<<@persiagil1488 says : When you liaten to htis man, he is very eloquent. Seriously, eloquent.>> <<@johnjudge8243 says : Fake news lol>> <<@danmcalester1716 says : The democratic party use alarmist rhetoric to enduse mass psychosis, just like the way H!tler did in during ww2...>> <<@elliot_waves3385 says : ABC trying to cover their biased position of their debate>> <<@vincedibona4687 says : They will vote for Kamala because they hate Trump. We will vote for Trump because we love our country. Us and them, we aren’t the same. 👍🏻 Signed, a registered Independent.>> <<@kenibnanak5554 says : Obvious answer is as shown in news footage of the time and the Congressional Record, per Trump's instructions his MAGA supporters in Congress blocked every attempt Biden made at fixing things.>> <<@newnniumradioR1 says : And what did he do in his 4 years in the White House?..Grit the country. Plenty of evidence.>> <<@Grouse2275 says : You have this wrong….. Biden adopted her policies….. he was weak, failing intellectually and was followed a bunch of young radicals who were not elected….. Harris is incompetent but carries the progressive flag more than anyone….>> <<@donnwallis6717 says : He put the last nail in the democratic coffin 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@teti_99 says : TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@diliupg says : The Sri Lankan president, like kamala harris, wants more time to do what he should have done, while in office. Both useless cases. gasbags.>> <<@RodolpheQuraishi-e6f says : The American mainland isn't that important, so Trump isn't a big deal. America's international presence is crucial, so Harris matters, Biden matters. Therefore, it's very important that Trump doesn't take the stage. As for which candidate the international faction supports coming into power, it's actually not a big concern. So, the reason why Harris suddenly surged in popularity despite the odds is actually quite simple.>> <<@ernestoosorio4897 says : For the sake of bad visions..he nailed ..Trump 2024.>> <<@vikingprincess6882 says : She'll never do any...their vision of the new America is going to surprise you all!!!>> <<@brucenenke-vk5nk says : Trump was President for 4 years, why wasn't America great again? But the issue I want to bring up is the polls ar so bias? I mean if you ask educated people, of course Kamala going to win, if you ask young people, again Kamala wins, ask women Kamala. So why don't they poll Scabs and Bigots who only watch Fox, Trump would out poll Kamala with these sell-out WANKERS!>> <<@jacquepeach3112 says : ABC lies and is very leftist>> <<@messrsandersonco5985 says : My respnse: WHY didn't YOU do it? The VP doesn't run a corporation, nor a country. Kamala is a VP not a President. YOU WERE the President in the not too disant past ! WHY didn't YOU do it? We already know the answer. Those concepts are STILL concepts, aren't they Donald? 😂>> <<@pkamikaze888naur6 says : Poem on Oh America be Great Again! by Paul Kamakande 19th September, 2024 Oh the Great Eagle America. You landed on the moon, you landed on Mars unmanned. You help the world see into our magnificent observational universe. Oh America, you are the modern superpower like what Edgpt, Babylon and others used to be in their time and in generations past. Oh America, you defeated the lion and the bear to be at your present elevated position of freedom and prosperity. But be warned Oh America of your current real enemy, who is not the lion nor the bear but a serpent. He now lives in your house of representative. This python you must defeat to make America Great Again. It is the deadliest enemy from within who is sitting with you at your long dinner table. This deadly enemy kills by sqizzing air out of the lungs of your unborn or by suffocating adult Americans of the freedom of worship the root of your lifeline as the children of the True God of Israel. In religious context, this enemy is also a lone wolf in the sheep skin who hates the AV KJV Bible which your forefathers loved and established the government of America to become the most Powerful nation in the world today in our generation. Oh America, you will be great again only after you have "cut off" the head of this serpent in Washinton DC who is now eating and playing with the souls of the future Americans. Oh America, you sent early Christian Missionaries to the world 200 years ago who carry their own coffins as suitcases. God is remembering this now and will fight for you and this same God of AV KJV Bible will stamp out all antisemitism and anti-christian souls in America. Oh America, your young people are the next great wave of missionaries to be sent into all the world from hereon before the King of kings and Lord of lords Christ Jesus comes to establish his Kingdom Government and millennium reign on this late great planet earth, soon! God Bless You America. Paul Kamakande Servant of God Papua New Guinea>> <<@aurenitapedrazzi5036 says : Make America Trumpless again! Please vote 🗳️ 🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@LouieBagels-g8m says : I just came here to see all the ❄️❄️❄️ and foreign country propagandists hate themselves live on the internet for everyone to see... (aka) 9 volt battery lefty brains and dirt merchants...