<<@Trumpytrump says : Who is this woman? She needs to be out on the road speaking out. She is so clear and direct. I understand her. I love Trump, but he goes off track in his speeches. He needs people like this woman and JD Vance out on the street spreading the MAGA word. She knows how to deliver the message with the right tone and urgancy. You feel her, but not overly emotional. Listening to her made me more angry with the current climate. Trump, put Karoline front and center.>> <<@jerrykimbrough539 says : KH is full of chit. I would let dogs run wild before I would elect her as dog catcher.>> <<@stardusty99 says : NO ONE IS RUNNING THE WHITE HOUSE>> <<@stardusty99 says : VOTE TRUMP VANCE AND FAMILY 2024 FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT>> <<@jimbocoonass8622 says : I'm gonna take one more trip to Mexico and see my cousins and aunts to enjoy because i think this government is all about control and retention just like my former late boss and commander-in-chief warned us about this stuff. He said. " The dangers that face America in the not too distant future are liberalism and Big Government " . Jimbo Mexican American,former US Navy radioman petty officer 86-96.>> <<@stantonfriedman says : Tru-mp is just to OLD to run this country . Period>> <<@CJenkins-s1o says : Trump 2024>> <<@RitaRichardson-f9c says : Dems even steal their insults from us.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Rawkin_Dawg says : How about the crisis Donald created by mismanaging COVID response? Remember when he crashed the economy?>> <<@esousa486 says : Just WAIT till those ILLEGAL CRIMINALS begin RE-POPULATING their *OFFSPRING* in our country ..... putting down "permanent legal" status ....... It will TOTALLY BLOW UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@joannehamilton3470 says : May I remind everyone it is the Republicans under the suggestion of Donald Trump to turn down the bill which would have helped alleviate problems, increasing security at the border, so put your blame where it is due.>> <<@kenklein9228 says : Comrad Harris has been in favor of open borders since we first heard from her back in '20. She hasn't changed her stripes.>> <<@garyrath841 says : Trump was a law and order president? Convicted sexual predator Convicted Felon Russian Agent And so much more Law and Oder? Throw him in prison is law and order>> <<@briansmith2922 says : Soon, the woke left communist are to be administratively subtracted from the equation. Soon... After Action: America is High speed - Low drag.>> <<@MNMMOMMA2 says : We've already seen what she's done, which is NOTHING!>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : Deeply concerning state of affairs.>> <<@Zurava-60s says : In the current conditions, the chances of winning the upcoming presidential elections have greatly decreased. In order to change the current difficult situation, it is especially important to put forward a NEW IDEA (not a slogan), namely a NEW IDEA about a serious reform of the presidential system of governance. From the outside, the main drawback of the current system seems to be TWO ASPECTS: Firstly, the term of office. Considering the size of the USA in everything (economy, population, territory, influence and much more), and considering the inertia of processes with such impressive values, a presidential term of 4 years seems too short for serious changes. THE SECOND ASPECT is the re-election of the current president; two years after taking office, each president begins to think about future elections and becomes largely constrained in his decisions. I believe that the president of a great country should be freer from such pressure when making the right and necessary decisions FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY and think more about what mark he will leave in history, and not about electoral preferences. In today's political situation in the world, when global changes and reformatting of relations between countries are taking place, STABILITY OF POWER has become an advantage (unfortunately, only for autocracies and dictatorships). In order to take full advantage of democracy, power needs to be made more stable and consistent. TRUMP needs to declare his main goal if elected president - to reform the presidential power, propose constitutional changes for the presidential elections of 2028: the US president is elected for a term of at least 6 or 8 years WITHOUT THE RIGHT OF RE-ELECTION for a second term. The US needs a president for a term of 8 years WITHOUT THE RIGHT OF RE-ELECTION. At the same time, the importance of midterm elections will increase significantly.>> <<@tcharli1948 says : Yes, she is saying everything that she thinks will get her elected, but we the people know that and hopefully everyone sees through her lies. She revealed herself in her "interview" on CNN when she said her "values" have not changed.