<<@eileenmccarthy8507 says : PRESIDENT PUTIN IS BOSS!!>> <<@notusedexer says : First off, the DOJ and the FBI lie. You call yourself a news organization and didn't do any research. I can tell by what you said. Why don't you have on here that people involved and let them explain it. I'm seriously thinking about stopping listening to your videos after this stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid video.>> <<@davidwinokur2131 says : So the fraudsters are blaming those they defrauded for having fallen for their fraud scheme? I'm shocked.>> <<@11957gary says : FRAME JOB>> <<@big1boston says : Was that kernel sanders son?>> <<@big1boston says : We want our fuckin money back.>> <<@africkinamerican says : When did Congress approve a declaration of war against russia, and pursuant to what ongoing or imminent "invasion" -- the sole constitutionally recognized justification for war?>> <<@africkinamerican says : The Russians are so skilled at infiltrating things, they are living rent-free in Democrats brains.>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Trump for president come November 5th 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Vote early and Vote in Person. Spread the News>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Wisconsin for Trump ❤️‍🩹🤍💙>> <<@u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 says : Governor Kath knew what was going on with Spies CCP China in her Staff. Kathy was part of that nonsense 🤮🤮>> <<@Fred-gi4uz says : I do not believe the Russia stories, not one bit>> <<@TruthandJusticeChannel says : Don’t trust Zelenskyy either!>> <<@noneyabusiness5455 says : The money would not be a red flag to people who actually took the deals. That ammount of money is not out of the norm.>> <<@ldrcoupleinlove910 says : I am not a of giving billions to Ukraine and I don't like wars. Russia was always going to invade Ukraine. The president of Ukraine knew it, Biden knew it and Blackrock knew it. They're clean Ukraine of future freedom fighters and supporters of freedom, they're planning on doing the same here in the United States. Russia & China will invade the United States by 2026 if Kamala wins this election. Trump will do everything he can to end all wars. I am supporting Trump and the MAGA movement.>> <<@popeye1313 says : They've been Scooby-duped>> <<@popeye1313 says : YouTube you suck>> <<@Umbargist says : I know ALL of these YouTube pundits , and NONE of them have anything to do with Russia or would EVER have anything to do with Russia. Quit floating fake news!!!!!>> <<@selketskiss56 says : Please some of these people knew it was a scam and still took the money then say they did not know…like TP>> <<@scottrgood says : Lololol. This country is F’d in the head, it’s hilarious. 😊>> <<@thebalderthor4884 says : I thought it was the Freedom toons guy for a second.😂>> <<@GrievousThaumatin says : Smells of fed op>> <<@Allgainsnopains says : Great Writer that Seamus!>> <<@LifeLifemoreAbundantly says : 2020 got rigged.>> <<@mcjsrn says : Where have you been all my life?>> <<@LifeLifemoreAbundantly says : Patrick Henry was definitely correct: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ." Patrick Henry [U.S. Founder]>> <<@LifeLifemoreAbundantly says : The leftwing vs. rightwing paradigm has been a massive psy-op on the public. John Adams was absolutely correct: "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." [John Adams U.S. Founder]>> <<@LifeLifemoreAbundantly says : George Washington was definitely correct: " It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." [US founder, George Washington]>>