<<@theterrorexpress says : I hope Merchan is reading these comments. And I hope it sinks in what the world thinks of HIM. He has become the world’s most distrusted coward and it will be his life long stigma. Congrats to him for that.>> <<@danitydon6976 says : 34 counts!!!!! 34 COUNTS!!!! really?!! how is he a free man.. this is insane..>> <<@danitydon6976 says : WHHHHHHYYYYYY?!!!! i swear this better not turn into a communist country i will leave this country so fast!!!! the system is rigged and this is the proof.. or maybe they are giving him a chance to watch himself lose this election then prison! that would be great .. but a little bit of my hope just faded.>> <<@Melanie-m8w says : Well, it will be max irritating to keep seeing this shit play oit but if hedoesthe election then we will knlw who every single naxi satanic beyrayer is so we can get all those collusionists in the ground. But im sure they strongly believe it will be going in the reverse because thats been the only purpose from the get go.>> <<@questforhonesty9182 says : Of course it's "delayed". Never going to happen. NO meaningful consequences for The Donald. Not ever. Impunity rules.>> <<@CellGames2006 says : The rich keep skirting the law as usual... It would be funny to see a sitting president sentenced and thrown to jail, but it's lieklier he won't win and keeps fighting the sentence through 2025.>> <<@rebeccawetzel520 says : That?jus ridiculous>> <<@mikeharris2332 says : Theses judges are fucked up>> <<@FreakyTeeth says : America has fought MANY wars over it's relatively short life, and what has it's history taught? It's worst enemies are themselves.>> <<@M.2000-v2g says : So you're telling me I can run for president and be free to do any crime without being sentence to jail. Bruh what is this bs>> <<@davidmoscoe6687 says : We have a criminal that had been charged with 34 counts of felony tax fraud. 34!!! Anyone except Don Old would be in jail now awaiting his sentencing of many years for tax fraud. WTF?!?!??! Now they are talking about him being fined?? A Billionaire?? Big F'ing DEAL!!!! Money means nothing to him! You are right our judicial system is a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@marysage7960 says : Hell yeah Trump 2024>> <<@longcastle4863 says : Merchan has made it clear: Trump is above the law. Coward!>> <<@longcastle4863 says : Merchan is a coward. History brought him to this moment. He did not meet it. He ran away from it. He caved to Trump and failed the American people. Which is what America’s judicial system does these days.>> <<@cvf628 says : If he were sentenced before the election, then he would not be permitted to vote in Florida.>> <<@jamesmadison6650 says : A down tick in Trumps numbers my 🫏!!! They went up !!! CNN always has their own manipulated polls.>> <<@jamesmadison6650 says : He is scared 💩 less because other judges testifying before congress about how bad a he did.>> <<@sandhyagudigudi3998 says : Only one cap coming Gossips of Pig 🐖 Issues 😊>> <<@vlbogorad says : Donald Trump was asked twice: do you want Ukraine to win so that it remains an independent country? The refusal to answer speaks for itself.  Ergo, he does not consider the invasion of Russia into the neighboring country as an act of aggression.  No matter that the entire civilized world does so.   Such a position of Mr. Trump may not be justified by his preparation for the talks with the Russian president, his intention to enter such negotiations with the free hands.  There are such thing that may not sanctified for any good cause.   In such a situation, it is bordering on moral turpitude.>> <<@Squashylemon says : All of you complaining aren't acting like this isn't the way great countries are formed and how they function. The average person isn't loud and willing enough to take risks to lead and that's why they don't get away with crimes. Truly great leaders are selfish and egotistical but, still care about their country enough to want the country to be successful. Do you really think Washington didn't commit crimes and murdered people unlawfully??>> <<@mikey291145 says : Trump will be in jail on Nov 26>> <<@donaldshidal851 says : Juan Merchan has been arrested and taken to Gitmo. All you anti American Trump haters, go pull a vacuum on that.>> <<@RonJeremy-x9f says : Regardless of where you stand politically, this is a sound decision by the judge. We are two months out from election day, you cannot risk something like this influencing an election of this magnitude. Not to mention much of the evidence brought forward in this case could be interpreted under the SCOTUS ruling as official acts. If Trump loses in November though I think he most definitely gets a harsher sentence of 1-2 years probation, hundreds of community service hours, and hefty fines.>> <<@davidmurray4119 says : How can Trump be running for president when he is going to jail after it what the hell is going on.>> <<@firygirl1746 says : In my opinion this is a stupid decision ... so if he's elected then he will sentence Trump ... I think not!!!