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Will they censor the ABC? What about Aunty adding extra gun shots into Afghan video, that's surely misinformation.
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Misinformation Bill exempting politicians so they can continue to lie to the People legally but silencing what we can do and see on the Internet and say to each other, ie E-Safety Commissioner vs Elon Musk continued, Identity Identification Bill giving the gov't rights over the people to store the information. WHO, WEF is a reality unless we the People start fighting back,
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So strange that progressive leftists call conservatives fascists.
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Zionists controlling gov
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If this goes thru, it should apply to everybody, ESPECIALLY the government
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We're screwed.
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The thought police are in full effect. This is a complete disgrace. The fact that this government body exists is more shameful for this country than the breakdancer at the Olympics.
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The question is, what is misinformation? During the pandemic, the leading cause of misinformation was the government
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It was this kind of "tear ran nee" during the blankdemic that caused people worldwide to swear to never again set foot in Australia or do business with them. Were those leaders that forced some to spend thousands of dollars in quarantine, and some to live in LITERAL concentration camps, immediately overthrown? No. And all the world despises Australians for that. Keep it up.
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Rubbish, who is the arbiter of truth, who gets to deem what is misinformation and what's not? Total rubbish, they are just trying desperately to control the narrative. Everything is relative.
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Who are the fact checkers the government??😂😂😂
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Fools will vote for this - this being one more nail for this lid on the coffin of personal freedoms! Go full INGSOC!
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Hands of free speech. I’m fed up with the NANNY STATE!!
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again censorship for the people
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This is nothing but a catalyst for the first wave of real misinformation to come through. The terms ‘misinformation’ & ‘disinformation’ were woke media terms to cancel anything other than their control narrative, and should be struck from the English language. You will see fake news on a level you can’t imagine…
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If you disagree with the government it will be labelled as mis-information.
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Who decides what is “misinformation”
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May I get to define "misinformation"? If not, who? A Marxist?
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Micro management. Thats not what they're employed to do. Whats next? Book burning?
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This is communism 💯 tyrannical government crushing free speech with this as an excuse
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Yep that’s how Marxist pigs rule
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😂 oh please spare us the B.S. We don't need politicians acting like we're infants. You'll do anything you can to get control of the internet & prevent us from accessing, learning & disseminating the Truth. Twats
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Control control control, bye bye rights
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This is to govern peoples thoughts not social media or misinformation which we all know is defined by the government as information which while TRUE is harmful to peoples perspective on the government and inconvienient to their lobbists and donors
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Who is the government to determine what “misinformation “ is?
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'Misinformation' censorship from the man who gave us... 'The Uluru statement is only one page long.' and 'This is NOT about a treaty!'
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Like the covid bs
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How much has Lieboar lied these past few years...
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Anti Truth Speech
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The misinformation comes from the gov. They only want us to believe what the people in power are saying.
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Who says what is misinformation? If the government is going to decide then we have lost our freedom of speech.
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😂😂😂😂Hitler is that you? Sounds a lot like 1930s Germany😂😂😂😂
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Welcome to your NEW life Comrade australians.
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Labor is the source of dis-information
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They don't get to decide what misinformation is.. and good luck fining these companies. How did going after Elon work out?
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What is misinformation?? What will happen?? Perhaps end up like the British Government and jail all those who disagree with the socialist government.
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Tongue police
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They should cut the government off from using their services and put them in their place. if no one had internet their top down control plans won't work.
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Sensura e controle. Quem tem que dizer se é informação real ou mentira é o povo. O mal governo que suporte as críticas. Queremos o X de volta no Brasil
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So I can refer to the 'elites' as 'satanic pedo's' to keep within the government guidelines
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While government, professional media & others being exempt under the “mis/disinformation” bill, while we are told some codswallop about there are other methods to deal with those exempt - this just screams control; no one should be exempt!!!
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You'll need to apply that to Google and YT as well, since it has been exposed that Google, and no-doubt the other companies they own, intentionally manipulate their algorithm, et al., and no telling what else, to meddle with, tamper with, and influence elections in the US, and no doubt other countries, and to push activist agendas, and exploit the fear of the voters to make more money. H, YT TP! Gonna hide this one?
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POOR TRUMP... ****And his misinformation during the debate, immigrants in Springfield eat the locals pets, dogs and cats**** That went down well 😂😂😂😂MAGA loves MISINFORMATION
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WHO decides what is 'misinformation' and who appoints these censors? This will be nothing more than government controlled censorship and - ironically - is therefore the very worst kind of misinformation.
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Once the govt get just one small law in place, expect more to come, perhaps an avalanche from this point? Govt can no longer be trusted, they are weaponising everything, have declared war against the electorates, and we have been in a domestic violence relationship with our own govt for over 4 years, violating numerous UN statutes.
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The government's are the spreaders of Misinformation!!
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Who decides what’s seriously harmful misinformation. The weak wristed Albo?
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In other words, legalization of censorship...
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That's fucked up
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I didn't vote for this. It is sneaky and evil. I hope Dutton is opposing this.