stupid voters to believe he fears Trump and wants Harris, but Putin isn't an idiot. He puts this sort of propaganda out all the time in an effort to get the real idiot of US politics elected to presidency: Donald J Trump.>> <<@romanklis6407 says : Total bullshit 😂>> <<@hanymessiha1416 says : OMG . . . I have been *SCREAMING* this at the top of my LUNGS for almost a YEAR now, and ONLY NOW is the DOJ doing something about it ? ! 1) In the 70's Donald Judas Trump was *UNDER INVESTIGATION for LAUNDERING RUSSIAN MOB MONEY* 2) In Helsinki, Donald Judas Trump had a *SECRET MEETING* with Vladimir Putin *BEHIND CLOSED DOORS* and EVEN Trump's *SECURITY DETAIL wasn't allowed to be in ATTENDANCE* 3) I *GUARANTEE* you the Russian secret service has *INCRIMINATING SURVEILLANCE* PROVING Donald Judas Trump's *INVOLVEMENT in CRIMINAL ACTIVITY* with the Russian Mob, if not MORE *RUSSIA OWNS DONALD TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY ! ! !*>> <<@robo7711 says : Bull$hit Russia collusion 2.0😂>> <<@MS-_-4891 says : Elon Musk should start with FBI and CIA spending. They clearly have carte blanche when it comes to budgets.>> <<@MS-_-4891 says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@barbaragdisis4606 says : Trump’s own lawyers disclosed he received over $100m in income from Russian sources over the past decade, only they spun these transactions as “exceptions”. Several of the Trump organisation’s (albeit largely unused) Russian trademarks were also renewed on election day last year. While campaigning for the presidential elections, his organisation was also pursuing a real estate deal in Moscow.  As a candidate, Trump made conflicting statements on China as well, accusing it of “theft” against the US, then praising its trade dealings when he visited the country in early November, citing the US as the problem. Trump left China with a number of big business deals, but little progress on that trade deficit he was attacking during his presidential campaign. His own business interests in China have little to do with putting into practice what he has been preaching. In 2016, Trump reported at least nine businesses registered in China; he also has around 100 trade marks registered in China, allowing his organisation to sell Trump-branded products there. A number of Trump-branded items sold in the US are also made in China.>> <<@rodicaionescu3024 says : Too bad she us old bag but her Si Francisco sugar daddy wsd putin age when dhe gad sex for mony gift promotion 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️💩💩🧠>> <<@rodicaionescu3024 says : Stop your fucking tyranucal propaganda you monsters>> <<@terryz3063 says : You Trump ass kissers refuse to see what Putin is doing to support Donald. Either you are willfully blind or just plain stupid.>> <<@nirajshrestha5621 says : 🤣 he openly endorsed kamala, and here people are no, he is endorsing trump. We all know the outrage it would create if he said he endorsed trump. Get over it. It's american citizens/ people voting for president, not Russian citizens/ people. usa has access to everything, and I'm pretty sure american citizens are smart enough to know what propaganda is and what is not. On top of that, american government vaccinates american citizens with Russophobia vaccination from birth and runs the narrative of Bad Russia in mainstream media, other media all the time even after this if american citizens do vote for a person you don't like then it is their own decision, they are smart enough to choose who should lead the country, have access to all the information. Putin is supporting kamala, What are you on about. If Putin said trump you guys would see it as Putin endorsed trump. If Putin supports trump you have a problem with that. if Putin supports kamala, you have a problem with that. Putin genuinely supports kamala. Guys, let's be clear here. By your logic. Since the existence of usa, Russian citizens have voted in america and because of this Russian have been appointing president of usa since beginning, Russians appoints obama, Russians appointed trump, Russians appointed biden and now Russians are endorsing kamala, so with the Russian guarantee, blessings kamala will be the next president of usa.