<<@GregoryVasekSr says : To quote Forest Gump, stupid is as stupid does.>> <<@terrimoore541 says : CNN are liars>> <<@Dr_JSH says : Bryan Lanza SUCKS on every show. Not only is he a liar and a hypocrite, he's very rude.>> <<@Dr_JSH says : I'm still laughing, recalling Trump in the spin room, where he shouldn't have been in the first place. Trump was shouting at no one and everyone: "Polls show victory for Trump, 90-8, 84-8!">> <<@chrisfriday7666 says : Answer me this what is a Ukraine win? They get to go back to bombing the danbash region? Do you think Putin is going to walk away? You know Putin has nukes.>> <<@tonideaderick7024 says : Fox is just a entertainment show for the delusional.>> <<@privatenexus5764 says : 1:19 although he couldn't even answer that softball, a more illustrative question would of been "do you want Putin to win this war". But the hoist was avoiding the obvious fail (ie support Putin our enemy) which Trump fell for anyway.>> <<@thomasforget7647 says : If Trump doesn’t support the abortion ban then say it. He couldn’t simply say yes or no. Just like each one of his Supreme Court nominees. They said Roe v Wade was the law of the land land but, they also wouldn’t simply say that they wouldn’t vote to overturn Roe! They simply can’t tell the truth. This idiot is just like Trump. Trying to change the subject to, you won’t let me answer the questions>> <<@AnneVanGuilder says : I HAVE BEEN WATCHING THE VIDEO SINCE I JOINED BINGOPORT>> <<@robertlopez-r9g says : Now let’s get pasted this and move on allow Congress do their job>> <<@michaelgollehon6656 says : He absolutely would sign an abortion ban and not veto it! When a person constantly lies, you can never believe anything they say! That’s exactly why he gets called a Fascist all of the time! Not ANTIFA which stands for Anti Fascist!>> <<@landoflittlerain says : Lanza is a pole smoking tool>> <<@intintoli says : Where do they find these cretins like Bryan Lanza. It’s amazing to me how people like him will lie on national television. How will he explain this disgustingness to his grandkids some day.>> <<@Linda-z3g3k says : Good job, Jim.>> <<@TheErnie1964 says : Do you want the truth,,n.a. Just answer like you normally do>> <<@marjoriemckenzie4247 says : Why should anyone be Surprised at the Responses that #45 Gives. He has been Showing the World who he is All Along, but People refuse to ACCEPT his BEHAVIOUR. They think he is "KIDDING" in the things he says. He is NOT taken Seriously. He Admires DICTATORS, and Considers them "SMART" and Terrific Leaders who can CONTROL their SUBJECTS. How could any woman in her "RIGHT" mind Support a man who clearly has NO RESPECT for Women on the WHOLE, and Especially STRONG, UNINTIMIMIDATED ASSERTIVE, CONFIDENT, COMPETENT, HIGHLY WELL EDUCATED Black Women who he DEMEANS, BELITTLES and DISRESPECTS, with RACIST INSULTS and Name Calling which is So " CHILD ISH" for an OVERGROWN 78 year old man to be Indulging in. Such a Pity. He has INSULTED Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and any woman who does NOT Flatter and Agree with him and BOOST his BIG EGO, and "SWOON" at his feet. Kamala Harris is too STRONG for him, but he thought that she would be a "PUSHOVER and he could " CONTROL" the Debate because she was " IN EXPERIENCED" and this was his 7th Debate and his REPUBLICAN COLLEAGUES, Especially the SICK MAGA Ones thought he had it in his Pocket, neither them nor he knew that he was in for a " BAD NIGHT" Boy did she make him UNHINGED,. He was so ANGRY and UPSET when she BAITED him Especially about the "Crowd Size" and EXPOSED his LIES, WEAKNESSES and his MENTAL DECLINE with REALITY. She.WHIPPED him so BADLY and HUMILIATED him that he doesn't want another DEBATE, but would CONDESCEND to have her DEBATE him at his FAVORITE STATION--FOX, where they would Pamper him, Enable him , and ACCEPT his LIES, and give him his PACIFIER when he begins to Throw his TEMPER TANTRUMS. Such a COWARD!! Obviously he still doesn't know Kamala Harris and thinks she would Acquiesce to his Demands, like those other CRAZY, SICK, WEAK- WILLED women who think he is Mr.Wonderful, and UNBEATABLE. Let's See if he gets his WAY..>> <<@othajohnson7164 says : K but>> <<@kuboaa101 says : Trumps comments on the 'winner' of the Ukraine conflict do _not_ tell us he is loyal to Putin. He may be loyal to Putin. But I personally like what he said in that clip. We should all want that war to stop. People _are_ being killed. And we, the US, are part of the reason. Just because he's Trump and he's been a horrible nightmare for this country, doesn't mean everything he says we should attack. That's what they do on the other side. Someone needs to be the adult in this whole thing. It's not going to be those on the right. We have to do better.>> <<@thomaskeiper4534 says : DONALD J. TRUMP CAN NEVER ANSWER A QUESTION STRAIGHT - YES OR NO.>> <<@bobbyferrara9335 says : First time in my life bad someone running for office for the United States presidency could not say that they want Putin to lose we know where Trump stands now for sure he stands for Russia>> <<@DeepSeeBlue3636 says : A journalist knowing his job and doing it. You gave me some hope. Thank you.