<<@Vietnguyen-z9y3s says : CaNN is the fake news 🥺 you guys work for the Chinese communist… bye bye CNN>> <<@Vietnguyen-z9y3s says : Is the CNN work for the Chinese communist ? 🥹>> <<@duncanstewart6381 says : The Comey rule>> <<@maskedmarvyl4774 says : "I won't sentence him until After the election". Profiles in courage.>> <<@mikepinkerton5496 says : Nothing ever "happened" to this godamn fool.>> <<@abc-oi2vt says : Repulsive Baby Man>> <<@thomastynan2900 says : Donne's attorneys are not worshipping the orange despot enough. The sexual predator says he never heard of the women he raped. He only rapes women who are his type. Donnie loves to confess his many crimes. By projection blames the victim, as he is the eternal victim hi so posits. Donnie full of grievance he will never solve. Revel in violence and bloodletting. and most of all the petulant despot wants revenge by implied murder of his enemies or anyone he dislikes. Poor Donnie's attorneys now working for that orange autocrat for free. In their terror and fear of violence or defamation of their reputation by that fool.>> <<@electricme100 says : Please point out that during the debate he said "I heard she puts out. I'll say that." and Please remind people that HE IS A RAPIST, and anyone that Kamala had sex with WANTED TO BE THERE. How many women has he molested, harassed, raped, violated? Where are the Epstein files? Why aren’t people emphasizing his money scams? He's raping the stupid. Rapists don't care what victims think.>> <<@sarahwilliams9310 says : this is what he does and there is no push back . Also who says i would not choose "her" to attack .>> <<@BartonSebastiane-p8p says : Johnson Laura Wilson Deborah Martin Michael>> <<@aliceahmadieh9984 says : Pure BULL SH-T>> <<@Tedisntakidanymore says : trump is dissing his lawyers so he won't have to pay them. standard.>> <<@hugosevilla6275 says : Trump, in dismissing the performance of his lawyers is in fact laying the groundwork for nonpayment for their legal services 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂>> <<@SleazyDonny says : People are sick of all this Trump manure.>> <<@debrasharp2880 says : Maybe if he paid them, they would do better? What a creep! Rapist! VOTE BLUE 💙 BECAUSE CHARACTER MATTERS 💙🇺🇸. TRUMP HAS NONE!>> <<@markp2827 says : I do not understand these undecided voters. What the hell is so hard to decide ?!? Trump is done! Vote Kamala! Vote Blue!>> <<@rbmedd says : Yeah....we really need a president who gets his jollies humiliating people who are his "employees" in very public settings. Not!>> <<@crawleyclarence5 says : Not the chosen one means he would do it otherwise..>> <<@work9301 says : Since when do sexuai abusers or rapists worry how there victims look?>> <<@kathryn516 says : Not only was he disparaging the appearance of one of his accusers, he calls his victims "chosen ones"! CHOSEN ONES, like he's God, and his sexual assault victims should be honored?!? Why focus on his alleged taste in women when he's using terminology that connotes a god-like attitude about women?>> <<@tjrizzo1619 says : Judges are hostile when he can’t pay them off.>> <<@lelandwigg-ninham1832 says : Dumpster is a loser!!>> <<@robertmccarthy3731 says : He's guilty of rape.>> <<@gregwilliams7210 says : Trump is a total and weird creep>> <<@plztnboy says : Keep talking Convicted Felon, you are not believable. Can't wait for November to roll around, when Trump loses and gets sentenced, all in one month.>> <<@jimmydanmarkey says : You can bet your shirt He won't pay those Lawyers now.....>> <<@objuan6 says : it's nice to have a candidate that denies everything.>> <<@AceBadguy72 says : Google ... 1:16-cv-07673-RA This is the public court record of the lawsuit accusing Trump and Epstein of the assault and rape of a 13 year old girl at Epsteins NYC townhouse .>> <<@gailwagner8973 says : He is a pig!>> <<@futureisscary246 says : It is always everyone else, never the fucking moron! SAD>> <<@goldwingerppg5953 says : I don’t understand how there can really be undecided voters. Either you’re for democracy or you’re not and if you’re not you don’t belong in America, you belong in Russia or North Korea.>> <<@gaylancharles6653 says : Maggie you are not going to be one of the chosen ones if you keep this up .>> <<@l.a.patterson7370 says : If he wants to be at his court sessions, why didnt he testify at the trial where he was found guilty of sexual assault? He wants hall time, not court time>> <<@Lambchoppers-hp5jk says : Eugene Carol should sue his rambling old mouth again and put that money to good use‼️Felon djt does what a malignant narcissist does‼️It’ll cost him the🤡>> <<@candacetoomey5860 says : Maggie Haberman? The same NYT reporter that was killing stories to protect Trump and get him elected in 2016? She's guilty of misleading the country and look at the results of her efforts. GTH Maggie. Unforgivable.>> <<@kimberleysmith1539 says : I wonder if the delay of sentencing Trump will play more to his advantage given his Trumpsters will want to keep him out of jail... as is likely to be the sentence post-Election and which will only happen if he is elected... meaning more will vote for him to achieve that end and keep him from being jailed.>> <<@elizabethmurray2256 says : It's an excuse not to pay them .they didn't do the job he told them to do.get the case tossed out of court.>> <<@rodparker4514 says : Bring back Rudy .>> <<@1foxyone says : WHAT A SICK AND DANGEROUS ANIMAL HE IS>> <<@DerekTod-z2o says : How come the whole legal world is out of step with Trump, because he is guilty.He is on his way to jail when he loses.>> <<@MaxwellMoore-d1u says : The Legal Team were Following his exact Orders did what. The Dumb Orange Turd wanted yet again he blames everyone Else when it doesn't go his way .>> <<@harryw29 says : How can anyone support Trump? What is wrong with half the US population? And most of the press give him an easy time. Where are the daily stories on his old age, mental degradation, crazy ranting, mental failings, verbal glitches. If it was Biden the negative stories would be relentless>> <<@benrobinson6544 says : No surprise, a joke, American nonsense, its tragic>> <<@pinkyclairetaduran9687 says : This lawyers are against him hehehe like shosbiz too much drama😮>> <<@robinsutton4952 says : What a whiny tiny little narcissist. Wow to know tRump describes his predatory wants as “a chosen one”. Any woman should be ashamed if they even consider voting for this worm.>> <<@cmcl5543 says : Narcissist, sexual predator.>> <<@randymillhouse791 says : STAND BY YOUR MAN! You loser lawyers might be able to get jobs as summer lifeguards now. But NOT a Mar a Lago. YOU LOSERS!>> <<@MaryA-h5f says : He probably owes them money too like many others businesses, contractors, numerous states for his Rallies unpaid and way more.>> <<@Indy_at_the_beach says : Alina Habba should not have a law license.>> <<@messrsandersonco5985 says : Great interviewee! Very composed and sensible.>>