<<@stanadams5541 says : Looks like Putin could see that the Ukraine favoured Western ways and he wanted to stop that before the Russian people also started to want the same as Ukraine which would have meant NO MORE KILLING POLITICAL OPPONENTS for example and possibly FREEDOM OF SPEECH Putin likes total Dictatorship of course.>> <<@WendyJones-zx7is says : @ryngrd1 , Ukraine was at war long before Putins Russia came on the scene 2014 People had to leave the Ukrain The people of Ukrain were all Russian ! The Ukrain was a Russian terrortary ? But NATO and the war mongering West interferred with this and have stolen many areas of Russia ? Do not put all the blame on Putin he is just a scapegoat>> <<@specialk5070 says : biden blew it is the reason fact!! they had everything in place to avoid this but the communist joe didn’t care>> <<@DebraLittle-pz5um says : Jones Melissa Rodriguez Brian Brown Mary>> <<@malcolmmartin5167 says : People need to study their history well . Before commenting stupidly by following their ignorant leaders>> <<@howiehall4622 says : Ironically, when Putin sent the Wagner Group into Ukraine he actually increased the number of Nazis there.>> <<@hartmutweyer1875 says : Heim in's Reich, sounds familiar?>> <<@twelvestitches984 says : The USA has 320 million people and we gain about 1 million legal immigrants and about 1-2 million illegal immigrants every year. China has about 1.3 billion people. Russia has about 140 million people but about 100,000 Russians leave Russia every year. Russia cannot catch the US economy/military with less than half the population of the US. Ukraine has about 40 million people. Putin thinks he needs the 40 million Ukrainians to add to the Russian population to catch up with the US economy and military.>> <<@Delgwah says : Thank you, Strength And Love.>> <<@AdelaBourne-c3q says : Williams Maria Young Ruth Jones Kimberly>> <<@kevincorbett-x9n says : His popularity was going down so started another battle just look at his history when he first came to power>> <<@billpappas9722 says : Ujraine the mist corrupt country inbthr world ifb not themlbplanet>> <<@shaneb315 says : Putin knows the vast majority of Russian speaking Ukrainians (around 90% )do not want to be ruled from Moscow . Those Ukrainians are not Russian and do not want to be Russian - especially since their "Russian speaking cities " have taken the brunt of Putin's SMO . Should he win the conflict any attempt to subjugate the Ukrainian population under Russian rule will be severely challenged at every turn . It has been said a Putin led defeat of Ukraine would see the Ukrainian military forces merged with Russian forces whereby the Ukrainians would be used to advance Putin's ambitions of challenging NATO at the Poland's border ... To borrow a line from YT channel Reporting From Ukraine : Unfortunately For Russians , Ukrainians will never allow Putin's fantasy to flourish . All will be Ukraine again 🇺🇦>> <<@AlexShelton-m1o says : Williams Kimberly White Mark Lewis Sarah>> <<@mariobianchi1909 says : God bless the great people of Ukraine.>> <<@LliamMoore says : Propoganda channel 😂>> <<@yvonnelorentzen5540 says : Putin ville kanske göra samma som Stalin gjorde då miljoner Ukrainska människor dog av Svällt ! Ukraina är ett rikt land. Hälsningar från Sweden>> <<@truth6600 says : He was surrounded by nato and biden they profit from war.>> <<@andrewdyrda8012 says : Mr Putin the amateur historian, shares many traits with the other amateur, Herr Schickelgruber>> <<@winny4765 says : You forgot oil and ore.>> <<@christianmabasa1917 says : The real reason why Putin attacked Ukraine is because he doesn't want cocroaches bringing nuclear arsenal near his border. What is America doing in Putin's veranda?>> <<@greatboniwanker says : You put your finger right on it. 💩🥫 didn't want his people seeing how well Ukraine was doing without his style of leadership.>> <<@ThorstenBude999 says : Bullshit Propaganda USA want the war>> <<@LuisAlvesFerreira says : So, you make a video about "The Real Reason Putin Started War Against Ukraine" and you understood nothing about the subject? Are you trying to convince others or just yourself? 😂😂😂>> <<@hauer54 says : As we say in Dutch, Putin is suffering from "grootheidswaanzin"! (delusions of grandeur psychosis) Slava Ukraini! 💪🇧🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇳🇱>> <<@Hoophey says : Once Russian people see how others are free and they are oppressed, Putin's reign of power is over. THAT is the reason behind this invasion.>> <<@manasranjanmohanty1851 says : You are a state ,what is the meanig of country?>> <<@eks1212 says : thats a big liar... NATO started the war by expanding to the east>> <<@rhondabailey9238 says : Thanks for this perfectly 'Shareable informative video📱📲💙💛>> <<@almahilum2233 says : No....study history about Russian empire then you'll knew!