<<@SC-cd4hb says : Pelosi doesn't look a day over 90. She is the queen of botox. Nice wig, too.>> <<@PJ-gx3ji says : Dang she's old. She escaped the Salem Witch Trials 300 years ago.>> <<@PJ-gx3ji says : Paul Pelosi took a look at Nancy and turned gay.>> <<@ThanhTran-lg4le says : God bless and save America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. Voting Trump for fixing the mess of inflation, open border and wars>> <<@AzHodl says : πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² Trump/Vance 2024 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² Trump/Vance 2024 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² Trump/Vance 2024 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²>> <<@TomCalihan says : Can you both quit and give the general public some type of sanity what you both talk about is munipulation and Lies Defund Democrats they are Thieves and Liars>> <<@Jewels0007 says : She is not presidential. She doesnt even know where the soldiers are.>> <<@geograficarka007 says : Pelosi devil>> <<@tuanga385 says : Bullshit Nancy>> <<@lesliefarmer6755 says : Black's for Trump-2024! What have you got to lose.>> <<@idahotransplant says : Who voted for Kamala Harris? No one. No one voted her in. Where was the democratic process for her to rise to the top?! That alone is a threat to our democracy.>> <<@idahotransplant says : Nancy, time to retire! 84 years old. Career politician. Step down and let the younger generation in. How have you helped your home state of California?!>> <<@charlielealasola3019 says : Fake news on polls allows party who's lying to cheat on election day TRUMP for President>> <<@jwmitch27 says : Anyway...TRUMP 2024!!!>> <<@davidfletcher6478 says : PURE EVIL DEMOCRATS Chuck Schumer Nancy Pelosi AOC- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Kamala Harris Joe Biden & his wife Hunter Biden Karine Jean-Pierre>> <<@davidfletcher6478 says : Please, please, wake up Democrat voters! All Democrats that are in office are truly lying to you. They are truly evil. All they are working for is as much money as they can get. They are truly lying to you and screwing you out of your money!>> <<@gordonmills7798 says : Evil follows Pelosi around like a bad smell:>> <<@eddiepettit1855 says : Have you lost your mind Nancy!?!? We the people who are working class are struggling! Groceries, gas, taxes, & mortgage payments!!!>> <<@jakerichards6375 says : Williams Robert White Ronald Miller George>> <<@HaythamSharaf_Aldin says : Vote for Trump in 5/11/2024. Trump president of USA2024. GOD BLESS USA.>> <<@DA-lh1hp says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I have a question for the silver haired newsman's Do you think about how you treated Kathy Griffin? We know how bad you did kathy, after Donald Trump came for her, and tried to destroy her and her career! You we're Kathy's Best friend! Everybody knew your gay, and Kathy never told no one, the world just let you hide in secret, because of Kathy Griffin, Well Kathy , there's his card!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@omodokings3741 says : Trump 2024>> <<@SundayMatembo says : Trump wasn't bad either but people who hated him made him to look dumb...Kamara may perhaps say a couple of things but it is easier saying than done and they have learned from Trump's weakness and everybody knows that is not a big deal. Much on it, I just felt, this debate was more of doers and talkers though it is vital to remember very point that "Shallow brooks babble loudest, but still waters run deep". Though one thing people have to grasp clear understanding, and perhaps this ebbs and flows through strap of reality. The function of a president is not to talk and talk, and you can't pick someone in office just because she can talk more with emotion or have spurious acts that portray her as someone with compassion to others. Although this uncaulked issue has another face to say, human beings are greater in manipulation and can also become highly trickery as you slumber to digest them properly. Also the very least to say, I thought you guys have had greater homework taken from the Obama and Biden administration however seems to have been stored in hippocampus(temporary storage unit) rather than cortex(permanent storage unit). So to speak, this wingless generation can not learn over the past trend. They are good at rushing at things . Human, human animal as your research says most, possesses very complex configuration. You can't read the human mind unless she chooses to give it to you. As for that, it is so imperative, peoples to choose a president with a real fledgling mindset and widest experience so much so that to curb all inevitable challenges that keeps American's Swiss port fading from its lofty virtue. The equally bet, that is, to bring supremacy once America was while presuming world's power compared to other nations. But now, as with so much else elsewhere, I feel confident to say YES to Trump as an available world's option. The ideal being that to resuscitate an already shriveled legacy, he knows also to push that stacking toad with a shred stick of honey and more importantly to maintain this legacy which may likely completely tottered into oblivion. Otherwise, if the fluffs of ignorance and blind eyes may allowed to be fostered. America would be like broken Ozymandias Empire as Percy Bysshe Shelley poems goes by... I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: β€œTwo vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: β€˜My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.” This once great kingdom his king Ozymandias was so foolish and arrogate enough to knew his empire was ruined and left with broken statue. It was as speaker noted surrounded by endless, empty desert and nothing works remains rather than barren. Everything was reduced to rubble.