>> <<@carlosleiva5169 says : Its called divide and conquer. They divided uneducated, ignorant people, so we hate one another; then, they inject 💉 the biggest misinformation campaign in history. Its mind control at its worst!!😮>> <<@dragonflybabe7524 says : Trump needs more money send millionare money. Trump stopped a great boarder plan took away women's rights.he invited racism with stupid comments. Ridiculous. Ps trump has Concepts 😅😅remember>> <<@larrylebowski8386 says : Half of those likes came from China 🇨🇳>> <<@RosaHernandez-r1o says : LETS GET THE 270 ELECTORAL VOTES PEOPLE LETS GET OUT AND VOTE RED❤❤❤❤>> <<@randywooldridge9064 says : Very smart man !>> <<@zXLegendsXz says : Make AMERICA 🇺🇸 GODLY and GREAT AGAIN for GOD and Country! Kick-Out all Radical Left Democrats/Biden/Kamala/Pelosi and all... OUT if our US Congress/Senate/Presidency/Judiciary/Governorship/Mayorship/Army 🎉😊>> <<@MerrillBarnes-gb2oz says : Why haven’t any of Harris’s comments gone viral?>> <<@leilamann6886 says : Trump was a good president>> <<@arbin.m.5089 says : She never said yes or no whether she has met Putin or not. Obama, Buden and Harris are absolute scum.>> <<@RipL1ama110 says : They created tons of jobs employment rates are fine. And the republicans have been the ones voting against more money for the boarder they are doing it on purpose to make democrats seem like they aren't doing anything to fix the boarder, biden did add more to the wall and everything else its the republicans preventing. This guy just spew garbage and only his ignorant cult believes it. This is why he loves uneducated people he can twist things around to fit his narrative and pull support and his uneducated cult are too dumb to research things themselves>> <<@greatoutdoors6074 says : Real Christians are praying that Trump will soon be behind bars!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@MicheleVanDalen says : Ch evaporate>> <<@IvaFriend says : If kamala is electic, we will go from a senile president, to a brain-dead president. Vote Trump !!!!!!!>> <<@josephwhatley3637 says : Her masters won't let her or Obiden make improvements.>> <<@Umbargist says : They haven’t done any of those things because they have no intention of ever doing those things. They are lying to the American people in the full knowledge that the media will run cover , and help get a Marxist into the White House.>> <<@PacoRandomReviews says : Man, the bias in this video is strong>> <<@krazyinthekeys says : Despite a campaign promise to eliminate the national debt in eight years, Trump approved large increases in government spending and the 2017 tax cut. As a result, the federal budget deficit increased by almost 50 percent, to nearly $1 trillion in 2019>> <<@adearmom says : North Carolina family of 5, voting for Trump.>> <<@domingoalmada8202 says : Folk lets not forget that over a half million Americans died because of Trumps mishandling of covid!!!>> <<@tricont8 says : >> <<@joeesmaricon557 says : She hasn't done anything because like Biden, the liberal media helps these marxist democrats lie, lie, lie !!!!!>> <<@eleesahull8842 says : Fox must think it's viewers are stupid. Everyone knows a bill must 1st be passed by the house of Representatives and the senate>> <<@eleesahull8842 says : Because trump tells the republicans to vote against a border bill so he can continue to politicize it. President can't sign a bill if it never makes it to him>> <<@SusanLopez-v2w says : Aliya Greens>> <<@mikes.4811 says : What's sad is people will still vote for someone like her. God help us. Trump 2024!!>> <<@jikfah5968 says : Love Trump, but they won't let him win. They will try anything to keep him from becoming the president.>> <<@blackmaster999 says : The same question applies to Trump. Did Trump fix the illegal migrant problem when he was in power? NO. It got worse.>> <<@Shellzeva21 says : This man🤡 is so fu*king deluded 💙💙💙>> <<@susanl4198 says : Millions have watch memes about Haitians eating dogs and cats. Do we really want a President who "creates" stories so we hate our neighbors?>> <<@Dominican1BackUp04 says : Trump Is the Best!❤🎉>>