<<@irenemanzanarez6260 says : I guess they DON'T want a SUPREME COURT AS CORRUPT AS OURS!>> <<@StormyNatero-yd7sj says : Noted>> <<@j0k3r7790 says : MMGA - Make Mexico Great Again>> <<@Virgogoddess3164 says : The PEOPLE should be able to Vote for ALL THE JUDGES. Look What Trump DID!!! HE PUT LOYAL Cult members IN THE HIGHEST COURT IN THE COUNTRY SO THAT HE GETS TO DO WHATEVER HE WANTS. IS THAT A CHECK ON PRESIDENTIAL POWER? THE PRESIDENT BUYING THE JUDGES? NO, NOT EVEN A LITTLE. A OVERHAUL IS NECESSARY, OBVIOUSLY THEY LEARNED FROM TRUMPS CORRUPTION THAT THE PRESIDENT IS NOT INFALLIBLE. DICTATORS GET IN THEY PUT PEOPLE IN KEY SPOTS SO THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT AND THEN POINT AT THE PEOPLE OF THE LAW AND SAY THEY LET ME>> <<@williamk2257 says : Not when the President is corrupt. You’re going to get corrupt judges look at these weasels Trump put in our Supreme Court and lower judges.>> <<@MattTyrant says : See all the problems government creates for everyone. Government is the problem not the answer!>> <<@ScottByther says : Looks like patriotism>> <<@lousclue9567 says : So judges pay is reduced and now you can vote for them. Sounds like buying a Mexican judge is now easier than ever. Judicial impartiality is out the window.>> <<@bearitraeb says : If they are the ones voting in the judges then how can they be corrupted by the President; whereas, if the President appoints them. They will be his buds… most likely>> <<@anthonygriffin1958 says : This uprising in the country of Mexico, kind of reminds me of what happened on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. back on 06 January 2021.>> <<@lulamantshephe5595 says : they learned from trump>> <<@tebNsf says : Other countries wonder why we don't riot>> <<@ed713ca says : let them work it out we have our own problems we have bigger fish to fry>> <<@chrisg9840 says : Where are the other 15 comments?>> <<@AntonAtan says : Looks like a mexican Jan 6 without all the fuzz about it. Just a bunch of people protesting and not a threat to democracy 😅>> <<@SeanBreen-ng8zy says : And this is what the Maga illegals want to do here in America, usurp our way of life and tell us who they are going to install as our overseer>> <<@RonnieMyers777 says : As an American, being tired of government corruption is too relateable>> <<@Lisa-pb3qp says : How about that? They stole that right from Donald Trump’s handbook. 😮 Not very original. 🤔>> <<@DaisyFuentes2020 says : It's the only way to be heard in a corrupt country. My country I am with you my brothers and sister do not let the corrupt dictator wanna be AMLO get his friends in power>> <<@METALMAN4Wii says : They have a right to be angry.>> <<@DesolateOne8818 says : 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸MAGA!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@littlehoneybumsdollnurse4298 says : This is what happens when Dictators run a country.. they want their vote to make choices!>> <<@debbie5728 says : They must be the only ones left who haven’t snuck past “border Czar” Kamala’s collapsed border.>> <<@adorabledeplorable5740 says : America suffers from Party Line Corruption in Our Judicial System, just like Mexico!>>