<<@eo4zoa says : He won’t say that when it comes to his own kids, only about other kids. JD is a couch f’ing POS, now that’s a fact of life.>> <<@loveislove-le5nj says : The fact that school shootings are becoming a fact of life... is just disgusting, disturbing, and the norm.>> <<@frankieclayton9303 says : Like the father said they refuse to pass gun safety legislation the Republicans Trump>> <<@frankieclayton9303 says : You are so right father the blood is on their hands ✋️ for the kids diying and guns>> <<@ralemc1960 says : This is hate speech taken out of text. He said it is a fact of life school are being unguarded for the deranged and needed guarded because they are soft targets.>> <<@TheGoldenBone says : They shouldn’t be able to buy these guns!!!>> <<@leesajoy3234 says : Jd Vance is soooo tone deaf on soooo many things.>> <<@bretthenry8969 says : These republicans don’t care! They have no conscience or empathy. It’s a fact of life that the government has failed all these children!>> <<@TheShepherdsChapelChannel says : cnn thee perpetual outrange rhetoric smear network. dammed be concerns of the US citizen. Let them all eat cats have parades and drugs from our latest sponsor -( cartels ). brought to u by block rock where nothing is consensual everything physiological on the most unsuspecting voter. And they'll brain wash your Politian's too. Come out of Babylon. God is not happy with them. Lets see CNN advocate for putting the ten commandments back into schools they helped remove. because right now, they are play-actors. deceivers. their very own world views, cause the problems they report on to you. they elevate the worst among you to be your leaders to cause that to happen. you yes it.. and You fall for it.>> <<@michellewalters4484 says : One of many callous and absurd comments from Vance. Deplorable .>> <<@gayrainbowdaddy says : STOP GIVING KIDS WITH MENTAL ISSUES GUNS FUCK!>> <<@cpmrealty says : The father, in my opinion, hates his son 😢>> <<@internetstudios5536 says : Cnn! Shame on you!😡 Ever single damn time, you take peoples words out of context to fit a damn narrative! He never said the shootings are a fact of life! Check the full context!’>> <<@cecilydoggie says : Forget “father and son” FOCUS ON GUN CONTROL!!>> <<@jamesleogue3938 says : Ohh I so much want to live in America, the Land of the "FREE" ........Oh on second thoughts I'll stay where i am, in a Country that is "FREE" AND SAFE. and our Children don't fear going to school. Charlton Heston your hands are now "COLD AND DEAD" , REST IN FOREVER HELL AND DAMNATION 👹 This is what America is known for around the World 💥Mass Murders and High School Massacres and the fact that your Government will do "NOTHING" to protect your children, Where else in the civilised world a parent has to even consider buying their child a BULLET PROOF BACK PACK 😮😤💥.>> <<@tanyavu5689 says : Meanwhile in Vietnam, gun violence is so rare that there are people who don’t run away hearing gunshots… they probably don’t know the sound of it or maybe just curious since we hardly ever see one outside of military bases. It’s just not a ‘fact of life’ here.>> <<@enjolras76 says : oh good God FFS......... AMERICA. WILL. NEVER. LEARN. #onlyinamerica #magats>> <<@tonybhurji7320 says : Guns, anti abortion, Trump, Vance, America. What more do you need to know?>> <<@breezystl777 says : Having survived a sh00ting myself and having to recover and live with the injuries, and being that there was also a sh00ting back in '06 at my own high school, I can confirm that every new situation like this brings the survivors so much pain and a major increase in their PTSD symptoms, because you end up having a whole new level of empathy. No KID should have to experience being in fear for their lives, feeling like they're being hunted down, possibly getting wounded themselves, having to possibly see people they care about lose their lives, and then having to deal with the PTSD, survivors guilt, plus recovering from any physical wounds. It's a life sentence for anyone who goes through it. It CANNOT BE TOLERATED for it to be a "fact of life". Vance would probably feel a lot differently if it happened to him or his kids.>> <<@MichaelSIngle-gn9qz says : Typical that you didn't use the whole quote that Vance said about the shooting. Your propagandization of the truth is staggering to say the least.>> <<@petitio_principii says : How low did we get when one even feels somewhat relieved that at least he referred to this sort of tragedy as "fact," rather than some hoax perpetrated by an anti-gun secret cabal or something, like some people actually say, not people committed on mental institutions, but actual American politician(s?) in office.>> <<@laurielawton9534 says : Terrible parent>> <<@lisakendall4329 says : So sorry for you lose Mr Guttenberg, your daughter was a beautiful young woman..yes, more needs to be done..parents shouldn't have to visit their children at a cemetary..hold these parents responsible..mental health should not be rewarded with a handgun..>> <<@philpjfry says : Im 60+ years old and i can assure you for my first 40 years of life we didn't have mass school shooting and we didn't have automatic weapons. Only recently have Americans went this Gun Nutz. It's stupid senseless and for any politician to make a statement this is how life is. Is a sick MFer.>> <<@darladeibler8413 says : School shootings are only a "fact of life" in the USA.>> <<@Dytopjewa7631 says : Vote these “I give a hell about your life “ pro gun politicians ..>> <<@slatsnathan2792 says : God forbid I wonder what Vance would say if this happened to his child? I would like to see his wife’s reaction if he told her ‘it’s a fact of life’.>> <<@trishmendel8162 says : Vances solultion, have grandparents stand guard.>> <<@lyndaharris6263 says : Vance is an idiot!!!