<<@ElsieDixon-o2e says : Williams William Miller Deborah Jackson Scott>> <<@JesusaShartle-g5r says : Dickinson Mill>> <<@SaundraJorn-x8p says : Metz Valleys>> <<@trpugh9748 says : Tell Kat that motherhood suits her she looks great>> <<@trpugh9748 says : Hey don't get to stop saying that I think she looks better even now mom Hood suits her>> <<@MargaretBarbara-e3y says : Corkery Light>> <<@YasminJahan-w8u says : Perez Scott Johnson Kimberly Davis Sandra>> <<@SheBitesUncensored says : Great report guys. As a fairly attractive human I can tell you looks matter but they aren’t everything. The inside counts the most. Loved the show!>> <<@kathie554 says : I like Greg's response the best. Docs trying to pick up hot chocks❤😄>> <<@alexcam-n1m says : “O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us!" Robert Burns.>> <<@jroadkill9810 says : Maybe if they eat their makeup they can be pretty on the inside too 🤔>> <<@geneodom672 says : I love you Kat but glad I don't have to deal with your mood swings. Been🎉 there..🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@twilightprepper1911 says : Heard a question on the wind with what happened to Baptista? If it’s true, he was poisoned for portraying an assassin or having an assassin in family. They used mercury poisoning and pulled it around his body with a magnetic field and skinned him alive and tore his muscles to make the magnesium to move it out his body and skeleton shrank for the calcium, if it’s true and It’s what is going to take things in Louisiana as the bottle off Norad. Some other stuff. Also you all did some stories on the boarder the reporters have moved on … Dina bracelets were in the girls for sale read NIV genesis, who is the thirteenth tribe and ask your self before reading it are you sexist, number of minors missing? Percentages ratio of sexes important? And what was the reason Abraham’s child was selected and why were people selected for sacrifice of the first born? I am crazy and like the macabre. You say it in print if it goes any where after the war and just before of 1812. Oolaru is your friend if you answer correctly and are true. Maybe you will meet the three cats.>> <<@AtticusLex says : Then there are the hideous people who claim to be hot. DJT for example>> <<@robbase-f6x says : Latinos of Arizona ,,,,,,, don't be fooled - Trump is not your friend ..... he never was>> <<@sparrowbe4k802 says : On a similar thingy .... I used to sit next to a person who sired a child .... honest to god [by the way he talked] you would think he was the only person on this planet to ever have a child.. I'm sure we all know someone like that. If you told me that you were the first person to bring precious minerals back from Jupiter ..... then I'd be impressed. Nature and evolution produced the child (and some alcohol must have been involved judging the looks of him) Dumbass.>> <<@RayWilliams-x2g says : Carmahaha is begging for money... just use some of the billions you stole from us>> <<@JohnC-o8l says : Kat, your still incredibly sexy 😍>> <<@brendawade87 says : Remember the Orwell book where attractive people had to shave their eyebrows and wear clown noses for equity?>> <<@RobertWicks-xg4vs says : Love Fox hate Gutfeld.>> <<@FarmToMarketRoad says : The dumdum show.>> <<@michaelmarkley7347 says : Girl I think you're hotter than ever before>> <<@The-knowing-unknownary says : Self absorbed personalities have become crazy focused. Followers, likes, cash or free products is the driving point>> <<@EnthusiasticSoccerGoal-qy9wn says : Fox news is FAKE NEWS and a $700,000,000 plus VERDICT is no LIE 🤡🤣🤑🔒🤑🤑🤣🤡🤣🤑🤑🔒🤑🤑🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡>> <<@lindasvartman3466 says : Confidence is beauty.>> <<@dixonpinfold2582 says : I noticed they all chipped in to stress the good-looking people who are untalented, not smart, successful solely because of their looks, or are insecure. I could be wrong. They weren't schticking though, they delivered it straight. Is this just how a lot of people feel?>> <<@AuntieMamie says : Are we beauty shaming now? I’m so confused.>> <<@donduggan798 says : I've experienced that the prettier on the outside, the uglier on the inside>> <<@craighamley3669 says : Gutfeld you're an idiot for supporting a racist felon and sexual predator - which likely means you're just as creepy and WEIRD!>> <<@fogfinger4186 says : This BS. The ugliest person in the world could be the most intelligent. I would always value intelligence over skin-deep beauty Although, many beautiful people are more likely to be gold diggers and conceited as hell.>> <<@annieD67 says : Reminds me of a song by the Northern Pikes - “She ain’t pretty, she just looks that way”!>> <<@saellebumfacil3650 says : To me, we are all the same faces when we die. Beauty is only history.>> <<@t.3454 says : It doesn't matter how attractive you are, it's how you feel about yourself, says A HOT WOMAN! Please, gimme a break! As a person who was NEVER attractive, I have actually been HATED and IGNORED by people just because of how I look. The most attractive people should not be the ones trying to gage if this study is true or not. They have no idea what it's like to have others hate you just because of how unattractive you are.>> <<@CarlManning-y4l says : Kat you are not ugly, as pregnancy progresses u will become more radiant and beautiful.>> <<@je__. says : me looking at the title : "huh Gutfeld talking about himself for 5 mins, nice">> <<@billynixon2645 says : Pretty is What Pretty does 😮>> <<@aneshiadixon8762 says : Add college graduates, rich people and anyone on TikTok to that list of people who think they are more important.>> <<@rimshot2270 says : Anyone who doesn't believe attractive women don't have tremendous social advantages is deluding themself. As for men, a poor, young, handsome man is a poor, young, handsome man. But a rich, old, ugly man is a rich man.>> <<@louannramirez4278 says : Have you noticed there is not one ugly woman on Fox but thank God they are really smart too.>> <<@ButlerDominic-r3c says : Walker Donald Anderson Scott Jackson Ruth>> <<@Toothfairy-toothpick says : Now that I am in my 40´s, I just realized how sexy I was in my 20‘s>> <<@Falconlibrary says : Yes, we do.>> <<@annodomino3935 says : I read a book once and the girl character in it described herself as plain, but her mother told her it was a blessing. The girl was in the slave class of the fictional society and the mother told her that it was a blessing to be plain because it meant she would get to stay in the kitchen and be left alone, whereas, the pretty slaves ended up…well ravished in the master’s beds. That was the first time I ever conceived that not being attractive could be a blessing. And looking at Hollywood, and its social media extension arm, it kind of seems like that fictional society I read about wasn’t so fictional after all.>> <<@BrianLawrence-vk3pu says : I am slightly above average with looks and intelligence but am infinitely below average on making both money and good decisions.>> <<@tireballastserviceofflorid7771 says : No sh!t... I learned that in 1st grade back in the 70s. Hottest women i have ever know are the most bat sh!t.>> <<@tf4665 says : Imo opinion I think I am very attractive and yet here I am as a lower class grunt worker + probably alcoholic aka southern American. Lo and behold my glory lol>> <<@BronteJuliet-t8b says : Martin Betty Perez Donna Harris Timothy>> <<@darrencorrigan8505 says : Thanks, Fox News.>> <<@Phantom1963 says : Our country is in ruins and this circus is concerned with vanity......>> <<@RicardoLeroyYarbraMing says : 2:20 🎥The Secret Of My Success starring Michael J. Fox>>