<<@devingrottola says : is this what fox news is? i am canadian and i clicked this by mistake and this was the least informative mess ever. i’m going to assume it’s not always this much of a disaster? even with the screen error did they even come to a conclusion?>> <<@billmeeker774 says : Fox news is so worthless now for anything truthful or valid.>> <<@gloriabeckley7464 says : From a Human Resources perspective: Trump is an ex-employee with two disciplinary actions (impeachments). Since his firing in 2016 he has obtain criminal convictions for sexual harassment and has other felony cases pending. Trump is not eligible for re-hire.>> <<@fintan9218 says : Taylor Swift is eating peoples pets!! 👩🏼‍🍳🙀>> <<@itwirlround says : We are not buying these polls. I don't know what you guys are trying to do ... but it feels very off to EVERYONE. Harris is ahead by a lot more.>> <<@e-for8790 says : Trump is losing....😭😭😭>> <<@Cell9074 says : Every “blue” state outside of Cali and Washington and a few northeasterns is a toss up>> <<@ianhogg4285 says : Hmmm...why is the race so close? So, are half of the voters of the USA still gullible and ignore the Trump´s drivel and swallow his lies or are they just as dimwitted as Trump?>> <<@knoxvillehermitfreemoviesm3625 says : it would be still good to see grocery prices go down, i hope>> <<@mimidoin8291 says : Unfair debate, 3-on-1, deep practiced face. Joke yourselve but do not be stupid to 3rd World countries_people. Trump said true. In my big city, many cat meat and dog meat restaurants too. But they eat your pet, not their dogs. And whom of them not love to move to USA to live? I lost many dogs too. Not going back to Biden Harris policy. Vote to stop war, vote to rescue the economy. Save the World not only save America>> <<@Your.mama.1 says : Arizona Harris 2024>> <<@vdc6925 says : Vote Trump all the way to the big house 😊>> <<@frank-en6hn says : HARRIS/WALZ 2024 🇺🇲 ..deal with it losers😭😭>> <<@ocean694 says : I like trump's policy, but despite him as a human being, what shoud I DO ?>> <<@bthompson1767 says : BS Kamala is not ahead period>> <<@DreamsofEverett says : Kamala the traitor>> <<@AnandPersaud-h4x says : You need to play lots of pass videos about what the said put out there>> <<@strandeddeep8745 says : Trump is getting beat by something he can pinch funny😂😂😂😂 girls can whip this old orange criminal😂😂 he so strong but not as strong as an old lady.>> <<@jangoodwin6613 says : Trump is a convicted criminal, when he looses in November he will be going to prison, where he belongs. Trumps doesn't give a Rats Ars about the American people, he just wants to stay out of Prison. wake up and vote for Democracy 💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@MPounders-z8h says : Fox is full of it!!! 😂😂😂😂>> <<@biggles106 says : They are snacking on cats and dogs at the trump rallies.🦮🐕🐱>> <<@Discerning_Ape says : Don't worry fellow dems! Harris is doing fine! So fine in fact, you don't even need to get off your butt and vote! You can just lay back on the couch with a hand in your pants eating your bon bons and singing "I Knew You Were Trouble when you walked in..." 😊 Yayyyy>> <<@awakethemaster says : USA SINCE 2017 FAIL ALONG ✝️🇵🇷🇲🇽🇺🇸🇧🇷🇩🇴ETC. SIMPLE REASON BLOCK ME TO BE SMARTER, FASTER, HUMBLE AND STRONGER. BLOCK ME INTENTIONALLY FOR OVER 7K JOBS INCLUDING AIR FORCE, CBP, STATE TROOPER AND HUNDREDS OF ENGINEERINGS JOBS HAVING THE EXPERIENCE AND DEGREE. BOTH ADMINISTRATION COMMITTED TERROSISM AND UNSTOPPABLE ABUSE IN EVERY AREA.. THE CLIMATE CHANGE STARTED WITH ALL YOU BY SAYINGS YES TO ALL YOUR BOSSES.. 🇺🇸🇵🇷 OWN ME MILLIONS TO 💀ME. IM MORE THAN HAPPY TO MAKE THIS PUBLIC AN IN FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE🇺🇸. IT'S A HUGE TRUTH OF TREASON AND TERROSISM. READY TO PROVEN INSIDE YOUR OWN SYSTEM.>> <<@josephobtien6904 says : Biden/Harris, with her fake smiles and irritating laugh, has been undermining America for the last 4 years. Anything Harris says, leading up to the election, is to be defined and understood through through the lens of Socialism, which always destroys and demoralizes a society. Harris has no good intentions for America and needs voted out.>> <<@LoriOhler-p4n says : Pennsylvania fellow residents, of you care about our country. Think, look listen and open your eyes. We need to have an honest and strong leader. President Trump is that leader.>> <<@mkunes2502 says : Why has trump become such a coward about debates? What’s happened to “anytime, anywhere.” Has trump become a pussycat? Or was he never a cat, just a…>> <<@beatstreet570 says : You’re going to LOSE>> <<@beatstreet570 says : They’re eating antelopes and giraffes!>> <<@wolfmangoland7972 says : I am a Republican from a family of veterans who have sacrificed for this great nation. This election, I’m voting for Kamala Harris and every Democrat on the ballot—not because of party, but because of principle. My vote is for the USA, the country my (and your) ancestors fought to protect. It’s for our Constitution, our democracy, and the freedoms we hold dear. In these times, it’s not about red or blue; it’s about standing up for what’s right. Kamala Harris represents the integrity, leadership, and commitment to our values that our nation desperately needs. This vote is for the future of our beloved country, to ensure it remains a beacon of hope and liberty for all.