>> <<@ericbaek3706 says : 2018 is when Trump was president and one of many shooting that happenned. I asked myself, "How and why is this normal? How did we get to a moment where this became a ritual." Conan O Brian is correct. Thats the reason why we voted for biden in 2020. Thats why im voting for Harris in 2024.>> <<@deborahshampoe-bg2ek says : Soo disturbing.>> <<@gailschannels says : I wat u to remember parents of dead kids say when shot some of them have To be identified by teeth or even dna because the bodies are so obligated. That's what these warns of war do. Then they will yell pr life bul shit. If they were they would not want our future DEAD.>> <<@miggyalejandro says : Why does a child need a weapon of war? Why would a parent need to buy a child a weapon of war.>> <<@andreasdesigns says : Gun violence in schools is "a fact of life" ONLY because the Republicans WILL NOT take assault weapons off of the market. They would instead take the blood money from the NRA and gun lobby.>> <<@andreasdesigns says : Parents should be prosecuted when they disregard warnings and give their kids a weapon that the kids use to commit murder in their schools.>> <<@catchofthedave8681 says : Its not a fact of life. It doesnt happen in england it doesnt happen in canada, it doesnt happen in australia, it doesnt happen in most other countries, usually only in 3rd world countries or places like israel where theres an ongoing war. It happens here and not other civilized countries because of 1 reason. Its the availability of semi auto and full auto firearms>> <<@susien7323 says : “If your a psycho”. How will that be diagnosed with school kids?? He’s such an idiot. Every single time Vance opens his mouth it’s utter stupidity>> <<@CF-jj3pq says : JD Vance is an idiot as well as a weirdo. No child should EVER die of gun shots at school- EVER. Ban assault rifles in the United States. Quit f—-ing around. Change ALL gun laws to protect citizens. The right to bear arms was in a time long gone. Make the laws to support the current public safety.>> <<@alisonsmith1137 says : Why does JD Vance care about abortion? He doesn’t care about children already born and functioning getting murdered in school!!! Stricter gun laws would make it more difficult for these tragedies to happen!!!>> <<@joecerda630 says : JD Vance is a reminder that abortion should remain legal 😅>> <<@lashleywilliams1577 says : Why do we need assault rifles?. We should only be allowed to purchase hand guns and hunting rifles. Those guns are for the military 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️>> <<@Pinky_Brewster says : it's all "thoughts and prayers / everyday fact of life" but Cheeto gets shot at, and someone dies at a rally and everyone is up in arms....I don't get it. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️>> <<@tarynwright5228 says : Agreed>> <<@darondatoole7439 says : Oh my GOSH!! We can NEVER normalize this. Never!!>> <<@profviral says : After hearing a politician actually claim school shootings were a "fact of life", I wouldn't be all surprised if a non US citizen thought that The Onion "'No Way to Prevent This' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" article was legit>> <<@SurvivalIncome says : FOX NEWS ANDTYHERE HOST LIES ABOUT THE ELECTION , "HERE THE PROOF .Fox News has faced several major lawsuits recently, primarily related to allegations of defamation and misinformation. Here are some key cases: Dominion Voting Systems: This lawsuit was filed in March 2021, claiming $1.6 billion in damages due to Fox News promoting false allegations that Dominion's voting machines were rigged to deny Donald Trump the 2020 election. The case was settled in April 2023 for $787.5 million, just before it was set to go to trial. Smartmatic USA Corporation: Smartmatic filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox in February 2021, seeking $2.7 billion in damages for similar claims regarding the 2020 election. This case is ongoing, and a New York state court has allowed it to proceed after denying Fox's motion to dismiss in March 2023. Ray Epps: In July 2023, Ray Epps initiated legal action against Fox News after former host Tucker Carlson made false allegations that Epps was an agent provocateur during the January 6 Capitol attack. The lawsuit addresses the harm caused by these allegations. New York City Pension Funds: In September 2023, this group filed a lawsuit against Fox Corporation, alleging negligence for exposing the company to defamation lawsuits. The lawsuit was supported by the state of Oregon, which joined on behalf of its public employee retirement fund. Hunter Biden: On July 1, 2024, Hunter Biden filed a lawsuit against Fox News, alleging violations of New York's revenge porn law due to the network airing intimate photos of him without consent. The lawsuit also claims unjust enrichment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. These lawsuits highlight ongoing legal challenges for Fox News, particularly concerning its reporting practices and the consequences of its coverage of the 2020 election. Related>> <<@daveanderson2865 says : It takes him to expose the reality of America. NRA and all those associated to the negligence of better gun polices should be removed. NRA should have no lobbying power whatsoever.>> <<@JamesJoyner-by5lr says : JD Vance is correct>> <<@paulajohnson6943 says : Calling something a 'fact of life' suggests that it is unchangeable, and this situation is NOT! If what this father is saying is true about the mandate to limit the ability of the ATF to track gun purchases, then not only is our government complicit in maintaining this 'fact of life', they are part of its orchestration, and that CAN CHANGE!>> <<@ethancook9638 says : JD Vance is a sick human being for saying that. Being gunned down at such a young age is not a fact of life at all.>>