<<@jeffreyammon3082 says : Wow can't believe how true this actually is>> <<@missy183 says : Love you Gutfeeld. Great job. 💘💙🌹😘>> <<@missy183 says : Biden Corrupt President and Kamala Stupid VP. 😝🤪😜🤑>> <<@barnibussnaples6561 says : “Goah will yall stop calling out that Russia backs MAGA?” - Fox>> <<@lorrainekelton6425 says : The truth is when I shop for food and see my grocery bill. Paying much more than I did since Biden has been in office.>> <<@j.taylor3670 says : So Kats not voting for Trump, you didn't vote for him in 2016 (did you like how the audience went quiet?) and I remember Cyrus sulking in 2016 and saying he wasn't going to vote for either Hillary OR Trump.... So why should we watch you again?>> <<@AllysonCatlin-q5c says : Lewis Ronald Jones Edward Smith Sarah>> <<@John-w8g4s says : They are playing off the same playbook>> <<@greatoutdoors6074 says : True Christians by the millions are praying Trump will soon be behind bars>> <<@stephenduncombe1153 says : How about "rapist rapist rapist"...convicted....not news? Jams his little hand down a woman's pants..presidential material that.>> <<@AtticusLex says : If Gutfield isn't on Putin's payroll, Putin is getting to best troll for free.>> <<@mercedesroybal2854 says : Trumps voters are not happy with you choosing Kat to be in your show wen she doesn’t like President Trump 🪱🪱🪱🪱>> <<@clarenceamos9219 says : They need to search comrade Paris before she gets on at the bait stage she should not be allowed to wear an earpiece for Obama to coach her through they need to stop her and search her do not let her get on stage with an earpiece Obama will be in the background coaching her they need to make her wear her hair in a ponytail>> <<@BA-gn3qb says : Remember, Putin just said last week in an interview, that he'd rather work with Kamala Harris than Trump. That's a Russian endorsement for Her!>> <<@Jim-qs7kt says : Remember to vote. Get you, your friends,and family registered. No amount of complaining will stop this mess unless we vote.>> <<@stacyhuss9454 says : Best discussion I’ve seen on the new garbage Russian influence claim👏🏻 Panic button moment, absolutely.>> <<@dakdude-xk9mb says : Why just 15 minutes?? Just gets good...starting to pass meboff& a wast of time..why not whole show?? Without commercials about 30-40 minutes!!>> <<@edwardpaulsen1074 says : Oddly enough, Putin is on record endorsing KAMLA!!! Why isn't the DoJ investigating her?!?>> <<@Topart2023 says : Demoncraps are a infiltrated lost radical dirty blue party>> <<@nouriabab5675 says : Dit donc joe biden nous a caché que son fils Hunter biden avait financé un projet dans les laboratoires américains en Ukraine top secret les bombes chimiques les bombe biologiques et les virus bizzar poutine à toute les preuves les pays européens complice la CIA le FBI voilà la vrai vérité il veulent fabriqué des virus et des bombes pour nous tuer>> <<@jjtheherald008 says : Heather Zumarraga has a great frame.>> <<@KAZVorpal says : Everything they accuse others of doing, that is what they are doing themselves.>> <<@АлександрШаповалов-б2в says : Democrats said in 2016, 2020 that Russia was interfering in the presidential elections. In 2024, they are saying the same thing. Let them answer point by point, what measures they have taken since 2016 and are taking now to prevent the so-called interference of Russia in the elections. The more they talk about Russia's interference in the elections, the more they admit their helplessness.>> <<@lelandthomas7941 says : The only election interference is The DOJ AND W.H.O.>> <<@Debsaok says : Useful idiots to Russia.>> <<@jarrodwilder3095 says : Tyrus and his sinus exploding hold back laugh.....it's so loud>> <<@woody18333 says : The c c p not only infiltrates the political and business circles, but also spends huge sums of money to control the american media. Some mainstream media have been pro-china for many years. Even though the american later learned that china is an enemy, till now the comment areas of media (including we media) such as YT, FB, Twitter… etc. are still full of china’s internet trolls running rampant. They use fake infor to brainwash the public, set the trend, and use social contradictions to create disputes and divide the power of their enemies. If you want to report this kind of toxic comment, it still stay there. If you want to point out the fact about china’s trolls, your post will be deleted or not displayed at all. But if you comment "Russian bots", it will display. why? It is said that these media have many chinese censors. If this is not dealt with, no matter what else is done, it will be unrealistic? In the past "Black Lives Matter" turmoil, chinese agents were found to be involved, and now the Olympic gender row has china and russia behind it. The two big brothers, china and russia, are now teaming up to use the western left to engage in class struggle and divide the democratic world. The communist party has rich experience in class struggle. They have been " Attacking democracy with democracy! " Is the USA aware of it..