<<@0.o.0.o1 says : Youโ€™ve been to โ€‹space?! Oh, youโ€™ve never been ? ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@gbhxu says : Not what I would call a space walk. Had an astronaut been floating in space, with only their umbilical connecting them to the capsule, then it would have been a spacewalk>> <<@brentbush2176 says : Weโ€™ve been doing that for 60 years and it hasnโ€™t gotten any more comfortable and people think we went to the moon!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚lmao>> <<@LickItnStickIt says : Weโ€™re one step closer to those Republican rich A Holes who bank rolled ALL of Trumps 3rd attempt of running for President. Space will have plenty of both black and ass! Today this, tomorrow Mars will get Terraformed and made hospitable to live on.>> <<@PassdeDutchie says : Definetly NOT! BOEING>> <<@Dude2Abidez says : Doesn't look real. Is that a mannequin, with the arms like that, not moving at all.>> <<@Zombie-fb5zf says : Arm looks like itโ€™s in plaster Bit more flexibility needed me thinks>> <<@joenolan9602 says : Why? All the pollution to get up there. Why ? Gloat much>> <<@liamn.7664 says : why would i pay half a million dollars to feel like iโ€™m about to float into infinite darkness>> <<@Axeom says : Too bad their owner spends all his time trolling and spreading hate otherwise maybe he could add some value to the world.>> <<@adr7ex says : So tell us, is the world flat after all? Some people want to know ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@Paul-ey1ct says : Still blurred ha ha๐Ÿ˜‚, it's fake like the moon landing, where's the HD Video it's 2024 for gods sake , what a joke ..... funny WW3 may start tomorrow and he said the world looks perfect.....well half of it's at war already....but you can't see that ehhh. It's about to go wild ๐Ÿ˜‚ what a load of pants totally it's so staged ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŒŽ.>> <<@mitchio83 says : Why is the movement so different inside the shuttle versus outside the shuttle?>> <<@mariamalakoff says : We are not going back.like president Kennedy said I foot forward.>> <<@mariamalakoff says : The marching at and their dancing the Cha-Cha-Cha.. ๐Ÿ™ your way America.>> <<@MzMaverick. says : Instead of space walks..sorry, I mean peek-a-boo trips to space.. space travel should be for exploration for when we destroy this wonderful planet of ours.>> <<@DragonAlchemist0 says : Civilians seeing the most expensive scam job ever. The earth is flat. ( we can launch a million flat earthers and they will never believe it.)>> <<@omarjassar4650 says : Commercial space walk ?? So they are walking for money and not for free>> <<@ambrosezinc says : Dumb.>> <<@walterqg5503 says : Se ve muy falsoโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ>> <<@emberlight8457 says : Why's the video quality subpar ๐Ÿ˜•>> <<@micarobin4663 says : People on earth starving meanwhile some billionairs decide to use their precious hard earned money to have a view on the planet they destroy from space>> <<@praiserdusty says : Sigh. No offense as this sounds like a space conspiracy doubter comment but could this film be any more amateur and staged. Fly me to the moon has better stage production than this trash. Sorry folks as much as I hate to think it but someone staged this and it's so easy to see>> <<@Feintgames says : Space walk, more like a space walker. No accomplishments for humanity were made today.>> <<@robertmcdonnold3038 says : Yes indeed>> <<@nicholasxavier5892 says : That puts everyone else's " Sight Seeing Trip " to shame !>> <<@christianeaster2776 says : I like th look of the new spacesuit. Do they work as well as they look?>> <<@tomsimpson5317 says : See the huge waste of money>> <<@factsoverfear9771 says : Looks so real ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@factsoverfear9771 says : Looks so real ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@stevenkaskus6173 says : The Earth is so close it's imposing.>> <<@johnwang9914 says : Technically it's still the same as earlier spacecraft such as the space shuttle, Apollo and Gemini. They were all contracted to private companies to develop/build and the client is only NASA so far. Basically, they all have equal claims to being commercial spacecraft. Until there are private industries in space contracting the SpaceX vehicle, it's no more commercial than any of the spacecrafts before it. You might even consider the space shuttle to be more commercial as it did carry private satellites into space that had nothing to do with NASA or the government, granted the SpaceX boosters also delivered commercial payloads but the same has yet to be true of the SpaceX capsule, even the Soyuz capsule can be said to be more commercial at this time as the Soyuz have carried tourists to the ISS.>> <<@jhersk says : Really not a space walk, more of a space peek your head out.>> <<@MBHenriksen says : This was done 60 years ago. "And the crowd goes wild">> <<@DynaCatlovesme says : It's unclear to me what was commercial about it? Sure, Space-X got a check, but where's the profit for the space walkers?>> <<@missym877 says : Rich people just wasting money while billions can barely make ends meet. Disgusting. And whoโ€™s at the helm of it? The chief racist and egomaniac himself, Elon Musk But you maggots keep telling yourselves a class of billionaires cares about you. Keeping cutting off that nose in spite of your face ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@absolut-foodie1408 says : They look ridiculous>> <<@TheRandompaint says : I love how NASA changed the definition of an astronaut just so these people can't call themselves one ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@blockocheese9730 says : Alt title: very wealthy person pays lots of money to literally look down on everyone struggling to make ends meet>>