>> <<@DeepSeeBlue3636 says : “Sort of being more conservative “ sure doesn’t sound so bad if you say it like that hu. 99 years in prison for doctors, husbands or anyone trying to help . Tips from “friends”:if they heard about someone having had a miscarriage . For women there is no protection. Only when you are still in the womb , until they know if you’re a boy or a girl.>> <<@marjoriejohnson6535 says : Whi is that man that talķs out of both sides of this mouth and spews word salad...>> <<@DeepSeeBlue3636 says : Hr thinks he is a “strongman”because he doesn’t know the meaning of it . Sure he is a psychopath but he is also a weakling. Cries about people being mean to him. If he stomps his little toe he wants the whole world burnt down. It’s why he claims the country is so bad every time something wronged him.😒>> <<@rhondaunger1228 says : All the world dictators know how weak and pitiful Donald Trump is. All they have to do is flatter him and he'll give them any information they want. He should have never been put in a power position. He compromised the National Security of Americans He is a domestic terrorist against this country>> <<@rhondaunger1228 says : Fox News is the lying channel for Donald Trump. Kamala Harris is way too smart to fall for that BS. Donald Trump doesn't like to be fact-checked cuz he's a liar. He has to be fact-checked. Nobody else gets away with that nonsense and he should not.>> <<@emanuelwenzel8185 says : TRUMP zou het goed doen als mark koopman ,maar als president???>> <<@angeljustis7890 says : Why do Republicans think that sending the decision back to the states absolves them of any responsibility on how it affects women and girls? Women and girls are already suffering and dying because of this decision, but they think that it's okay as long as it doesn't affect all women?>> <<@AshakiWest says : Common sense does exist...And it needs to be used in deciding between these two candidates... We need to set our motions aside for this election... because this election... will determine how our lives will be the next four years... Doesn't matter who you vote for just as long as common sense plays a bigger part in your decisions...God bless us all 🇺🇲>> <<@George-f4m7r says : We are satanic worshippers and Trump scared us>> <<@caroldorsett8170 says : All I can say is save America vote BLUE in November 💙💙💙💙 i am and have been a Republican for years but I will vote a solid blue ticket in November.>> <<@lynneblais4760 says : Ok so he’s trying to spin it off course. Lies>> <<@BoyDavalos-ud3fz says : At least Trump is showing sincerity that he is a dog of Putin.>> <<@novaestrella2571 says : Let's face it, all Trump supporters will follow the YouTube channels with positive news about him because of the algorithms. These people are unsalvageable, conditioned with his lies, racism, hatred and frustration. Save America, vote Blue. And be prepared to stand up to Maga idiots.>> <<@dorothyreese672 says : Ms. Taylor Swift We The Hardest Working American People And Families Love And Appreciate You 💯.>> <<@mariec.6568 says : Mr. Lanza is so defensive because he knows Trump is against abortion.>> <<@LaurenStone-bc5wr says : Trump had the corruption of the Supreme court to pass abortions in red ststed. As spon as Trump would have the opportunity to ban abortions across the county.>> <<@LaurenStone-bc5wr says : Jd Vance today- howndobwe stop women from red ststes from habing abolity to travel outside of red ststes.>> <<@deanwalsh4995 says : Putin has soooooo many videos of Trump in Russian hotels 🏨 enjoying himself. 🎉>> <<@robinarsenaultemrick1248 says : Brian Lanza = sniveling, caviling, entitled, weasel... a.k.a. just a typical, tactless Trumpist.>> <<@snoops5581 says : Bryan Lanza just like Trump he’s rude & he refuses to answer yes or no. This is insulting to the American people who are much smarter than the GOP & boy are we worn out from the lying & mud slinging. Please make maga go away. We’re frustrated & now we are finally seeing them for what they are a corrupt bunch of entitled fools.>> <<@BootsTheCat24 says : That’s what I saw as well,he Loves Putin!!!!! His Grandfather Loved Hitler!!!>> <<@evelyncoburn9578 says : Oh buddy you are liar just like trump you loss buddy 😂😂😂😂😂🥰💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@evelyncoburn9578 says : That’s because trump is so stupid he belongs in prison,>> <<@bradleyfertile974 says : Canadian people are sick and tired of trump's comments and garbage....do you hear justin talking like this? What about any other world leaders..>> <<@hilarymccool4729 says : Trump is a Russian asset, that became blatently obvious during the debate>> <<@RonHarding-c4t says : harris is a tratior to the us, Trump is true leader. harris has destroyed our country.>> <<@kb8041 says : Great job Jim!!! Don’t let these liars control the narrative. He NEVER did answer the question!>> <<@shellymiller343 says : What a dull tool , bullsh### all the way .>> <<@Jilla0559 says : Late term abortions have only been performed for THE MOST critical medical conditions for women - Under Roe - there was ALWAYS care first for the Mother and Then the Baby after 29 weeks if the fetus is viable !! All you have to do is look at the text Roe VS Wade to Do this !>>