<<@antoniocarlosmatni says : Our supreme court makes political and not technical judgments. It is this partiality in its decisions, with interpretations of the constitution, according to the interests of this court that generates hate speech, as well as persecution of opponents, favoritism, clientelism, influence peddling and corruption.>> <<@paulorobertodossantos5769 says : Not to mention the 10K US$ fine If one uses VPN...>> <<@igorock66 says : Estão calando todos que são contra governo aqui, nitidamente comunismo disfarçado de democracia esta funcionando, pois tem emissora Globo aqui que apoia esse desgoverno e suas atrocidades, temos criancas e idosos presos ..... E americanos seguirão mesmo caminho se continuar esse governo de esquerda>> <<@candidalemos3067 says : To close to Venezuela censorship. Next, it’s a risk to enterprises as the law is not applicable anymore!>> <<@SuperChespirito says : ATTENTION! 🚨AMERICANS DON'T VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS OTHERWISE YOU WILL SUFFER THE SAME THING HERE IN BRAZIL SHE IS LEFT LEFT.>> <<@MarconiAntunes-f5z says : OBRIGADO MICHAEL SHALEMBERG>> <<@3dus says : The accounts were part of a sealed investigation on DOXXING a federal police agent. How this is freedom of speech?>> <<@jadmaster says : Alexandre de Moraes is as much a dictator as Maduro (and even more so) because he hides behind mercenary media like Globo TV (which receives billions a year from Lula da Silva's corrupt government) that accepts censorship and even supports it by going completely against constitution based on freedom of expression. Moraes is shutting up more than 22 million X users in Brazil and has even threatened anyone who uses it with prison and a fine of 10 thousand dollars per day for anyone who uses a VPN to access it. If that's not being a dictator, I don't know what is.>> <<@press1to says : Brazilian Dart Vader is testing world patience>> <<@josuejunior4620 says : Help Brazil 🇧🇷 🙏 😢😢😢>> <<@thorpower6032 says : BRAZIL must be FREE.. .WE WANT FREEDOM... .OUT LULA, OUT MORAES. JUSTICE NOW.>> <<@alexandrer8536 says : Fox being Fox. They interview someone who supports that idiot Musk. Freedom of speech does not mean spreading misinformation and getting away with it. It also does not mean breaking the laws of a sovereign state.>> <<@marcosvieira6512 says : Brazil lives under terrible censorship.>> <<@kdvc says : 🆘🇧🇷🆘🇧🇷🆘🇧🇷>> <<@carlosm.devasconcelllos3939 says : Here in Brazil we don't have the freedom to fight for our rights anymore !! Thousands of innocent citizens are in jail for Over a year, and their attorneys not even know which are the acusations they are facing. Our "FBI" (Federal Police), has become a mix of MILITIA AND POLITICAL POLICE LIKE KGB OR STASI, under the command of this dictator Moraes>> <<@robertoandrich9407 says : X was completely banned in Brazil. Even if we access it through VPN we may be fined $9k/day. This is a censorship worst than in the time of the military government (1964-85). The convicted criminal Lula was released from jail by our Supreme court and nowbis our president again. Wecare completely lost!>> <<@fsolda says : Alexandre de Moraes is practicizing shameless censorship in order to protect the "democracy" in Brazil. And this is the word: censorship. Nothing more, nothing less. In Brazil, democracy is more and more taking the shape of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Democratic People's Republic of Korea.>> <<@gabrielmoreirabr says : So sad to see my country goes more and more through censorship>> <<@RafaelAlCid says : Plesa US: HELP US>> <<@AdrianoJR-jx7kj says : Brazil of corruption STF has just banned X in Brazil, the ministers of the Brazilian supreme court are left-wing bandits, the Brazilian elections are rigged>> <<@luciathamarvalentecavalcan1903 says : Brasil is under a dictatorship!! Help us!>> <<@FredBRXbox says : Brazil is a dictatorship nowadays. Sad to see what a left corrupt government has done to our country>> <<@gringossa says : Man, you can't even enunciate the facts that ended with the X ban. Fox is a joke, not jornalism.>> <<@LuizAlexandre_lalex says : The Supreme Court ordered $3M to be removed from Starlink’s bank accounts to pay for X(Twitter) fines.>> <<@rodrigosobreira123 says : The 'X' is completely dispensable and replaceable with another platform, freedom and democracy were not affected, only the illegal network was blocked, haha, O 'X' é totalmente dispensável e substituível por outra plataforma, a liberdade e a democracia não foram afetadas, só a rede ilegal foi bloqueada, haha,>> <<@leocarmopereira says : Think of the world map of freedom of 2020. Now imagine it if 🇧🇷's color is changed from 'free' to 'not free'. That's how it is today. It is not good for America that the darkness is encroaching. We Brazilians are doomed.>> <<@IsaelFs says : Estamos vivendo uma ditadura no Brasil. Bolsonaro2026 🇧🇷🇮🇱🇺🇲>> <<@GilLuna-ld7jd says : Brazilian democracy is going down! Theres free speech anymore!>> <<@ALuizRG says : Here in Brazil, today, September 13th, Elon Musk, through Starlink, has just paid the fine imposed by Brazilian judicial authorities on X. The fine amounts to approximately 4 million dollars. Now, to reactivate X in Brazil, they will still have to appoint a representative of the company here in Brazil, in addition to complying with court orders. These multimillionaires have to be hit in the pocket; only then will they respect the authorities of various countries.>> <<@placido4215 says : S.O.S.