<<@Letusgofree says : I value hearing diverse opinions, but all I seem to encounter are polarized extremes. In a true democracy, there should be room for different perspectives, but when everything is so divided, it starts to feel more like authoritarianism, where only one side’s beliefs dominate. This erodes the very foundation of open dialogue and freedom. I do not need anyone’s endorsement to validate my views.>> <<@fuadrahaman7040 says : Institutional political servants looking for a seat at the lunch table.>> <<@joejoni7572 says : Ask her what's her policy?? She has few statements byharted, any question you ask her, she repeat those statement 😍😍😍😍>> <<@Ideas336 says : Another idiot endorsing Harris. It is an embarrassment to our country the amount of stupid people we have. This disgraceful candidate has to cheat in order to participate in a debate. It is shameful to see public officials lower their standards for a party that is so pathetic and has NO morals. They judge Trump and they are worse. If these ABC allegations are true (most likely), CNN as the other liberal news stations are _ _ _ ! Trump might be what he is but he does not deny it! The snake Harris is who America needs to be concerned with!>> <<@beeftown2060 says : Yea I’m not surprised . He caused 911>> <<@chrisforrest4581 says : Where is George W. Bush's endorsement of Kamala Harris and Walz , he needs to come out, he owes it to America.>> <<@user-hj7mt4wc4n says : Harris/WALZ 2024!>> <<@DARK_GAMER_DRAWING says : ❀❀❀❀good time>> <<@ginakeveryn2349 says : Oh please>> <<@victoriaopusunju1913 says : Thank you for saying the truth I honestly respect you for driving on the right path>> <<@hibaaqmywife says : Kamala Harris and Tim Walz 2024 πŸ’™>> <<@0Lu.Lu0 says : No one who is an Adult independent thinker is dependent on endorsements to think and decide...especially when they have no idea who the name is, only the position....I see Desperation (especially since those of us aged and experienced enough to just know who is Dick Cheney, saw how she quickly realized his endorsement wasn't the flex she thought).>> <<@lottiebeauvais8423 says : Smart fellow Mr. Gonzales>> <<@lottiebeauvais8423 says : πŸ‘ pray it is Kamala to win πŸŽ‰>> <<@kennymiller1 says : Sounds like they finally found what Mr. Gonzales's price is. Bought by the Dems. Integrity is lost.>> <<@mrshp2392 says : Thanks a bunch>> <<@SC-cd4hb says : Nothing Burger Endorsement.>> <<@charsespokes says : Vote Harris 2024. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™>> <<@REALTRUTH2525 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ I can't believe you idiots thought is was a good idea to say the war criminal cheney and bush and now his attorney have endorsed her. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…>> <<@alexmoreno8537 says : https://youtu.be/izygFgh86ak?feature=shared I will be voting republican now>> <<@ConspiracyMyAzz says : πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™>> <<@ElZappata says : Makes sense, Gonzalez disregarded the law the same thing she did>> <<@siena3498 says : Children's lives are in danger. Graphic video of a woman who allegedly killed and tried to eat a cat was also found not to have originated in Springfield but in Canton, Ohio, and does not have any connection to the Haitian community. The ignorance of hate has put Springfield's Haitian children in imminent danger. Two schools had to be closed for 2 days because of bomb threats. Who wants children to be blown apart?! Who wants that extreme fear slammed into a child's heart?! During life harming / threatening times the adult will always protect the child / children. Always. The Haitian children in Springfield Ohio need ... deserve to be protected. Donald Trump has the power to help the children ❀ He hasn't 😒 πŸ’” I don't know why. Is Donald Trump so racist that he doesn't care if Haitian children in Springfield Ohio are terrified, maimed or killed just because they are "black"? In my personal opinion: In The United States of America We Protect Children. Therefore we must stand up for the Haitian children in Springfield Ohio and use Kamala Harris to do it. Please donate $1 to kamalaharris.com I am Not asking you to vote for Kamala Harris!! Who you vote for is your choice. The $1 will represent You as one person standing up for a child. Thank you.>> <<@mercbenzy says : It takes one to know one. The warmonger of the Bush administration can see im Kamala one of their own.