<<@gemcan54 says : GO BACK TO HOUSE AND CHECK THE ATTIC.>> <<@jieli3313 says : Putin has enlisted serial rapist and murderer Mikhail Popkov in the military! How does the Chinese government explain this judicial corruption? Or are we slandering and smearing the military?>> <<@dougn2350 says : He doesn't look like an illegal immigrant>> <<@Lloyd.Browne says : @eurodiaz3712....watched the debate...lol>> <<@longcastle4863 says : Let me guess: MAGA>> <<@ArizonaSquatch says : But where did he go?>> <<@ProMe-j7m says : Not surprised everybody below the Mason-Dixon line is an inbredšŸ˜…>> <<@JamesBond-j4b says : I noticed how CNN never identifies the suspect or shows pictures of them if he happens to be a person of color which is quite often LOL>> <<@handmadebynepal says : Shes all talk shes will worse then biden. Was you better off under trump ask yourself? Under trump we were not in wars, under trump we had control borders, under trump we could afford to live>> <<@Moverka says : What do the Dems want to do about this?>> <<@entreptiles says : Usual suspects>> <<@Papicholo1 says : Trump supporter 100%>> <<@actrite3139 says : Usual suspects strike again>> <<@Joel-f1s2x says : Pull the FBI out of school board meetings this guy more dangerous then school moms>> <<@dave-and-ava-outdoors says : He's in a cave>> <<@cann5565 says : Usual suspect. Go figure.>> <<@ronniemceachern2476 says : Republicans love assault rifles until it hits their family members and only then they try and act like they're against those types of guns until it's election time and they're back to their BS and uphold those types of guns all for sake of votes.>> <<@marciamorris8329 says : America, America, when is this gonna stop, How long you. Guys gonna put a gun before a human life.There's too much guns in that country, and a lot of people are suffering from depression and mental health. and can get a gun too easy.May god bless you all>> <<@MichelleWilliams-uv9oq says : Wake up people>> <<@MichelleWilliams-uv9oq says : Figures another AR>> <<@donjones5452 says : All this shit happens more often happens in surpise surprise, red states. Thoughts and Prayers don't save kids! If it did everyone on earth would be a Christian! DO SOMETHING! ITS COMMON SENSE! You have to DO SOMETHING!>> <<@mrmark8603 says : Another MAGAT with an AR!>> <<@davechattoe9144 says : Nothing to see here folks, America investigated themselves and found no wrong doing. šŸ¤«>> <<@ronniebishop2496 says : If taking all the good peoples guns was done, guess who would have them? Duh šŸ˜®. Bad people!>> <<@ronniebishop2496 says : Well you blocked his face>> <<@cjbrown1979 says : Police should ask JD Vance. I hear he's a fan of Couch.>> <<@SteveTherre says : Fake news Trump 2024>> <<@jayjaylpd5 says : 99.3 % of these Mass shootings on Americans and children are white. I can't call the adult men, but cowards.>> <<@SMS2884 says : People really don't grasp scale very well.>> <<@lllm299news says : Is someone on the news gonna address the elephant in the room? Is he maga. Whats his social media say? Stop hiding the info. lets go>> <<@SnowTiger45 says : Let me guess. This Psycho actually purchased his firearm(s) Legally ? Illustrating the Need for Better Gun Laws ... like Mandatory Background Checks !>> <<@FrederickPreston-d4j says : We're voting Trump. Make America Safe Again.>> <<@RobertBrockett-y8q says : Dear fake news channel cnn. I just want to inform you that I have a list of all your sponsors and I will not support any of them and Iā€™m urging all my friends and family to not support them either!! Iā€™m sick of your attacks on the real president Donald Trump and everyone I know has already stopped watching your fake news channel and I will encourage everyone else I know not to support your fake news channel!!!!! Trump 2024 and beyond!!!!!!!!!>> <<@stephenthomas7430 says : I wouldn't be shocked if they end up finding him dead.>> <<@DE-xt7jv says : Kentucky is for AR15s, no wonder this happens. Wake up middle America!>> <<@westentrance says : Scroll down and note all the moronic ā€œUsual Suspectā€ comments.>> <<@epac-footballscene2004 says : MAGA will scream fake news.>> <<@cliftonaskew5309 says : Vote Blue Guys>> <<@cliftonaskew5309 says : Dump Trump>> <<@cliftonaskew5309 says : Trump is the reason for all this violence>> <<@antclerfont8478 says : On a highway using passerby cars as target practice..... Isn't that somethin... ....>> <<@goldstandardaviation1667 says : Lifestyles of the Great Unwashed>> <<@greglr19751 says : If there's a couch involved, I'd check with JD Vance. He has an intimate knowlege of them.>> <<@NicksR.C. says : A "desperate" manhunt?? No sweetheart, nothing "desperate" about the men hunting that guy and putting their lives at risk. Get your words on track and off the script you're been fed.>> <<@chezchundy8892 says : Call in JD Vance, I heard heā€™s pretty good with couches>> <<@matthouse9007 says : lol, good men with guns are scared of the dark?>> <<@matthouse9007 says : Is he an illegal, or a white American with 2nd amendment right?>> <<@darrylnelson05 says : Oh look another crazy white guy with a gun.>> <<@stockholm1752 says : šŸ˜”ā€” We have to get over it.>> <<@robmanning6006 says : Just in here to read the dumb comments.... not disappointed. Thank you CNN viewers>>