<<@YouReallyTypedThat says : If this PM & Premiers want to stop gender based violence, then Albanese remove the Gillard government's corrupt definition of women from the law and stop the judicial activists such as the judge who just decided that a human with a "cock" was decimated against by someone who said he was a man as per grade one science, and the last 5000 years of mammalian sex science. Also are you, Albo, going to go after the Olympics leadership to stop male boxers beating up on (assaulting) female boxers?>> <<@michaelcarroll3844 says : THERE ARE CRIMINAL LAWS AGAINST AUSSAULT AND BATTERY NOTHING ABOUT GENDER . FOR REVENGE THERE IS DIVORCE THAT'S GENDER BASED !>> <<@jazzysnaps says : Gender based ffs is it MAN or WOMAN based.>> <<@Foffleftistscum says : We arnt changing our culture albo you can change and foff you treasonist little lw grub>> <<@Foffleftistscum says : No one gives a toss what these l w scum want>> <<@gordonmoore7302 says : I love that the actual overall statistics just don't follow the narrative. This is going to be an utter shitshow. And I think it's going to go the opposite of what they expect and will definitely do more harm then good. Your policing policy is already one sided despite the law saying not to view people as an offender until they are proven to be the offender. We have somehow ignored the constitution of being innocent until found guilty. Do these people not pick up history books. Do they not know this is what the communists and socialist did and already failed at. Why are the government so insistent of being involved with your family. It's enhancing a problem out if what is statistically non issue. This is the very definition of someone who has no clue that they are the root cause of the very problem they talk of and is desperate to turn his attention on anyone else. If you look up domestic abuse you will find that police are the highest profession most likely to perpetrate it. And that if you type in woman it says call the police have him charged, for men it says seek mental health help. So yeah there is something majorly wrong here and it's the government, again.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : COULDNT CARE LESS ABOUT THE HOUSING SHORTAGE. UNEMPLOYMENT. HOSPITALS IN CRISIS. CRIME IN INDEGENOUS COMMUNITIES... THESE ALP CRACKPOTS ARE OBSESSED WITH RACE & SEX ... AND THE WEATHER.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : DV has been declining for years. check govts own stats>> <<@LucienCanon says : The parasitic quangocrasy class. Get your snouts out of the tax trough>> <<@LucienCanon says : It is solely an ethnic crisis being presented as a white male problem. Meanwhile, the definition of domestic violence constantly expands.>> <<@richardsoane6192 says : How much are these people going to be paid ? How are they going to change men's behavior ? Is it just another giant spend of taxpayer money with no results. Labour cannot even run a chook raffle.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : And what of the 2000x un b orn terminated per week in Australia by Chest Feeders? Who saves them?>> <<@pumancat says : Probably just more man-hating BS.>> <<@iggyguy88897 says : Yeah, women have been killing a lot of men this year. Where is our help and money . Once again, a two tiar legal systems.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Work slow, Walk away, retire early. Minimise any community or relationship interactions.>> <<@jannandjohn says : More money for outback "communities " via a new branch of the public service,>> <<@luked8873 says : I wish this weak prick would talk a long walk off a short pier, cheers labor voters you pack of weebs>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : Another "Pea & Shell" distraction from the purely politics of the game, can't govern, poor KPI's across the board for Labor/Greens-Teals, single out Mr Pants on Fire, financial pressure on families & breadwinners at an all time high...when you get the chance, VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@PaulJames-v4c says : Stop picking on good men, we are all no the same. Women got to share the blame too>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : What a flog. You're sending 100s of millions of taxpayers money to the Middle East, where gender based violence is a lifestyle>> <<@parfz6127 says : Next we’ll need a taskforce to enforce correct pronouns in the street 😂😂🖕🏼>> <<@rosedelarosa-q9n says : THERE IS NO NEED TO BEING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE JUST USE COMMON SENSE DEPORT ALL PEOPLE NOT BORN IN YOUR COUNTRY THAT ENTERED ILLEGALLY AND GIVE YOUR PEOPLE THE FREEDOM THEY DESERVE AND THE JOBS THEY NEED . DO NOT PUT KIDS ON ANY TYPE OF PSYCHO DRUGS DO NOT PUSH HOMOSEXUALITY ON ANYONE ESPECIALLY IN SCHOOLS WHERE KIDS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE GOING TO LEARN AND BE ABLE TO BECOME HEALTHY ADULTS . AND JUST LET PEOPLE MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES ON THEIR OWN ONCE THEY BECOME ADULTS .