<<@MarianaCastro-bk1ef says : Parents Are Responsibles For Handing Out WEAPONS To Their Minor Children. Is A Shame. 🙏>> <<@MarianaCastro-bk1ef says : VOTE BLUE 💙👏💙👏💙💯>> <<@cheecherchonger says : CNN is desperate. Disgusting and Desperate.>> <<@SmjFreight-u7s says : So hold the parents accountable but not the police who didn't even take The investigate serious just look at the leaders of America we are in trouble. When they didn't put gun control on the books after sandy hook they never will if you want a better America vote for better Representation>> <<@zombiechicken7114 says : Well said Nicole. Jd vances' stance is appalling, and as she pointed out, ill informed in the face of the evidence!!>> <<@aaron6963 says : If this was ‘a fact of life’ then the rest of the world would be no different whereas other countries all around the world have shown that this can be stopped so if the Civil War(United States) wants to stop it then the solution is to follow the countries that have.>> <<@diannew5264 says : Fraternal Order of Police endorse Trump a convicted felon maybe that means we can all commit crimes and not get in trouble>> <<@bethmurphy2300 says : Nicole, you have given your son's life and death meaning that will ultimately save many other young lives. Bless you!>> <<@bethmurphy2300 says : Parent failure leads to these incidents so they should be charged.>> <<@imawakemymindisalive13 says : holy shit. I was the same age as those kids that died in 2012>> <<@karenpuopolo6965 says : I feel like in light of the shooting in America I feel like the second amendment should be updated even though it won't be I made a second amendment poem dreaming it was possible. A well-regulated safe school, being necessary to the security of the our children, the right of the parents to keep children safe, shall not be infringed Americans must not obtain guns at any cost Americans must not surrender their child, to keep them out of the ground the right to not have dirt over our children's eyes.>> <<@mnmmnm8321 says : Panic buttons are the answer... ONLY IN AMERICA!>> <<@mnmmnm8321 says : Only in America!!>> <<@denisethorbjornsen7493 says : The fact that the mother knew about this and called the school and they did nothing to prevent this>> <<@cookingwithsherry5570 says : In this particular case, the parent bought a gun for a minor so of course he’s responsible. It’s not like he doesn’t know what a gun does.>> <<@lifepro77777 says : Well I'll tell you what, considering I'm a survivor of the Las Vegas shootings and starting my life over in the very bedroom my kid brother had a needle stuck in his neck and murdered... I'm offended by Van Jones white lash comment on national television along with a network and side of politics that is doing nothing more than supporting every other police video, shooting and school shooting, and self entitlement era that is vastly destroying this country and reason why those poor children are dead. See the last year of Barack Obama's term and count the number alone, not to further mention a little city called Baltimore.>> <<@ivettecuevas4466 says : This lady is doing more than the freaking government, and Vd Vance can wipe is A with his words, he's an idiot>> <<@brianreid5294 says : What type of parent gives a 14 year old an AR-15 rifle ? To the children that lost their lives, Rest in peace . And i offer condolences to all the families that lost loved ones .>> <<@jameshutton9656 says : Vote Blue in November. Not for the Dumplican MAGAT party.>> <<@tedjeffery7188 says : I am glad we are seeing that parents are being accountable for their children. And rightfully getting the same sentence, but it should be both parents should be charged.>> <<@MissBlueEyeliner says : Ireland: has no guns Ireland: has no school shootings 🤷🏻‍♀️>> <<@Csugarmama says : The policy is to ban AR-15!!!!! And have some common sense regulations and laws to obtain a gun period. If you can have every car registered, then guns need to be too. And u should have to register a gun every year just like a car period . Im sic of these sicko fans for the Second Amendment to bear arms with u no guard rails.>> <<@azgr8chest says : I AM TOTALLY IN AGREEMENT THIS IS SOMETHING WE CREATED WE CAN STOP THIS>> <<@ChosenByGod1111 says : Why would anyone, adult or child need this type of weapon? It belongs in the military ONLY.>> <<@rosemarieguerrero3999 says : So the father knew he was a problem child. The school knew. The POLICE KNEW BUT JUST WANTED TO MONITOR HIM. ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE COPS WON'T DO SHIT UNTIL SOMEBODY IS ACTUALLY KILLED.......PATHETIC!!!!!!>> <<@deniselewis1161 says : 4 people dead for what.>> <<@user-kn6rc4hk2l says : First, they were saying that it's not guns that are dangerous that it's people that are dangerous. And now they're going after the parents. Because somehow this is supposed to solve the problem. That guns are easily accessible in this country. And no one wants to address this problem. Why because guns make money so at the end of the day it's not about your children's safety. It's about how much money we can make. That's what this is all about. That's why it's so hard to put gun controls. Where other countries in the world do not have a problem putting gun control. This is nothing to do with the second amendment right? This has to do that no one should be owning an A. R15 rifle that was meant for war.