>> <<@beatriceagboola4101 says : What a shame>> <<@theophilusladapo3829 says : Kamala Harris is more interesting and more intelligent than Donald Trump.>> <<@arcadian91007 says : Nancy possesses something trump will NEVER have, "class"....>> <<@louiely6216 says : Deeply lie is not tell true you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@louiely6216 says : CNN is unfear to Donald trump all Democrat terrible teams try destroy our country why Nancy p. Big lier with cnn you all evil>> <<@MarcoLozano-f3x says : Lock your pets 😒OMG>> <<@Lynae-v4o says : Harris is in NOW and has caused record high pricing with no hope of it ending!! Trump's Tax Cut and Jobs Act put US first and and he kept our prices low!! In 2020, Harris voted against cutting taxes for middle-class families! Who is that helping? Not the middle to lower class! She has said "There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking", now she's saying she is for it. "Bidenomics is working"- while getting gas and groceries is a struggle! Paying our bills is a tightrope now! Harris is a massive liar that will say anything to get votes! Her actions prove she doesn't care about us! Harris is actively eliminating our middle class, making it hard for us to get by, even though we are now working more!! If we're using our heads, we can see Harris has proven over and over she is not for Americans! While our 95% democrat run media getting paid loads of money to gaslight us lies in favor of her!>> <<@Lynae-v4o says : Harris said Trump left office with the lowest employment, that was because of covid, and democrats wanted the shutdowns!! Trump fought to get us back to work sooner, and the democrats kept voting against him! And bashed him for wanting us to get back to living! People were loosing their businesses, and they wanted to keep the control, or at least see how far they could take it! Harris said no member of the U.S. military is serving in a war zone, LIE! There is U.S. military serving in at least three war zones!! - ABC allowed Harris to lie over and over!! They did one softball check on her, just to say they did one! On ABC, where her best friend is involved at the top, her sorority sister was the moderator, and they never say anything negative about her!! Especially since she was installed, ((not voted in- odd when democracy means the people vote for their choice)) as the forerunner for Democrats! Harris was polling even lower than Biden, which is a record low!- yet now she's being hailed as great??? Even while she is working to eliminate our middle class! We are struggling even while working more now!!>> <<@debandmike3380 says : what is it about Anderson Cooper and his inability to articulate a question without bumbling and fumbling trying to find each and every word. perhaps he went to the Andrea Mitchell school of moderating. also if Anderson did not interject Nancy would just continue to talk for 10 hours straight. all this talking is pointless. Let's just get to the election so Kamala can win, the Dems can take over the house and Senate, and Trump can get back to his court cases which will go on for the rest of his life.>> <<@timothykramer2551 says : Why doesn't she just go away and hide in the cloud get some get away from us we don't need her input we don't need CNN's Lies We Don't Need It you're trying to take our vote away>> <<@waltonpaul6996 says : She is such a drunk>> <<@Friendly1-o4t says : PELOSI IS SUCH A LIAR OF KAMALA. WE ALL SAW THE SAME THING. SHE HAD A EAR PIECE ON THAT WAS COACHING HER. PROBABLY OBAMA. THE DEMS ARE FULL OF LIES, AND HATE FOR TRUMP cAUSE ALOT OF CORRUPT POLITICIANS WILL BE REMOVED AND PROSECUTED INCLUDONG PELOSI. I DONT WANT TO WATCH ANYMORE CNN CAUSE THE HOST SPREADS FAKE NEWS AGAINST TRUMP. 😑>> <<@marilynblotsky4085 says : Vote Blue πŸ—³>> <<@Southernworld says : Pelosi is a veEvil person>> <<@VINNY43098 says : nasty fake mascara eye browels>> <<@VINNY43098 says : a vice president that did nothing in 4 years>> <<@jonbootclifford1949 says : Harris Betty Walker Ronald Clark Linda>> <<@VINNY43098 says : when skancy dies, who in the hell would care. she got rich like the rest of every politician in washington. she never did anything for the american people but get a free ride on the stupid people that voted for her>> <<@jasonbriggs2856 says : Hey quick questionβ€¦πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Why would we need to move forward when she’s part of the fucking party in charge currently?? Seems to me that they fucked things up royally and I agree…we need to move forward and move on from these communist bastards>> <<@Benson-c9g says : Why didnt harris do it in CA & then under Biden Zero substance No policy just Hot air nancy full of crap _ 60 yrs all states led by blacks becomes ghettos all black crimes NYC again 2024 black DEM / crimes/Corruption 6:16>> <<@Benson-c9g says : Pelosi/obama & the DNC is full of hate they need help>> <<@Benson-c9g says : Pelosi has robbed the stock exchange /USA people so much it should be in Guantanamo BayπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€>> <<@markpeachey7942 says : She's πŸ’―>> <<@Pinklady-gt7xu says : Bravo Ms. Pelosi, I have the same opinion, he silly and stupid, Kamala presidential, greetings from Europe ❀❀❀>> <<@MichaelPortman-b1s says : She's cunning, not intelligent...>> <<@MichaelPortman-b1s says : At least Trump puts himself out there...he had an off day...Every day Harris is off...>> <<@jetjet642 says : Go home to your husband life time politician w your Pearly whites>>