<<@Hat_With_A_Hat_On says : Is this opposite day at sky news?>> <<@icu1585 says : He’ll have it short squeeze before he sells>> <<@edgoodwin9939 says : Idiots will vote democrat.>> <<@Machria23 says : Great time to BUY Trump stock!!! In Nov when he is re-elected, the stock will soar!!>> <<@KarlSilber says : hope all you Maga moron's invested heavily in Trump's original launch of his media company. If you didn't you are just a RINO. Just like Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump Casinos. The mans a born loser 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@garys8415 says : Reset America, President Trump.>> <<@gregoryenste8459 says : Working for the leftists, we don’t believe a word you say.>> <<@chrisyoung9194 says : Trump and his people knew exactly what they were in to....they knew the bias would be real....they tried to get Trump to stay on the page....he didn't!>> <<@gerilanderos6283 says : She had to wait until her Airhead tour was over>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : I don't know about after the debate but it's gone from $78 per share 6 months ago and it was at $17 per share before the debate>> <<@RedStatesPovertyWatch says : In a Republican mind, a corporate billionaire felon who cooked the books offers a great investment opportunity.>> <<@USMCasper says : Ubisofts stocks have fallen like 40 percent. Is it linked?>> <<@emperordalektardis says : Panic and desperation rules the Trump world after his abysmal debate performance.>> <<@haidangwinn802 says : The debate is a joke. Idiot Kamala and ABC vs President Trump.>> <<@josephackeret7911 says : Vote Trump and save America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@graham49y says : It was falling before the debate ....stop spreading disinformation...and will double if he becomes president..>> <<@C.J.M.. says : Sell, Don, sell… oh, you still can’t. The value has fallen 75% in 6 months. All those fools who invested in it. Sell those playing cards and buy more!>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : I guess the market thought cats and dogs were a safer stock option................... ROFLMAO ;)>> <<@Ashkihyena says : Bullshit, not unlike that “US inflation at its lowest” tag.>> <<@EddieFelson777 says : What stock isn't down>> <<@canman5060 says : Time to buy this stock.>> <<@robertchilders4821 says : Ok then does anyone know where I can get the nova wireless earings kabala was wearing, my girl has a test and they worked.>> <<@wr1451 says : For a “successful” businessman trump is only successful at losing other peoples money.>> <<@Dee-nap3 says : It's the economy. Everything is falling.>> <<@mmr1646 says : Rediculous.>> <<@bubbahottep8644 says : Time to buy in!>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Pray Kamala gets elected. She'll destroy the $USD and the Collective West far quicker.>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Roflmao for hours 🤣.. It's difficult to choose which Maga cultist is imploding the most.. Contestants.. Any Murdoch owned minion.. Ye old Megyn Kelly.. The convicted felon of Mara Lago Or channel sevens stand in Natalie Barr after she viewed sevens poll on who won the Debate .... VP Harris 84% Trump 16% 😆😆😆.....ohhh the abs 😖>> <<@EZZMONEY says : Society and the media are like little kids, overreact to everything. Dude will dominate her in November cuz people are tired of the ghoulishness>> <<@simoneb208 says : Stull voting trump. Looks like a set up>> <<@bmille2121 says : probably the left-wing oligarchs sold them off to make it look bad for trim. Completely meaningless. Next story please>> <<@johnsosa7727 says : Trumps hair looks good>> <<@aiautobot says : It was shorted. Pretty obvious. Leftists control the market.>> <<@johnkoval1898 says : Micro-minute analysis. Must look at the long term.>> <<@dorothylucero6103 says : Lies>> <<@UltraPerception says : YOISHUR>>