🇧🇷>> <<@luisfaggioni9384 says : Our supreme court is a shame, they are not career judges. Many are lawyers, and are appointed by presidents. For example, now the last two supreme ministers appointed by Lula (formerly convicted of corruption) was his lawyer who helped get him out of prison and the other is a politician with several accusations of corruption and who clearly defends and supports communism . I thank the Americans who are shining a light on this horrible situation we are going through, as well as the right-wing politicians in Brazil who are trying hard to remove these rats from power.>> <<@vitorbarbosa5656 says : Fredommmmmm for Brasil Lula is a thief 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮>> <<@Uryen_Hirasakai says : Im from brazil and let me tell you guys that this country is done for, the people are a bunch of cowards, they accept all this tiranny while the politicians in congress are worthless, they are not capable of doing anything because of their few numbers>> <<@capoeiristacurioso7594 says : 🇧🇷 🤐 O Brasil precisa da ajuda de voces Nós tentamos expor o que ocorre aqui ao Mundo mas a imprensa aqui tomada pela Esquerda, Comunista, Socialista, Facista e que e apoia ditaduras e Terr0ristas faz de tudo para abafar isso e manipula dados e engana a propria população Fingindo que esta tudo bem e parte do povo acredita... estes estão alienados politicamente Acho que ai nos EUA voces Estadunidenses os conhecem como os Democratas e a cultura woke Estes já sofreram o Plano da Subversão Sovietica que um cara já morto explicou ai Nós aqui no Brasil já vemos isso em pessoas que apoiam a Esquerda Eles se negam ver a verdade mesmo expondo fatos para eles E... é dificil falar isso da forma correta mas... as eleições aqui elas foram... ou melhor dizendo... elas não foram... ( voces ja entenderam não é ? Não posso falar alem disso ) Maa pesquisem e vejam a manifestação do dia 7 de setembro aqui no Brasil ( Pesquisem pela Revista Oeste e lá vocês verão uma reportavem verdaderia no País de jornalistas de verdade os poucos que restaram no Pais ) Vejam como o Povo todo estava reunido de um lado do País com o antigo Presidente do País Que aonde quer que vá o povo o segue E compare com o... sujeito... que está no poder da Nação do outro lado... sozinho e sem o povo Como ele está no poder sem vermos o povo o apoiando ? Pois é... ele não deveria estar ali... Deixo vocês dizerem por mim o que ocorreu nas eleições aqui (Quando o povo está de um lado e os governantes de outro isto significa q estamos em uma...) Enfim espero que o YouTube tambem não apague meu comentário... Eu já me arrisquei demais falando aqui Eu não posso me arriscar a dizer mais 🤐 Mas olha... 🤕👍🏻está tudo " bem " Esta "tudo" bem... 🤐>> <<@mambomambo2011 says : Idiotic. Break the law of another country, you pay for it. As long as Musk and anybody believes they are above the law, they will get what they deserve. Separe me the free speech BS. Follow their law.>> <<@claytonlasmar6441 says : Elon Musk is right, Brazil is need all pessoas>> <<@guimaraesflavio says : Brazil lives under a dictatorship regime with support from the US Democratic Party!>> <<@amordebichoumafamilia says : This man doesn't know anything about what's truly happening in Brazil! He needs to be more well informed!>> <<@lincolnlg490 says : It's no longer a TV network that can be taken seriously and it still does this kind of thing. It looks like a Jim Carrey movie. One of the good things about Brazil being free of X was also being free of the spoiled and insufferable Musk who, being rich and the owner of a social network, I think could disturb the peace of Brazilians and disturb us psychologically with his appearances as if it were Halloween. We got rid of him.>> <<@LuaNova-mr5hb says : Impeachment Alexandre de Moraes>> <<@LuaNova-mr5hb says : Impeachment Alexandre de Moraes>> <<@LuaNova-mr5hb says : Brasil pede socorro Lula é corrupto criminoso Alexandre de Moraes ditador sanguinário LIBERDADE DE EXPRESSÃO>> <<@andreg6135 says : Im from Brazil, we need help... Our president Lula is a dictador motherf>> <<@The_Fabio_Fernandes says : We are under a socialist corrupt and dictatorial governor now. USA ppl, please, do not vote democrats again, save your freedom! TRUMP 2024!! Save the brazil !!>> <<@nekoasadelta says : FORA ALEXANDRE DE MORAES!!!>> << says : They're advancing.>> <<@ZeeVee-t8g says : Mexico yesterday ,citizens stormed Senate building to overhaul their dog, judges as new president takes office Oct 1 in a few weeks>> <<@ricardocapllonch5355 says : X will be prevented from operating until Mr. Musk complies with Brazilian law: {Article 1134 of Law No. 10,406 of January 10, 2002 => Art. 1,134. => § 1º => V - proof of appointment of the representative in Brazil, with express powers to accept the conditions required for authorization.} Law is law, the rest is interests, mess and ignorance.>> <<@pharaon-1135 says : I'm from Brazil and I'm using VPN and I recommend everyone to use VPN PROTON🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑>> <<@guilhermevinhoza7411 says : This is simply not the truth! X refused to follow Supreme Court decisions to block accounts of people involved in inciting violence against institutions and a coup d'etat that would benefit the former president Bolsonaro, who lost the elections, and tried to gather a popular uprise against the elections result. X is not interested in defending free speech. It's business! And here in Brazil, you like it or not, you must follow our rules. We have plenty of free speech and professional journalism here, but what we won't torerate is bigotry being supported by any billionaire who thinks he runs the world. If Musk decides to obey Supreme Court decision and pays the fees for his repeated desobidience, X will be immediatly allowed to come back.>>