<<@robertproietti-ricci6403 says : @robertproietti-ricci6403 1 second ago this adds up..to......... IF WE HAD TERRORIST ACT IM AUSTRALIA.......AND AUSSIE PEOPLE WERE KILLED/MAMED OR WORSE.....WOULD ALBANESE GOVERNMENT....TAKE RESPONSIBILITY ON THE DEVASTATION.....OR WILL HE RUN AND HIDE ..AND BLAME SOMEBODY ELSE....REMEMBER ANYONE DIES....OR MAMED YOU CANT BRING THEM BACK.....THE WORD SORRY WILL WILL NO LONGER EXIST.......................OR MEAN ANYTHING.>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : Its VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND why we have these violent protests ....LABOUR HAS IMPORTED THOUSANDS OF ACTIVISTS & PEOPLE FROM OTHER NATIONS THAT KNOW NOTHING BUT VIOLENCE, & its VERY EASY to solve.......DEPORT THESE BANES ON OUR SOCIETY but being a SPINELESS JELLYFISH like Albo thats rather difficult>> <<@josephriley8346 says : 2:14 this is why I will only vote independent from now on. Finally a MO with a head on her shoulders, not like the stupid Greens MP.>> <<@Telewest792 says : Respect is always a 2 way thing . Respect is earned not freely given so if you want respect perhaps show some leadership. I find that the Victorian so called police force are filled wth very disrespectful thugs and if you look at 99% of the protests they get violent because these cop thugs start getting aggressive and that just sends those who are also inclined to act . So if the police want to prevent these things perhaps be leaders and not thugs with a badge . There is always two sides to a story so sit down and have a chat instead of alway reaching for violence.>> <<@Ilforever1124 says : Pro-Palestine/Anti war protesters are backing the actions of October 7, justifying them by claiming they are "oppressed" by Israel. They ignore the fact that Israel's efforts focus on preventing harm to innocents while fighting a terror organization. This same narrative of "oppression" has been used in the West by groups claiming historical wrongs—whether Indigenous, Black, or others. These protesters are now pushing to rewrite the RULES of war for the entire West, justifying massacres, kidnappings—including babies, the elderly— and brutal abuse of women, men, and children. Are they setting the stage for future violence, potentially turning it against Westerners themselves?>> <<@jamierawles5028 says : Is he kidding? It's far too late for that bs call. Start arresting and jailing attendees with masks.>> <<@petermcculloch4933 says : We saw a five minute film clip.Every news outlet, 10, 9, 7, 3, 2 and sky all ran the same visuals but edited in a different order.Given the protest lasted about 6 hours, 5 hours and fifty five minutes were not shown. Most people with even a limited ammount of common sense understand the news editors presented what they thought was excerpts from the most exciting film they took. I could use the same pool of film and show pretty girls, handsome men, protesters chatting with police and hippies helping an old lady with her shopping trolly.And you would think the rally was a fun day out for all involved. Alternatinely I could edit the clip in such a way to cause the nation to be outraged by police brutality. The problem is, the average punter is being manipulated and he does not know it.>> <<@CraigHopwood says : There is no respect>> <<@matthewstewart5008 says : Spirit… making shit up now>> <<@thehon.antiexperimentaldru3475 says : Convid peaceful assemblies, still winning court cases to this very day!!!😆>> <<@MM-qq8eu says : These "people"know nothing of respect>> <<@MrMcnamex says : Respect is a valued moral principle, but it doesn't exist with people like this. That's the simple truth>> <<@tangels says : I think the military should be called out to back up the police. I mean if a police officer is assaulted the military can step in and help but the police are still in control of the arrest.>> <<@gregcooks-qr9wk says : Well done to immigration they have let in some that have no desire in life and bring there crap with themselves.>> <<@nevillegreg1 says : She is about and for the people but I am not convinced as an independent she can really do much unless she sells her soul to Labor or the Greens in return for something that is for her community. Dai Lee does not seem to be someone that would sell her soul, she has better morals than that.>> <<@MrJekken says : The same "spirit of respect" that Israel shows to Palestinians? The same "spirit of respect" that was shown to anti lockdown protesters? The same "spirit of respect" this country and its allies show to Russia?>> <<@99bevo says : First you must have respect. Protesters don't have any>> <<@johnsonofthunder1026 says : Dai is talking shit and paying lip service to caring , the truth is getting rid of small family owned businesses is part of the united nations agenda 2030 . how dare she speak of showing respect to terrorists calling themselves government .>> <<@jonathanmellor2309 says : Send them back to Palestine They are not welcome in Australia>> <<@humananity says : Did they display the robo-soldier brain chip? Waiting for the mark of the beast?>> <<@hl5910 says : They must be on welfare or they'd be at work cut their "benefits" off.>> <<@weareharbinger914 says : Respect? Really? Was she born 2 years ago? Politicians don't respect us, police sure don't, why the hell should we respect them? Vicpol have a long running history of being violent thugs doing the behest of the government. Respect is earned. They have earned naught but distrust. And you cannot police misinformation, it is impossible unless you are always 100% right.>> <<@malcolmhector2641 says : Dai Le , my thoughts are that some immigrants Labor have been bringing in ,with there ideologies are inbeding into these protesters . & if it's not stamped out, it will grow into more violent protests . Well done Albosleaze's government.>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : After 30 police officers were injured, we've moved well beyond the 'sprit of respect'. The violent left 'anti-war' protesters seem intent on starting a war.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : These young generation have already destroyed all hope and future for themselves 😂😂>> <<@kevinkirwin3561 says : The same spirit of respect shown to the population during covids? Mps cant call for this they destroyed this>> <<@EL-FUKKO says : The entitled Smelly Armpit Brigade do not understand the term respect>> <<@shadowwater1 says : Melbourne police told to enforce with power and you get your whittle payrise>> <<@carllrac4094 says : We should all be ashamed of being part of the military industrial complex... making money off human misery should be undesirable 💔😔🤮>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : People pushing the Cultural Marxist agenda and radical Islam aren’t interested in the “spirit of respect”.>>