>> <<@ThatGUY666666 says : As a lawyer, I fully agree with Former AG Gonzales regarding the rule of law.>> <<@JimwombatLand says : ANYONE WHO ENDORSES HER HAS HIIS HEAD ON BACKWARDS , NO PLAN , NO POLICY , OPEN BORDERS , GANGS,, A FAILURE IIN CALIFORINA , A TOTAL FAILUR>> <<@georgeotto8451 says : A lot of these good Republicans are now endorsing Kamala Harris over Trump. It is now wonder that Trump is losing so many people.>> <<@sunshinesun101 says : Alberto Gonzales was the SAME LIAR who in front of Congress said, "I do not recall," over FIFTY TIMES....What an embarrassment...>> <<@ilwas1066 says : Thank you Former AG Gonzales for SAVING Americans.>> <<@PatsySelf-mg9nn says : If you Love America please vote Blue!>> <<@JunierLooez says : USA IS NOT IN DECLINE……I AM PROOF😁>> <<@mamat792 says : "Lack of willingness to abide by the rule of law." What more needs to be said. Get this message out loud and clearly to the public. These are presidential republican lawyers with this opinion. Push this out! Many "shorts" can be created from what he has to say. He's made some very clear points that are easy to understand.>> <<@jeepguy4499 says : lol!!! How many republicans have to come out publicly against Trump before the followers wake up??? My god, the hate for others must be so strong in order to support a person like trump.>> <<@oanhle-ts1mo says : I wonder George W Bush to endorse Kamala Harris>> <<@Lillyblossom14 says : I was a democrat to but after 2020 seeing this economy collapse with inflation and policies with no vision, I will vote any other than Harris. Not a Trump fan but what ever it takes to make this country great. Trump>> <<@twigmasta says : TRANS OBAMA LOST>> <<@anaarredondogarcia says : She is the right choice. The only choice bases upon the fact that trump is unsuitable. Furthermore, we’ve seen the chaos he brings.>> <<@jwwelder07 says : Without looking at the candidates personality and focus on theyre policy, can anyone tell what is bad about Trumps that will not benefits Americans and What in Harris policy (If there is any) that will not benefit the Americans? Focusing on the Americans economy today and only base both candidates policy to fix it, which one will be effective? I think the people needs to understand that theyre personality should not be the basis of choosibg a leadership for the most powerful country in the world, its all going to go down to the main problem which is the economy, who has the true leadership to get America get back into a great economy and safety again? This includes ending the war around the world. No explanation or argumented comment, just reply T or H. Thank you netizens!>> << says : Where is George? πŸ’™>> <<@Commonscense316 says : Just another Trump hater. He is part of the swamp Trump wants to drain.>> <<@timothykramer2551 says : With Kamala Harris Durango be any laws and cops are still going to get killed and all they're going to do is sit there and laugh about it because she's nothing but a joke>> <<@timothykramer2551 says : ❀❀❀ Trump I don't care what he does in his life I don't care about him taking a crap outside Donald Trump has the best resume he's a very smart man he's a businessman we should look into her history how many times was she in jail did she do drugs when she was in the school who knows because no one digs into her background>> <<@chadbaker48 says : She rocks! Harris! Get out and vote! πŸ—³οΈπŸŒŠ>> <<@justinaokechukwu1653 says : If u are not stupid enough, u wouldn't sit there talking about Democrat doing a good job in this country. Question for u ; is this the condition u and Trump left this conutry early January of 2020? and why do you think that this economy in this state is good for the citizens. Ans it if u are man enough, coward.>> <<@ianmiles4924 says : Idiot! Trump 2024!>> <<@alteloscopeuranus7678 says : The left is a joke>> <<@isidrodelacruz6624 says : Hey Alberto how much did the Dems pay you to support them?>> <<@vilmatakamine9960 says : That’s so perfectly said β€œif we lose the rule of law, we lose our freedoms” with trump we definitely will lose the rule of law 😣😱>> <<@walterhorn5567 says : If you haven’t noticed the mockingbird media gives one political party 100% positive press and the other political party 100% negative press you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are>> <<@graceliamoore883 says : Could you tell me what writing someone else in would accomplish besides dividing the vote. Keep Trump out of the White House! Please don’t unleash the kraken.>>