<<@TikkyTakMoo says : I have thought about this method of power generation before, I think its effectiveness would be dramatically increased with Fresnel -style mirrors or lenses or convex mirrors that could shift alignment depending on the position of the Sun, without taking more energy than the benefit of the new design.>> <<@bastardsonofabitchusa872 says : While financial aid from UAS n imf loans brought more corruption n poverty>> <<@순둥-f8s says : Johnson Shirley Jackson Lisa Hernandez Patricia>> <<@WORLDPARTYFORUM says : Free energy in abundance, drones to do the work, people who can shape their lives according to their interests and talents – what more could you want?>> <<@syphon000 says : Why dont u try producing over 30% of global export demand and feed over a billion people without using fossil fuel...clown>> <<@mfrancis0514 says : and yet China uses more fossil fuels then the next highest 10 usage countries COMBINED!>>