<<@teresaskinner5401 says : This was a disgusting piece...she only asked ppl that are undecided and r Republican or are far left??? At least its all she is showing, completely biased and disappointing. Lancaster is a college town and the un sure Republican is worried about prices and Harris has been with Bidenomics for 4 years and she says they work right now. And you r not sure of the best fit for our future economy....is this a joke?>> <<@captaintrips2980 says : Harris asked what date 9/11 happened.>> <<@yungcaco1443 says : Inside job>> <<@user-anc123 says : 9/11 was an inside job>> <<@grantsapain says : & the crowd was cheering for Trump! In deep.blue NYC...>> <<@user-anc123 says : All puppets of AIPAC>> <<@peterjenkins4937 says : As a Canadian, with no skin in the game. I smelled a rat during the debate, and had to turn it off after 40 minutes. Trump was getting Fucked Over. Shame on them!>> <<@RedStatesPovertyWatch says : "I mean, 40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan. And it was actually – before the World Trade Center – was the tallest. And then when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest, and now it’s the tallest." --Donald Trump>> <<@holyghostpilgrim says : What a joke. Bias journalism leading the way as usual. What's with the forced smile.>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Innsurectionist attends 911 memorial... Anybody.....?>> <<@amberowens3244 says : Mcds cheeseburgers were Never .99 unless it was a promotion 😂>> <<@bobhightower9381 says : Maybe Trailer Swuft could explain the concept of inflation to her army of fans.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : mattress back Harris & her dem sideshow freax are intolerable meat heads. supporters of mattress back harris & her sideshow freax are straight jacket material>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : Thermate discovered in the rubble of the trade towers .. ''nothing to see here... '' say the little hats>> <<@josey7854 says : That woman has a permanent smirk on her face! Unreal>> <<@SchminterD says : Yeah except Biden and Harris couldn’t even be bothered to stay and listen while the families spoke during the memorial. Totally disrespectful.>> <<@sspacegghost says : the deep state commemorating the deep state with deep state leaders - its a circus. can we please stop reporting on US media...its rotting our culture.>> <<@Barney_Rubble247 says : Lol it's all about politics. 😆>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : hello, 911... yes, i would like to notify you about a fake publicity stunt between two hypocrites.>> <<@d-munn says : Truth is no longer elusive.... it's uninterruptible.>> <<@Goodvibrations-Impickingup says : Sky News is disappointing. Even CNN found more Support for TRUMP than you did.>> <<@EdwardTeach01 says : Kamala thought she was a calebritr 3:27 y at the 911 event, so she cakled like the fool that she is. She's disgusting>> <<@MLG-zu2hg says : What a bozo>> <<@Floreypottery says : Odd other polls say otherwise hmm>>