>> <<@cellosong says : The Justice Department has charged two employees of RT, a Russian state-controlled media outlet, in a $10 million scheme to create and distribute content to U.S. audiences with HIDDEN RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT MESSAGING. They apparently accomplished this through a Nashville-based company named Tenet Media that served as a front and which posted nearly 2,000 videos to Youtube in less than a year. Right-wing U.S. influencers - such as TIM POOL, DAVID RUBIN, and BENNY JOHNSON say they are "victims" of the alleged plot if it is proven. The court document alleges they exacted a huge payout in negotiations with Tenet Media, with three of the biggest stars getting paid $8.7m. According to the indictment, the Russian scheme directed a founder of the media company to recruit two conservative influencers by offering them $2m a year. The indictment says that one of the commentators responded that "it would need to be closer to 5 million yearly for him to be interested", and the other said "it would take 100k per weekly episode to make it worth his while". The first influencer allegedly eventually agreed to make four videos per month for $400,000, and the other, according to the indictment, allegedly agreed to be paid $100,000 per video. YouTube said it was terminating the Tenet Media channel and four channels operated by Tenet owner Lauren Chen, following the indictment from the U.S. Department of Justice.>> <<@franktully3065 says : You know they're getting desperate when they're reverting to "Russia Collusion.">> <<@antoniovazquez-i6l says : 😮😮😮😮😮 that s how they do it>> <<@Crimsin19937 says : Ironic timing here, innit?>> <<@TheUnknown79 says : Thanks>> <<@nickpope8056 says : Mr Putin is like the best leader of our time…. so awesome 👍👍👍>> <<@iDeagles says : Not sure what nonsense you’re spinning here but Putin endorsed Harris which sounds like fascicrat collusion with Russia to me. Also, why would they want Trump when they can get away with more against her? Your logic is extremely flawed. 😂>> <<@barkingmouse8152 says : yeah nah. sounds like a crock.......Again>> <<@JsckSzx says : russia support one or the other. doesnt make any difference in usa>> <<@RB-mr6cr says : Of course Russia wanted Kamala Harris to win so they can take over another country lol>> <<@DL-zl5tn says : 😂😂😂😂 Russia Russia .. who would believe you lot anymore …>> <<@robbo6689 says : Donny is effectively making his mate Putin an honorary American and spreading Russian propaganda. It just keeps getting better and better. I thought you idiot MAGAs hated communism? 😂>> <<@njg26.gustav12 says : More lies.. Russia Russia Russia again when it's China backing Harris.>> <<@SeanBotha says : FACT CHECK : LIAR Putin ENDORSED Kamala Harris!>> <<@FranksHairSalon says : You maga's have been played by the enemy and you don't even realize it! Or maybe you do...........>> <<@daveweiss5647 says : Ask why Putin Invaded countries during W Bush, Obama and Biden but didn't dare during the Trump administration...? Of course he wamts Kamala, she is weak like Biden... but these clowns believe the DOJ propaganda...>> <<@daveweiss5647 says : More garbage propaganda... Putin has endorsed Biden amd Kamala... because they are WEAK! And this clown believes the lying DOJ after they played the same crap with the Biden laptop and the Steele Dossier!>> <<@Pa-we1lw says : How about someone pay attention at some point? God help us.>> <<@matt-tasticaus9565 says : This man still on the harry i see 😂😂>> <<@andrewwhite1065 says : I think Putin would want to deal with someone he actually respects.... Donald J Trump. And not the current administration backed by commercial interests i.e BlackRock etc., that continually pump money and weapons into Ukraine. * a word of caution though..... if the UK government supplies & operates long missiles to & in Ukraine. Expect the British manufacturer to be hit with Russia's hypersonic missiles. Launched from nearby and undetected, by what some describe as being the most advanced and largest submarines built anywhere to date. But Russia's advanced missile technology is more of a worthy note. It has proven 100's of times, that the missile can't be stopped whilst in flight by the current best NATO air defence systems used in Ukraine. To my Pommy mates...please don't. Because a world of hurt will in fact, rain from the Heaven's. And in response to this, war will be declared 'officially' by Washington & London against Russia, and you can be certain nukes will be used.... because there won't be to many alternative options. Consequently we all ultimately suffer an untimely fate. Turn to dust and get blown around in a dark, cold, irradited baron World that is devoid of life. Again ... please tell Starmer to pull his head in. Because a few of us of us are still enjoying life at the moment and would like to see our kids at least reach adulthood.