>> <<@i_am_nature22 says : Did the Founding Fathers have AR-15 Assault Rifles? When will you idiotic Americans ban these weapons of mass destruction?>> <<@mattheone2297 says : Trump 2024 🇺🇸👏>> <<@georgebriand7342 says : All sent by Democrats the country is well done Americans have seen nothing yet only going to get much worse>> <<@Gertjan_A says : 🙏🙏 🥇🥇 💛💛 🙏🙏>> <<@marlobedancin says : Trump is the laughing stock of the whole world I hope you know that.>> <<@TRC_PNW says : You believe this crap? Faux News, the network that had to pay $787.5M for lying to the American people about the last election. Feel free to fact check that.>> <<@stevel1451 says : How do you know they’re migrants, can’t see their faces. . .>> <<@bonniejohnston7305 says : I'm one of those Republicans who is not particularly fond of Donald Trump. It was my nephew who said to me, "I don't want Trump to be my friend, I just want him to lead our country"...MIA COPA 😮>> <<@ladycc3573 says : If they come here illegally they are a criminal.>> <<@Trump_the_RAPIST says : *BREAKING* "He beat us by a whisker. It was a terrible thing," Trump said of President Joe Biden during a 45 minute interview Aug. 4 with podcaster Lex Fridman. He used similar language at an Aug. 30 Moms for Liberty summit and an Aug. 23 press event at the Southern border.>> <<@martinmyers1113 says : We must stop Trump from stealing the election! Demand 100% voter ID and In-Person ballots only!!!>> <<@patmichael8519 says : The Dems always love to talk about taxing the rich, but somehow, that never seems to apply to Democratic elitists in gated communities.>> <<@fnusecurity5112 says : Where is the FBI and Homeland at??? They might hit a Military base next.>> <<@Frank-st6gd says : 4 years they let them come IN. Hello. Not Good at All. Now they want to fix it. Voting season.>> <<@amarreder6241 says : TRUMP WILL SAVE AMERICA 🇺🇸>> <<@Blackblackblack123 says : I don’t think Trump will make the “whhhoooaaaa” sound in prison. I think it sill be more like a “chuuuggguuuddda uhhh, whaaaaaaa!” Sound.>> <<@onepointofview says : ❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP’S FEDERAL CRIMES TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY UPDATE: Get ready for Sept. 26. VOTE INFORMED!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️>> <<@lasersbee says : Arrest...Charge... Convict... Jail... DEPORT... Gee thanks Uncle Joey and Auntie Kamala for letting all the Violent Illegal Migrants to invade the USA.>> <<@WilliamEmerson-qy3kq says : Secure the border, yes, secure the border 😮😮>> <<@hanaisalontan says : Bi patriotisn legislation ??>> <<@Zmystery says : Bless Her Heart! Kamala Harris>> <<@bountyhounter1636 says : And Kamala wants to take OUR guns away when these gangs she is letting in have Ak47's. Seriously?! Whose side is she on?>> <<@elenajoseph3594 says : Kamala Harris wants to be president, the hell with our country. !!!>> <<@jamesb2059 says : Quite apart from the 16  Nobel laureates have said that Trump’s policies would ignite inflation and trigger a recession by mid-2025, even economists for Goldman Sachs Group Inc. say that a Trump win in November would hurt the U.S. economy, while a Harris win—if she also gets Democratic control of the House and the Senate—would make it grow. Goldman Sachs is hardly a Commie outfit as Trump would have you believe! Wouldn't you prefer someone like Harris who has integrity, someone who does NOT cheat on his wife, lie ALL  the time, is insulting and disrespectful towards everyone he doesn't like (would you want your kids to be like this?).  Trump gave huge tax breaks to the very rich, supported racists, disrespected the military and its fallen heroes, tried to steal a legitimate election, was reckless and ignorant in the face of a global pandemic (bleach anyone?), stole classified documents, and ran his businesses fraudulently?  Voters have a civic responsibility to vote for someone with integrity, not merely someone who entertains them by breaking things, or by being outrageous.>> <<@cherokeegirl5908 says : MAGA 2!>> <<@breakingbenjamin1fan788 says : Drain the swamp, President Trump! TRUMP/VANCE 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🇺🇸>> <<@bladesyoungblood597 says : America needs a government that's going to put America first..>> <<@bladesyoungblood597 says : They did what China paid them to do>> <<@markgrafstrom1704 says : No more Commyla! Click on my car for my new Better Go Trump songs 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 stop the dem-olition of America!>> <<@myrnakenealy7324 says : WAKE UP PEOPLE VOTE RED NOT BLUE DONALD TRUMP ASAP FOR MASSIVE DEPORTATION AND FINALLY CLOSING OUR BORDERS COMPLETELY>> <<@johnniesmythe42 says : now come - on "ATF' remember the fast and fury that you the ATF and Obama little deal with grug cartets at least "NO" ATF agent won't be killed either would anyone else with My deal>> <<@rheafernandez8131 says : Comrade Kalamity Harris unrealized gains tax will be a fiasco for American citizens! 🫢🫣>>