>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Sky News loves violence against women and lgbt. They attacked Britney Higgins for speaking out. Stop the hypocracy!!😡🤮>> <<@PaulJames-v4c says : You will never get violence out of family, multicultural has made sure of that>> <<@Lowlife-w3u says : Andrew bolt defending the word Aborigines,a few months ago he said don't bow down to the primitive people or was it primates from the racists bastard he is.>> <<@Buybtc-oc9er says : The title is "gender-based violence" however they are talking about domestic violence , two different things ! Who is messing things up Albo or sky news?>> <<@Chrisbryant-q1j says : Omg this idiot is just dissatisfaction from Australian people>> <<@RogerWilson-u4i says : Good luck with that. This entire subject can only be likened to climate change! The likelihood of changing DV is as likely as stopping the climate from changing! It's nonsense!>> <<@WalkiTalki says : I am sure it is. When a citizen complains of the government illegally bringing in terrorists you call them racist. When men beat women for sport in the Olympic games you call an end to gender based violence. The world is watching Australians choose to follow the path of the UK and France. We all see where its heading, we are just curious to see just how far.>> <<@sosministriesrev1412 says : There is no crisis, it is manufactured by progressive leftwing loonies who are ruining this country., There may be a spike this year in domestic violence following a 30 year downward trend in Domestic violence according to the Australian Bureau of Criminology.>> <<@JuneCahill says : How aboutAlbo and useless mob fix up the economy the homelessness instead of every week coming out with something else to distract us doesn’t work>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Albanese, and his ALP (Labor) socialist left government are now in desperation mode to win the next federal election. Their insane priorities have failed them, and their ability to act in the public interest is non-existent...>> <<@andrewcolleyproperties4211 says : 'There was also a decrease in the proportion of women who had experienced violence by any intimate partner (also includes current or previous boyfriend, girlfriend, and date) between 2016 and 2021–22, from 2.3% in 2016 to 1.5% in 2021–22 (ABS 2023c).' My point is not that domestic violence is acceptable, but this... Women are also violent to men! Why no discussion? We are told this is an escalating problem when it's down significantly. I am sick and tired of the attack on men, by women seemingly requesting parity, yet demanding nothing short of special privilege!!>> <<@TLO7 says : how is "gender-based violence" a problem at all? its not>> <<@TSpackman says : Lol, anything to divide and distract the public.>> <<@matthewpetherick921 says : Everything is a priority for this bloke........but end up being just empty promises......nothing ever gets done.>> <<@kermitthehermit9588 says : I saw an eshay get beaten up by his girlfriend in the iga car park a few days ago. He took her punches and kicks like a champ and didn’t even get angry, let alone hit her back. You could tell she’d been hogging the ice pipe that morning>> <<@darrenashley126 says : 2min in and it says that men are the problem. NO, I have never hit a woman I've walked away but women have a tendency to push buttons and play the victim. It's a two way street.>> <<@sirstiffpilchard says : Cost of Living Crisis>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : What is the gender-based ratio of the sum of all the federal electoral rolls, Mr Albanese?>> <<@travstar5447 says : I thought The Socialist Albanese morons mantra was to destroy our Economy, because they are nailing that task!>> <<@Gungho1a says : Then why'd you pay 2.4 million to someone using gender based violence to even a workplace score?>> <<@bradywyntjes7122 says : A huge problem, I thought there were only two. What's the problem,that australian journalist's have a herd mentality and should go back to the sheeple flock they obviously strayed from. Fuckin violent men I'm sick of stepping over there bodies. Your full of shit and a narrative following box ticking yes cocksucker who only has a mental capability of following very well explained instructions...😂>> <<@heathclark318 says : All you have to do is get the gays and trans folks to stop assaulting each other. Numbers would go way down>> <<@lornatodd4750 says : What is a woman?>> <<@ChickityChicken says : Distraction is a priority for the government. There fixed it.>> <<@martytube821 says : Men are the number 1 victims of DV but i guess nobody cares!>> <<@jolla9963 says : And this is coming from a man who is fanacially attacking both sexes? Albo is a finacial abuser, amd that is a crime too.>> <<@srichards5042 says : That's coming from a narcissist>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : I bet the money wont go to where its most needed. Which is to the demographic that no one wants to acknowledge and gets swept under the carpet....and if you try to speak about it, youre labeled a racist.>>