>> <<@charleshouse5541 says : SNA...You people are either wef reset operatives, or stupid. If your number one, then number two is inherent, your BOTH. Leave dems in control putin watches, amused, America fall. Then with insane the,rm'o nu'cle,ar stockpiles and delivery systems decides to stop playing with Europe starting with ukraine. Lets move onto Israel now...same just a different area of the world. Truth matters, election interference does to.>> <<@ChrisM-fz6xx says : Since when do Americans take advice from Russia ?>> <<@NiceChunkofWood says : Jesse Watters "If you see any of the following narratives on the internet, the Biden-Harris DOJ says it could be Russian interference: “Record inflation… unaffordable prices for food and essential goods,” “Risk of job loss for White Americans,” “Privileges for people of color,” “Threat of crime coming from people of color and immigrants,” and “overspending on foreign policy.” The government wants us to believe that the Russians are using Republican talking points to mess with our election.">> <<@LynClancy says : Please read the headlines again “Russian state actively working to ‘support’ Trump”, as he did in the previous election. Putin backs Harris winning, meaning he believes Harris will win, not that he supports her. It is written in such an ambiguous way that it can be twisted to suit.>> <<@rogerbennett2025 says : LOL i wanna see the democrats say .. its russian collusion .. with puttin endorsing Kamala .. LOL .. thats great>> <<@lucashudson4942 says : Yeah Yeah yeah same old same old!>> <<@Martin_Priesthood says : 😂😂😂😂 Putin is just enjoying the clown show>> <<@Cherokee10g says : It was Russia who continued to supply Vietnam with equipment to kill American Soldiers during the Vietnam War, many of the Soldiers left behind family members who grew up without their fathers and wives who had to figure out how to carry on, Trump knowing that Putin would like America to be disassembled cling on to him as though he's our friend instead of our enemy, Trump is not fit to lead the boy scouts.>> <<@kandacestokes8986 says : 😂😂😂😭😭😭 I call bullshit>> <<@paulsnow says : Russian Hoax 3.0 This is nothing real. This is only loud with a press release because of Democrats. No press release for the recent spy for China working DIRECTLY for a Democrat. No press coverage for the DEMOCRAT congress man sleeping with a spy from China. Congratulations for swallowing the propaganda.>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : As Tim Poole, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson are now facing charges for receiving this Russian money.>> <<@joeblogs3950 says : One thing for sure anything coming out of Putins mouth is lies and miss information a bit like SKY news really.>> <<@jeffreyrudolph5061 says : Says Christopher Steele & Hillary !>> <<@willettacartermolina3375 says : Putin said he would rather have Harris>> <<@magicturtle4235 says : Not very substantive opinion there, Micheal.>> <<@rocketboots6846 says : These clowns wouldnt get a job in a circus ,yet they get paid to dribble their spew>> <<@pepster9 says : I honestly think Putin wants Trump to win so the war can stop and he can have his piece of the world in the east and Trump will oversee the west!!!>> <<@ChumpyChicken2 says : This guy has always been a clown.>> <<@blacktuskproductions9248 says : Russia doesn't give a flying fuck who wins in the US elections as they know there is a Uniparty and foreign policy will not change one way or the other. All they are doing is trolling the US and the rest of the Idiotic west because all the west has in positions of power is a bunch of uneducated spoiled brats with teenager mental acuity. There are no statesmen in the west. I mean look at ale the clowns that you give a microphone to.>>