>> <<@mruganknayak3216 says : Putin If you want Ukriane not to go NATO you had to do diplomatic talk,You had to pressurized Zelensky,you had to Cut down their Gas or wheat exports,You had Other options available To avoid this Unnecessary War who claim hundreds of thousands lives from both sides since 2 and half years>> <<@PecanRanch says : Putin is after the natural resource lithium in Ukraine>> <<@PedjoGT says : Nice try>> <<@marcoarko4751 says : Love President Putin and PRESIDENT XI and North Korea and Iran 🇮🇷 who doesn’t depend on stupid western domination and trying to put sanctions on these countries love them from Canada 🇨🇦 who doesn’t want to become slaves of USA 🇺🇸 like rest of European countries became SLAVES IF USA 🇺🇸>> <<@SheriffBeets says : Yes putin>> <<@Sidicas says : That and Ukraine has a lot of valuable natural resources, many of which havent been tapped yet. It is similar to Alaska in that regard. Russia also said they wanted to take back Alaska. So I think that says a lot about what they are after, not many Russian speaking people in Alaska but it is resource rich and full of untapped oil, precious gems, gold and other resources.>> <<@leonleong9863 says : Moscow is haram>> <<@antheus76nla says : Its absolutely true>> <<@leokyne6258 says : Putin did not start war against Ukraine. Ukraine is threatening Russia by trying to join NATO. Russia is just responding to Ukraine not to join NATO to surround Russia. You know the full story but trying to deflect to make sense to others but most are not convinced. The war ends tomorrow when Ukraine stays neutral.>> <<@worldsstongeststrains983 says : The real reason is as old as the automobile. Oil. Oil was discovered by Shell Corp under the Donbas region in 2013. Russia attacked one year later. It’s not that Russia needs more oil to survive… they only need Ukraine to not have oil in order to survive. Any threat to Russia’s monopoly on oil is a direct threat to the economy of Russia.>> <<@inenfmk says : Actions speak louder than words. When they captured Ukrainian south and east, they incorporated them into Russia and wrote them into the constitution. Thus their action showed that they wanted to occupy Ukrainian land. Meanwhile the NATO invasion that Putin was talking about never happened and there's been zero evidence of NATO wanting to do it. Conclusion: the goal of this war is to occupy Ukrainian land.>> <<@matsfrommusic says : Who believes in anything Putin says? This war is about Putin and securing his regime. Regime security has always been the main objective with every dictator through our history, so why would it be different this time? Putin is not well minded, very likely he's a psychopath, in which case ideologies means nothing to him, and thus this war is not about imperialism but about regime security. Sadly this narrative is devastating to Ukraine and here's why: 1. Western countries are losing focus on Ukraine, rebuilding their own defense capabilities becomes the main priority. 2. Russias allies, the instillation of Putin and Russia being strong thus other autocrats continue to support Putin. 3. As long as the Russian population thinks of Putin as a strongman that will protect them from threats, less likely they will turn against him. Putin is not a strong leader, he's scared and for good reasons. Just look what he's been doing for the last 25 years, everything from the Moscow bombings in 1999, Kursk, Dubrovka, Beslan, Chechnya, Syria etc, to bombing Ukrainian civilians in this horrific war. He's been murdering his own people along the way. The list of murdered journalist in Russia on wikipedia is not short. When democracy is creeping closer to Russia then obviously Putin couldn't stand by and watch justice to come to him. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why this war started, considering what happened in 2014 after Janukovich fled the country.>> <<@halfromeo8019 says : I'm in Ukraine side, but please this is just a straight up proboganda and the joke about GDP.... I was in Ukraine with my girlfriend (now wife) in 2018, and I was shocked, I've never been so set back to a 90s lifestyle and mentality. Rudest migration control and police. We was told by police officer if we don't pay 20 dollars bribe, we will be arrested for 24 hours. Most of village people was really friendly and nice, but poverty and abuse from goverment for them was saddening, and Lviv set us back 30 years to soviet union, if we as a tourists seen so much corruption in couple of days I'm scared to imagine what kind of life there was. And no I don't try to justify russian invasion, but need to admit Ukraine needs decades to be different from a russia. We both give a word to each other to go holiday anywhere except of Ukraine(or any other simmilar soviet country).>> <<@TrevorCrook-c1s says : Georgia attack South Ossetia first . Russia responded to that attack>> <<@TrevorCrook-c1s says : Ukraine has no gdp it depends totally on foreign money>> <<@TrevorCrook-c1s says : The Americans started the war when they organised a coup in 2014 and overthrew the democratic government of Ukraine>> <<@uweSMG says : Putin kicks ass!>> <<@hasansarhan9296 says : Putler>> <<@peterjohannesson6671 says : Is there not a very lot of natural resources that the madman want? Mines, gas and so on?>> <<@tominnis8353 says : We all knowthis already; its obvious. He wanted his good old USSR back.>>