>> <<@rhondaguerrero2869 says : This is preventable>> <<@thesummerland6165 says : Dylan was a beautiful child, so very sorry for your loss>> <<@thesummerland6165 says : 2nd A was written at time of MUSKETS which required minutes to reload ONE charge why can we not EVOLVE to match the changing era!>> <<@gypsyart6040 says : When a parent BUYS their CHILD a gun and said child uses gun to commit murder then YES a parent should be charged!>> <<@MichelleVicari-zl5bv says : J D Vance is an utter failure in every way. He is just in this for power and money. He is not going to do anything and neither is Trump. They Do NOT care about others at all. The constitution was written before there were these types of weapons. Ban assault rifles>> <<@surlawsymonds8957 says : Panic Button *, reactive policy failed to prevent fatalities. Legislation that prohibits minors from holding arms and ammunition in public spaces is most appropriate. Response.>> <<@carolebuck1698 says : So is this kid a terrorist?>> <<@Argeaux2 says : If you keep guns out of EVERYBODY’S hands, then you keep guns out of dangerous people’s hands. It is a case of very easy maths.>> <<@dkitd2001 says : That father should get life with no parole!>> <<@ILOVECAMPINGSABRE5thwheel says : Our children are sitting ducks in a building that is not secured!!!! Spend the money already to secure the buildings our children go to for hours & hours everyday !!! Every parent out there who thinks gun laws will prevent this are wasting precious time fighting against gun law instead of fighting for security for our schools!!! It’s like putting school age children in an NFL stadium, where the POS is attending with no security! HOW CAN OUR COUNTRY, the USA, HAVE NOT ALREADY IMPLEMENTED LIFE SAVING SECURITY FOR OUR CHILDREN?????? The only reason has to be , Corrupt politicians in charge. They don’t care about our children…… they don’t care about our precious children 💔>> <<@tjhill8093 says : This is ridiculous 😒 there shouldn't be a need for a panic button in schools, the issue is Right Republican Hillbillies crying if they think you'll take their gun and keep blocking policies and they think the gun makes them Patriotic which is a joke and they really don't know what it really means to be American or Patriotic. Republicans are exhausting>> <<@donaldwhitecotton9351 says : I believe there needs to be a national ban on the sale of all military style assault rifles. And stricter state laws on purchasing guns of any type, ie...waiting period, red flag laws and background checks.>> <<@laurabenevelli6783 says : You can’t LEGALLY smoke tobacco products until you’re 18 years old. You can’t LEGALLY drink alcohol or use recreational cannabis until you’re 21 years old. Somehow a high school student and younger can LEGALLY USE and OWN a gun. HOW DOES THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE? They stopped the tobacco industry from marketing cigarettes and other tobacco products to minors. They can do the same thing with the firearms industry. There is absolutely NO reason anyone under 21 years old should be allowed to be marketed to for any firearms or other types of weapons. It’s already been proven that the human brain doesn’t finish growing, forming or “normalizing” until a person is 25 years old. Why would anyone think it’s okay to have a child unlimited access to an automatic rifle or any automatic weapon?… with bullets? Why would a parent of a high school student ever think it’s okay to give their child an AR-15 or any firearm? HOW STUPID CAN HE BE ESPECIALLY WHEN HE KNEW HIS SON HAS PROBLEMS?>> <<@alicebarrett2737 says : Parents gave a 14 Year old son a AR 15 as a Christmas gift is insane. The brain isn't fully developed until twenty-five. Vance is pro life for the unborn I wish he cared enough about the children that are already here,this doesn't happen in other civilized countries.>> <<@michaelmunroe4519 says : Live by the gun now go to prison for the GUN>> <<@millacolic says : Jd Vance for all his education remains a total and complete idiot.>> <<@ugghhhyoutubeisawful646 says : @0:40s "this is the second time a court has held'...court didnt do anything yet dumazz. the procs. office/police have charged the father. be better cnn. u cant get anything right.>> <<@ugghhhyoutubeisawful646 says : jd vance isnt 'just accepting it'...shes a loon and cnn should be ashamed for propping that narrative and her up. he said he doesnt like that this is a fact of life. like it or not, he right. it is a fact of life right now, and presumably we all dont like it. nothing to see there. dont like that he thinks it is ppl that kill not guns, ok, say that. that is an opinion ( i generally agree on more gun regs). lobby for changes. done. dont misdirect and conflate. be better cnn.>> <<@janeeseferrell7011 says : The dad is a complete idiot and is exactly where he belongs!!!!!!! 14 years old SMH>> <<@michellejames4493 says : Utterly irresponsible comments from JD Vance - the guy is an idiot...strengthening the laws is most definitely one of the best ways to protect people....why in the heck does ANY child need a gun?????>> <<@willberry6434 says : republicans are soulless fields>> <<@nanettemurray1000 says : Vance should be ashamed of his comments about gun shootings. He has no shame though. Vote Democratic 💯💙💙💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@nanettemurray1000 says : Republicans are deplorable when it comes to gun restrictions. We can, and need to do something to protect our children and society. Vote democratic 💯💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙>>