<<@istenenergia8373 says : Lukashenko is now on the Ukrainian dictator Zelensky´s side? Maybe because both of them are self-declared presidents.>> <<@JeremyAlexander-hd8cx says : yawn>> <<@judd442009 says : Lukashenko realizes that Putin's days are numbered. Like all humans, Putin will go the way of all flesh--strait to a grave.>> <<@Samayil_2024 says : Theres no conflict. Belarus is just a staging camp, like rest of Europe.>> <<@PandemoniumMeltDown says : Reappointment...>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Putin a threat even to his own allies😛😛😛😛🤣🤣>> <<@defconone1498 says : NATO, just like USA, are busy constantly "assessing" the situation...>> <<@danielraymadden says : Raider Revelation....There is no running game without a passing game...Passing wins in seconds....running scores in minutes....Vegas Nation dude is lost....Raiders coaches are lost...Raiders lost all four seasons forcing Josh 3 and 4 loosing run plays....These talkers have never experienced throwing a great passing game....>> <<@danielraymadden says : Tom AP Getsy destroyed a great Raider 2023 offense....they betrayed Raider players and Nation....Raider Nation can no longer have loyalty to liars and betrayers...God is not loyal to disloyal betrayers God....>> <<@danielraymadden says : They does not understand the confusion Antonio and Getsy have created Gardner is not a team Elite Champion quarterback...Aiden beat Gardner in the Colts game in all stats...AIden beat Mahone in stats..reffs gave 3 points to Colts to stop Raiders in playoffs...The players do not believe in Getsy or AP strategy....AP cannot mentally compete with top head coaches...Aiden and Bo Hardegree and offense proved to be a winning passing offense....The Raider Organization deliberately destroyed the Aiden Bo 2023 offense....Who and Why are Raider personal working against the passing game....Gardner does not keep the O line in harmony...Aiden Davante Meyers Renfrow Tre Tucker made the entire offense work in harmony...THERE IS NO RUN GAME WITHOUT A PASSING GAME...2023 PROVED IT...Raiders wasted 4 seasons on Josh loosing run game avg 3 and 4 yard gains...Carr was throwing away downs on scrimmage and sideline passes...Carr was distracted by celebrity and off season golf....Carr has learned his lesson he is throwing again....RAIDERS ARE A TARGET TO FAIL..The NFL reffs have kept Raiders out of playoffs for many years...The NFL is game fixing gambling corruption...>> <<@RatTerminator says : So Putler terrorizes his Ally Belarus>> <<@GIOVANNIBLAZE says : They all are just playing a game>> <<@meso8848 says : Dictators ? 🤣 nice try !! Anyone who goes against the bs west narrative is a dictator haha 🤦‍♂️>> <<@tonys4070 says : Цікавий факт! Чи знаєте ви, що в США фетальний алкогольний синдром настільки рідкісний, що медичне співтовариство називає його «Russian Mama Syndrome». Дуже прикро, медсестра скаже іншій медсестрі: «Це трагедія, ця дитина не винна, що вона народилася росіянином...»>> <<@bikechainmic says : So pukin cant pay for weapons built by his allies...so ruZZia is running on credit and copium>> <<@FoulPet says : Our list of allies grows thin. -Elrond>> <<@KelvinKabba says : Propaganda Chanel..>> <<@bethanygonzalez7760 says : Ha he better stay away from any windows higher than the first floor of buildings>>