<<@aidamarkiw says : I no longer feel safe in NYC…>> <<@lynncarrington2744 says : Manhattan is 75% immigrant, these statistics say nothing.>> <<@tracysherlock6199 says : No there not....white folks crimes are 30% almost more than a migrant.>> <<@name8794 says : Since crime is down in Venezuela I’m go there as a asylum seeker>> <<@melissacrum9521 says : If Harris is elected. America is doomed. A civil unrest is looming. I’m fearful that I might have to be out in a place if defense that I would never think I would have to do as an American. Why because my government hates it’s citizens. Undocumented fake asylum seekers are not worth more then a born citizen. Deport them and the born citizen children. Make a statement to the world. America is not the welfare center of the world.>> <<@nicolecole6647 says : Station ICE where they are, don’t wait to be “notified” (since they cannot). The suspect hasn’t been vetted before charging. If they’re illegal they get deported. Period.>> <<@chrisv.4071 says : Why vote for betrayal i just dont get it>> <<@chrisv.4071 says : As an american you will not be living any kind of life anymore .....poverty ....crime .......chaos .....no world peace ..nothing>> <<@Mageroeth says : Why do you guys care so much about new york. Its liberal city is it not? Move to texas.>> <<@daburn2013 says : DEPORT THEM NOW 💯🤬>> <<@FrankRuthman says : THIS INVASION WILL BE BRANDONS LEGACY ,,,,,,,,,JUST FKN WHY DID HE DO IT?????>> <<@MathiasMaximus says : Why are they blurring the criminals faces?>> <<@deathmetaldave says : Globalist elite takeover collapse society open borders kalegri plan>> <<@BudinVegas says : And Bragg releases them back on the street over & over again. And the Border Czar STILL hasn't closed the border.>> <<@christyd6334 says : This was done on purpose!>> <<@wethepeople905 says : I find it hard to believe that if you are a sanctuary city or state, the government will take hard earned money out of legal citizens' pay checks, and force them to pay more in taxes for the safety, clean areas, schools, parks and recreation, ect. But the same government will take taxes in the amount that they determine, but refuse to allow you what they pay for SO THEY CAN GIVE EVERYTHING TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO HAVE NEVER PAID FOR IT BUT ARE ENTITLED TO MORE THAN THE CITIZENS!!!???>> <<@Xavierwolfgang says : Too bad trump killed the bill proposed by the Dems to secure the border. Yeah, trump wasn’t in office or senate/congress, but it’s well known that he used his connections to have the bill scrapped so that he looks like the hero 🙄>> <<@janetprice85 says : American born crooks are being run out of business by newbies.>> <<@Chiefonenut says : Surprise>> <<@Painter-l1y says : Thank your💩 mayor Eric &🤡 Nancy who said come come Free Room & Board 📺👟👖🧤🚲🛵🥘🍩☕🚽🧻🚿📱💳💰family with kid's 4🤑a month New Yorker's should be furious🤷‍♂✌>> <<@Caldweeze says : And it’s sucks my brother is in love with this lady. Talking about she’s hope and change lol she’s as evil and Hilary>> <<@SusanDianeHowell says : Petty politicians pandering to a few world leaders.>> <<@BS-eb8nv says : Every illegal alien crime is BIDENS FAULT. Biden and harris belong in prison for TREASON. ALL DEMOCRATS ARE GUILTY OF TREASON FOR VOTING FOR BIDEN THE TRAITOR.>> <<@Garland-nx4yz says : Import the third world and become the third world>> <<@MichaelCordio-k5u says : Thought they were to be productive citizens !>> <<@adamsechrest4349 says : Why are they bringing in tens of millions of unvetted people into our country? Why would you want tens of thousands of people in your city that cannot be productive members of society? Something sinister is going on behind the scenes. As Americans we have gotten too comfortable and we are allowing this to happen. We should be in the streets because this makes me mad as hell!!!Billions of our tax dollars wasted on people who don’t respect our laws or our country and don’t belong here!!!>> <<@americanpride8378 says : WOKE YET>> <<@NOMORERATRACE says : To keep us safe deport all illegal immigrants back to their country. Stop giving our tax money $18k to illegal immigrants people.>> <<@ricardoacain1391 says : 99% of Fox Crimewatch Show are immigrants or black.>> <<@robinlevin9212 says : And by the comments I have read , you best care they are going to move in our into the outer cities, then thru smale towns . Yes our country is envaded . Nothing is being done. I cant belive our hands arre that tied . What abought the Constitution. Umm the government (not all up there on the capital hill , president , and vice president are not protect our citizens or country. In fact we are to be running our country they are committing treason andcare an enemy of our country . This just going to get worse as we grown closer to the election.>> <<@doriangray4937 says : Biden/Harris and the rest of the Democrats hate the US because it is so successful and powerful and are desperately trying to turn it into a third world country. This is the reason they are creating sanctuary cities and flooding the country with illegal immigrants, criminals and drugs among them and releasing and not holding criminals accountable that are already in the US. They want chaos and mayhem in the streets.>> <<@PoliticallyIncorrect- says : Illegal immigrants>> <<@jaylehn4342 says : Joe Biden and the Administration is giving free housing and food to illegal migrant criminals is that not aiding and a bedding criminals that is illegal.>> <<@ladyd8339 says : Thank you Joe! The best president! God forgive you!>> <<@the.trollgubbe2642 says : Same in Sweden 97 % of arrests are all arabs and Africans>> <<@MyThoughtzAndOpinionz says : Definitely a sanctuary city, sanctuary for crime>> <<@MW-gm7cq says : Hey, Doocy, IT’S MILLIONS of illegal aliens, not thousands.>> <<@amandad6104 says : But yet they always release them 😒🤦‍♀️>> <<@mixelsfan2026 says : People all around the country are concern and complaining about The crime in our cities is ramping and we know who is responsible for this nightmare Biden/Harris Are!!>> <<@clairetrinkle3034 says : GO TRUMP GO…..GO…TRUMP SQUAD…👍❤️👏👍❤️👏💪👍❤️👏💪✅✅✅✅✅✅✅>> <<@noraalvarado8178 says : As soon as Mayor Adam's spoke up to the democrats they started an investigation on him. My Governor is also democrat and afraid to speak out. BIDEN and Kamala will go after her to.>> <<@glennhopkins2643 says : ICE ICE baby>> <<@glennhopkins2643 says : Isn't diversity wonderful ?>> <<@glennhopkins2643 says : Joe Biden's America>> <<@strictlyconservative8777 says : We need to stop the revolving door. Criminals are criminals and need to be locked up!>> <<@milehightruth says : Let’s let in all the migrants and then take your guns. By the way you’re gonna pay for those migrants, and the police can’t police them. Welcome to America!>> <<@MaryThonas says : ponerlos en hogares de zurdos blancos y hacer que los apoyen. Vinimos aquí legalmente para alejarnos de los criminales.>> <<@michaelscott4718 says : these illegal aliens should be shipped back to where they came from the first time they get arrested. they shouldnt even be here to begin with.>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : "A worrying trend, we must uphold law.">> <<@joanndewitt1790 says : TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>>