>> <<@zetteamor says : He's about to be get locked up! TRUMP FOR PRISON 2024! https://youtube.com/shorts/Nptc4JYbXdI?si=9WGy_N6n5_D-BfVn>> <<@ALTOSTRATUS-q5z says : Rejoice. He will be going to JAIL, November 20. Reason is: He will not be able to claim ELECTION INTERFERENCE. That is why he delay it to Nov 20.>> <<@crm7414 says : Corrupt judge needs to be thrown in jail!>> <<@7oki479 says : trump 2024>> <<@cdiggiddog says : Cry about it libs>> <<@TomC-yz6bc says : Hey. Did you know? Alvin Bragg fulfilled a campaign promise to "get Trump". Here's how. He colluded with a felon former lawyer of Trump's to determine a misdemeanor falsification of records charge. The left won't accept a misdemeanor, so Bragg elevated the misdemeanor to a felony, and was allowed to do so without the requirement of identifying a single felonious crime associated with this misdemeanor. Mind you, the Stormy payoff was to comply with blackmail and to move on in his campaign. Bragg then took the same misdemeanor falsification of records charge, now elevated to a felony and multiplied it by 34. Since this has never been done in NYC or US history, Trump is technically the ONLY PERSON to have ever been charged with this crime in a country of over 330 million people. This is the absolute accurate truth. If you disagree, point out exactly what is inaccurate and provide a specific reason why.>> <<@charlescarey866 says : Trump sentencing SHOULD interfere with the election!>> <<@christinesewell6555 says : They want him to be aquited>> <<@tammiwest1988 says : I swear I feel like we keep watching a movie in all the news can do is do entertainment every bit of it has victimized We the people. justice Marshawn just put every woman out there impossibly is going to break the silence back in victimization scared mode pictures of power justice system cannot protect us and how are we supposed to safe ? I want to know because I am a victim a childhood rape where is my silence what's first bought by a beating that is so grusone can I won't tell him you know about 25-30 years later I send it to my eyes by sexual harassment living in a federally funded apartment building /hiring center for disabled and I was dared to even try to go over their heads called a lowlife and yet they were business owners so high that they were going to continue their employee there no one did anything for me now I see why I'm in a red state and if an elected official can get away with it anybody can write Justice Marshawn just thank you free your participation in the stupid entertainment>> <<@DoraTrevino-ow1gn says : The law has defeated the American people. This is not right. How can we respect it>> <<@ruirodtube says : The American justice system is a joke 🤡>> <<@beast6029 says : Lol the only reason he delayed is because the conviction would have helped trump rather than stop him.>> <<@JodiKnuckle says : Bullshit….>> <<@shontaefranklin3842 says : This is the most discusting crap. Our justice system is a joke, unfair, and continues to let this clown play it like its a joke. All these happy people here. If IF this was Obama and delayed sentencing them plus tRump would be going bat crap crazy. All of you enjoying this, please do not cry patriotism, or upset because someone takes a knee during the national anthem. U pick and choose what to support is also disgusting. The Republican Party is weak and taken down and out by a con artist. True Republicans should be disgusted by this. A horrible day for true Americans. Another reason why would should not let parties elect out supreme court, it should stay even, with one odd count. Our counrty truly let a nut case bring its justice system and democracy crashing down. This is great again huh??? Well it definitely would be this way for all, but thats how they want it.>> <<@jaimesanchez925 says : Fire that judge .these judges are breaking the law to help trump. We are watching the biggest example of white privilege in the name of treason.>> <<@ClassicFIHD says : Ray Charles saw this coming.>> <<@barbarastandridge9706 says : Democrats are always going to have a witch hunt for Trump because he's better>> <<@barbarastandridge9706 says : How many democrats are gonna get since>> <<@niteowlgonzalez9839 says : Justice system is a joke !!!!! This man is being treated like he is above the law. No justice for all the victims . I am embarrassed to be a US citizen 😔>> <<@ALTOSTRATUS-q5z says : Rejoice. He will be going to JAIL, November 20. Reason is: He will not be able to claim ELECTION INTERFERENCE.>> <<@AuroraTheGoddess says : How are they supposed to put this off after the election? What if he wins the actual election and then he’s actually a convicted felon and end up going to prison? Doesn’t anybody think about this like how dumb can this government be?>> <<@JoeyH-sb3fq says : Trump isn't going to prison leftists. 🤘😂>> <<@fivergorums976 says : Hahahaha lefties melting down in the comments 😂 gotta love it! Trump 2024 lefties! Its happening>> <<@raestanislao36 says : And. I bet. He’s. Still say. Court is acting. Fairly for him>> <<@GiseleGisele-u7t says : SEPTEMBER 6 2024 I believe THIS IS NOT RIGHT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPL. Trump is the CANCER of THE WONDERFUL USA with LOVE ❤❤❤❤❤QUEBEC CANADA.❤ Trump is a VERY DAGEROUS MAN.😂😂😂 I FEEL VERY SORRY USA HAS NO FREEDOM>>