<<@eaglehead1 says : It's always America, they don't talk about how Russia has had more deadly school shootings and they happen everywhere look it up.>> <<@ediewall6360 says : America stands alone and ONLY stands because of our pro - gun laws. The NWO/ Globalists / Deep State have a dark agenda of a gun grab, NWO loves fear, trauma and chaos to get Americans to give up our guns. Without our gun freedoms , America would already have been toast by now, already fallen. Most of the public do not understand the deeper agendas and manipulations. The MSM ( mainstream media ) has been fully owned and controlled by the NWO. That WILL soon change .>> <<@ad1vet783 says : There is no such thing as gun violence. The gun is an inanimate object and incapable of being violent. This problem can't be resolved until people recognize the actual issue, human violence, and how to combat it.>>