>> <<@hfinn5706 says : Dog whistle garbage. Putin loves trump. Must have something on trump. Alt right Christian’s selling their soul to the golden ( orange ) calf. I believe in God. Could neve4 support the bone spur draft dodger when my dad served knee deep in the muck. Trump failing up with his inheritance. He’s definitely not like hard working Americans. 😋. Get rid of him and let’s rebuild our party No more stand by and stand down. Let’s work together to solve our problem. This Fox / Trump vitriol is killing this country. We are stronger working together. ❤️🥰🥳😋😇.>> <<@aloysiusbelisarius9992 says : I am presuming that this episode aired *before* the news broke of Putin publicly endorsing Dome (that's Harris, for those of you in Rio Linda)...? So-o-o...that pretty much makes the whole Russia-Russia-Russia-2.5 strategery a fully-torpedoed moot point. *NOW* what are the Dems supposed to do?! Their metaphorical assassination attempts of Trump have all failed; their literal assassination attempt has failed...they be running out of ammo fast. This makes me kind-a hopeful that more people besides only me may start seeing the logic and need to *abolish the Democrat party* outright, and replace it with a party that's exactly opposite of it... ...which I will admit may not necessarily be the most ideal solution; but I have to say that I'd rather banter with a party whose core ideology is against the expansion of government power.>> <<@adamfuller6829 says : This is the worst>> <<@nickdiehl says : The left and the people who support them are delusional mentally ill people.>> <<@HoffaJedi says : Who on FOX has Putin in thier pockets?>> <<@Trump_the_RAPIST says : *M = Moscow* 🇷🇺🇷🇺 *A = Agents* *G = Grooming* *A = Americans* 🇺🇸🇺🇸 ✝️ *The Republican party, RIP* ✝️>> <<@stevenkeeffe9137 says : I love that we're still playing the "Foreign Nation Election Interference" game... while they have zero issues having foreign nationals cast physical ballots in our elections if they walked across our Southern border. Clown World.>> <<@catoyz says : Are you complicit? Or useful idiots? Both?>> <<@Chris-bb2cb says : The nearly 2,000 videos posted by the company have received more than 16m views on YouTube alone.... PAID for by RUSSIA>> <<@Chris-bb2cb says : The influencers/Youtubers have roughly 6 million followers on YouTube alone. NOT 7....>> <<@jackrader4428 says : Russian political mind game manipulation only works on the weak minded or the willing -I don’t know anyone who believes Putin wants VP Harris for president-what a joke-VOTE BLUE 🌎-no Putin puppet>> <<@waiotahi52 says : The debate works like this . Both contestants are asked the same questions They both have the same time to answer. They both are controlled by the same moderator. The opponents mic. is turned off. aAt Trumps request. The same TV company is running it for both of them In the same room. At the same time. Therefore ,it is totally rigged against Trump>> <<@jjktng says : It’s Russia, Russia, Russian again because IT IS RUSSIA at it again. Don’t be a traitor.>> <<@alphabetsoup488 says : WHY are we seeing intelligent Democrats join the Trump Team. I mean Kamala is offering full term abortions in exchange for a Woman's individual identity. I guess that's a fair trade to some women! To me Kamala and Walz are the real-life SpongeBob and Patrick Star. The most honest thing I've heard from Kamala is that she flipped burgers, it just wasn't Mcdonald's, it was the Krusty Krab, I remember that annoying cackle coming from the kitchen.>> <<@greghardy9476 says : Tyrus is spot on.>> <<@humblebeas6694 says : So tell us why your cult leader took a 10 million dollar brib from Egypt? Tell us why its ok to have Russia inferring in your election because you can't win on your own ? Lol loser>> <<@johndelutio8968 says : The Russian government and any other foreign governments had absolutely nothing to do with my decision to vote for Trump three times.>> <<@Bellcephus1 says : Russia Russia Russia, gave us over 100 Indictment Indictment Indictments ! SOoooo, you know.>> <<@Nunyabizness_ says : Kamala has Putins vote too!>> <<@panzerabwerkanone says : I still think once Kamala loses the election she will try to invoke the 25th Amendment to become President, Joe will have to go along as long as he has assurances that Hunter will be pardonned.>> <<@user-gy8pv2zz5r says : The transgender debate was implemented by the CIA to get us to forget about bailing out the banks and leaving Americans to float the bill😊>> <<@minekiehn1619 says : Whos liz cheney anyway 😂😂😂she is like the getto version of Hillary i have thorns in my toes from walking barefoot in the woods that mean more than whoever that tired toilet paper chick is>> <<@altimmons says : Gutfeld is another Russian asset. Like half the GOP now. I don’t recognize you guys>>