>> <<@hosseinnoori687 says : The American people saw the big circus debate of Kamla Harris and Trump and heard their words. In the last 20 years, slogans and lies were heard repeatedly, while the table of American families became smaller, the purchasing power of the people decreased, the American economy was bankrupt and destroyed, the debts of banks and people The American stock market has increased, the cost of living, renting and buying properties has increased, the cost of medicine and treatment has increased, the cost of education has increased. Harris and Trump's scarecrows are actors in the big election circus>> <<@kingknights5107 says : Kummy Kamala, the loser wants a rematch.. President Trump soundly defeated her..>> <<@plztnboy says : I believe FOX polling. Harris has a lock on 241 electoral votes, needs just 29 more according to this report. I like the feel of that. Especially with Taylor Swift turning out a few hundred thousand more voters. Need to run as the underdog till election day, because Republican voter suppression and intimidation is in full swing.>> <<@lucky-im1gs says : 2024 Trump the convicted sexual offender ❤❤❤>> <<@chickman8488 says : hahahahahaha your bet will be massacred come the elections. You will be in a big disgraced, Better come out with an excuse why you selected Trump. hahahahahahahaha loseeeers !!!!!!>> <<@EleanorNelson-te8mo says : So glad hes too grumpy to debate her again, the less we have to hear him speak the better.>> <<@GlobalWarmingAdvocate2027 says : This is not just a swing state problem. In my very RED suburban neighborhood, in a very Red State, Trump flags are slowly coming down. No one is driving with Trump flags on their trucks anymore. In fact the Senate race is now too close to call. Is Trump taking down the whole party (or is it JD) with his very poorly run campaign?>> <<@OrangeThing45 says : With Laura loomer by his side, how could he possibly lose? Unless, of course, it's rigged. And to think that there were so many good Candidates! Sad.>> <<@thelmadmark4219 says : Trump does not have any plans because his plan is project 2025. Lets choose democracy over dictatorship.>> <<@LucieEntity says : Cool smart board! I always need somebody to physically circle easily identifiable info…. Oh wait… this is fox. I get it now. May your viewers have a “special” day for those “special” brains of theirs 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@MrCar-Worker says : Hahaha he got that Harris score off the screen as fast as possible, like his mom walked in the room>> <<@BeachBarnThrifts says : The amount of people for kamala who has given them NOTHING but attacks to the other side & Tons of lies, is crazy. These people are NOT doing their research!! There are videos of her own words all over the internet but they are just following her blindly. It's truly I n s a n e!>> <<@cyclingvideosandmore says : You guys are so far off. Fact is Trump now leads in the popular vote and is on solid ground for a 325+ electoral college win.>> <<@SherylCorder says : Montana is bright red. Trump 2024>> <<@PradeepShantha-m4n says : Listen here the rich, each and everyone of you have a charity that you donate to.. Kamala or Trump as the President will do little difference to your life. So why not vote Trump. Whom you know for sure will help the middle and poor America. I am appealing to your god given. consciousness . Your help is to the poor. Think wisely. Your hate for Trump should not be a matter.>> <<@bill13579 says : We need to admit Trump has lost and start rebuilding the GOP>> <<@phuzbrain says : Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales under George W. Bush Will Support Kamala Harris stating that Trump threatens the rule of Law and Democracy.>> <<@danielhama4558 says : Those glitches dont happen on CNN>> <<@bugzbunny109 says : Harris Walz 2024!🇺🇸 Don't worry, you guys can lose with Trump again in 2028 after they "steal" this election.>> <<@realFinnB0 says : Trump fears another debate :D>> <<@josetrevino6674 says : Matthew 24:22-24 22 AND EXCEPT THOSE DAYS SHOULD BE SHORTENED, there should NO FLESH BE SAVED: But for the ELECT’S SAKE Those days shall be shortened. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; BELIEVE IT NOT. 24 For there shall arise FALSE CHRISTS, AND FALSE PROPHETS, AND SHALL SHOW GREAT SIGNS AND WONDERS; INSOMUCH THAT, IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, THEY SHALL DECEIVE THE VERY ELECT. This is how HARD the times WILL BE, like I said, RIGHT NOW, we are still eating an ice cream cone 🍦 on a sunny day COMPARED to what is COMING. Those who do NOT have the Word of God IN THEIR hearts and minds and those that DO NOT have 100% Faith ABOVE and BEYOND the NORMAL Faith in NORMAL times will NOT make it, they will fall. Quote By Jose Trevino Playing it easy, and letting your guard down is the WORST mistake you can make, no matter where you are or who you are with, or what time it is, many will loose their physical lives and their eternal souls by doing this. The lesson is to ALWAYS be on guard SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY no matter where you are, who you are with, or what time it is whether day or night. If we are to be TRUE SOLDIERS for JESUS CHRIST, then we MUST be on guard like TRUE SOLDIERS.>>